The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 655 660 helps you break through! 1 more

Chapter 655 660 helps you break through! 1 more

Entering the out-of-body state?

Happiness came a little too fast, neither Ge Hong nor Wu Langa expected that Ding Ning would help them enter the Aperture Realm.

The difficulty of getting out of the Aperture Realm is ten or a hundred times that of the Nascent Soul Realm, which is not an easy task.

Otherwise, there would not be so many multi-infant states in the land of the Southern Wilderness, but there are not many out-of-aperture states. There is no other reason, just because it is too difficult to step into the out-of-aperture state, and if there is a slight error, people will die and the lights will go out.

When one reaches this state, one must either maintain the original state, wait for the Nascent Soul to wither and exhaust strength, and finally fall to the weakest state and meet death, or continue to move forward bravely and strive all the way. Ashes.

How many monks who are standing at the late peak of the Nascent Soul Realm dare not take another step forward, for fear that this step will not be a broad road, but an endless abyss.

If you break through successfully, you will live, if you fail, you will die. Faced with this life-and-death test, I don’t know how many people choose to give up and be content with the status quo.

Even if there is only a thousand-year lifespan in the Nascent Soul Realm, it is enough, or when the birthday is approaching, choose to break through the shackles.

However, there are very few successful ones.

"My lord, you want to help the two of us enter the Leaving Aperture Realm? Did I hear correctly?" Ge Hong said.

To be honest, facing the shackles of leaving the body, even if he has great confidence in the physical body, he has no confidence in his heart and dare not take that step lightly.

He, Ge Hong, has entered the Nascent Soul Realm for many years, and he is still at his peak state, but after a few hundred years, his strength will start to weaken, and there is not much time left for him.

Now hearing that Ding Ning helped him break through, how could he not be excited and surprised.

Wu Langa was also in a daze for a long time, and he didn't know what to say. The out-of-body state was his obsession. In the deepest part of his heart, he always wanted to enter the out-of-body state and fight against that person. He was defeated when he was young. It was given to that person, and now, he can only get it back by entering the Leaving Aperture Realm.

"Do you want to stay in the Nascent Soul Realm forever? If so, I will not force you." Ding Ning said slowly.

He said before that he wanted to give them a surprise, that is, to help them enter the Out-of-Aperture Realm.

The reason for this is also something that Ding Ning has seriously considered. There is definitely more than one expert in the Leaving Aperture Realm in Nantian City. With his strength, he can deal with one, but if he deals with two at the same time, or after two, it will be a bit difficult. Therefore, he must have a helper in the Out-of-Aperture Realm, and Ge Hong and Wu Langa happen to be at the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm, and neither of them can betray him. It is perfect to help them become Out-of-Aperture Realm.

At that time, it doesn't matter even if they fight in Nantian City, there is no need to have any scruples.

"We want to break through!"

Ge Hong and Wu Langa said at the same time, their answers were crisp and quick.

Just kidding, with such an opportunity, how could they miss it.

Since Ding Ning said that, he must have great confidence. Although Ding Ning is young, in the hearts of the two of them, Ding Ning is no less than those old monsters who have lived for thousands of years.

They had never seen a young man who was more outstanding than Ding Ning. No matter in terms of intelligence or skills, both of them were ashamed of themselves in front of Ding Ning.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll help you enter the Leaving Aperture Realm."

After finishing speaking, Ding Ning turned around without turning his head and said, "If the two of you want to break through, there will be a lot of noise. This place is not suitable. Go nine days away."


Ding Ning's figure disappeared into the night sky, Ge Hong and Wu Langjia looked at each other, both feet stopped, and rushed towards the night sky.

When the sky was getting brighter, Ding Ning, Ge Hong and Wu Langa came back.

Fairy Baihua and the others were still practicing. Fang Ji and the other three woke up and were vigilant about the movement around them. They suddenly saw the appearance of Ding Ning and the other three. They were all relieved. Ding Ning was not around. It can be completely let go.

"Young master." Fang Ji said.

Meng Lang and Guo Cheng also opened their mouths one after another. Naturally, they would not ask what Ding Ning and the others were doing. As their identities, they were not qualified to ask such questions. It seems that some subtle changes have taken place in Wu Langjia.

Although Ge Hong and Wu Langa didn't show any aura in front of them before, it's the same as before, but they can feel what happened to them, but they don't know.

Fang Ji and others are not very strong, but their insight is still quite powerful.

Ge Hong and Wu Langjia didn't speak, but there was a light smile on their faces, which showed that they were in a good mood. Ding Ning told Fang Ji and others not to disturb Ge Hong and Wu Langjia. Afterwards, Ge Hong and Wu Langjia sat cross-legged and entered state of practice.

They are still very unfamiliar with the new realm power, and they need to be familiar with it.

When the sun shines into the jungle, the flowers bloom and the singing of birds wakes up the people sitting cross-legged.

Baihua Fairy and the three daughters opened their eyes first, but Ge Hong and Wu Langjia still had their eyes closed. Ding Ning stopped several people from disturbing them, and signaled everyone to wait for Ge Hong and Wu Langjia to wake up naturally.

Around noon, the two stopped practicing and finally opened their eyes.

"Let's go."

Ding Ning said lightly.

A group of people continued on the road, the horses were repaired all night, their mental state was excellent, their limbs were stable, they pulled the carriage and shuttled through the jungle.

In this way, a group of people slowly walked through the jungle and came to a wider land.

Tens of thousands of miles away, it will be Nantian City.


Nantian City.

Inside the Wind and Thunder Pavilion.

As one of the few forces in Nantian City that exists at the Leaving Aperture Realm level, Fenglei Pavilion has a pivotal position in Nantian City, and the scope of the sect alone is larger than other sects.

There is an entire mountain top full of aura, which only belongs to the territory of Fenglei Pavilion.

This mountain, named Fenglei Mountain, is one of the few forbidden places in Nantian City. Similarly, for Fenglei Pavilion, it is also a forbidden place and a holy place.

Because in Fenglei Mountain, lived their most powerful person, an ancestor at the level of leaving the body.

Patriarch Fenglei.

On Fenglei Mountain, under a smooth stone wall, there is a stone cave.

On the stone cave, the word "Tao Palace" is written.

Taking the stone cave as the Taoist palace and the cave, as the disciples of Fenglei Pavilion, they all know that the stone cave is the retreat and cultivation place of their ancestors who are the most powerful.

At this time, in the cave, the eyes of the Fenglei Patriarch, who were originally closed, suddenly opened.

The light from both eyes forced two slender holes through the stone wall in front of him.

"In the dark, I finally feel the information of this person related to my apprentice's death. Is it coming to Nantian City soon?"

Fenglei Patriarch's voice echoed softly in the cave.

"As long as you step into the territory of Nantian City, I will definitely find you. I want to see who you are, an apprentice who dares to kill me!" Patriarch Fenglei's voice became colder, and murderous intent filled the entire cave in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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