The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 656 661 Nantian City! 2 more

Chapter 656 661 Nantian City! 2 more

After passing through the jungle, the carriage drove on the flat land.

Fairy Baihua and the others didn't know that Ge Hong and Wu Langjia had entered the Out-of-Aperture Realm at first, but when Ge Hong and Wu Langjia asked Ding Ning for advice, they realized that the feelings among them had been silent. There are two more out-of-body-level experts.

This news really stunned everyone, and it had a great impact on Fairy Baihua and the others.

They are all cultivators, of course they know how difficult it is to cross from the Nascent Soul Realm to the Out-of-Aperture Realm, but both Ge Hong and Wu Langjia succeeded.

That's not really shocking.

You must know that even if there are ten peak monks in the late Nascent Soul Realm, not one of them may be able to break into the Leaving Aperture Realm, which shows the difficulty.

To become a strong person in the out-of-body state requires luck, strength, perseverance and many other factors. It can be said that the right time, place and people are in harmony, and only then can success be possible.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, Mo Qing, Fang Ji and others congratulated Ge Hong and Wu Langa, and were happy for the two seniors from the bottom of their hearts. Along the way, they asked Ge Hong and Wu Langa for advice. To them, Ge Hong and Wu Langa belonged to half teachers, and the two became strong in the out-of-body state, which was naturally a scene they were happy to see.

What surprised them even more was that Ge Hong and Wu Langjia even asked Ding Ning for advice when they were in the Aperture Realm. Facing Ge Hong and Wu Langjia's puzzlement, Ding Ning's answer made Baihua Fairy and others confused. , I couldn't hear it at all, but it fell into the ears of Ge Hong and Wu Langjia, which greatly relieved their confusion.

It can only be said that Fairy Baihua and others are too low-level to understand the meaning of Ding Ning's words, and this is even more shocking to them. Ding Ning is in the Nascent Soul Realm, so why does he know so much about the Out-of-Aperture Realm? Langa's doubts.

If everyone knew that Ge Hong and Wu Langa's promotion was related to Ding Ning, they would be even more shocked.

When Ge Hong and Wu Langjia asked Ding Ning for advice, Fairy Baihua also followed and listened. Although she didn't need it now, she knew that what Ding Ning said was definitely not a simple truth, and it could make Ge Hong and Wu Lan feel better. If she doesn't understand something, she will definitely not understand it in the future. If you write it down now, it may help her in the future.

Fairy Baihua is quite serious, which Qin Lan cannot compare with Mo Qing, Fang Ji and others.

A few days later, the group finally arrived at Nantian City, the center of the Southern Wasteland and the largest city.

Standing in front of the city gate, its size is enough to shock everyone.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan and the others were stunned by the city wall in front of them, especially the city wall made of huge stones, which stretched endlessly and could not be seen at all, like a dragon hovering over the earth.

It's really too big.

Ge Hong couldn't help but lose his mind for a moment. Among the crowd, Ding Ning was the only one with a normal expression, calm and familiar.

Xu Ji, who was secretly observing Ding Ning's expression, was greatly surprised and shocked. What kind of identity did the young man he was following have? Facing the largest city in the Southern Wilderness, he didn't change his expression at all. This is too incredible. .

Reminiscent of the hidden method that Ding Ning gave him before, Xu Ji felt that Ding Ning must be the reincarnation of a certain important person.

Only this explanation can explain clearly that a young monk can be so good.

Entering Nantian City, the prosperity that greets your eyes is a hundred times more prosperous than the Qingzhou City where you were before, and there are people everywhere.

Not to mention shoulder to shoulder, it's almost the same.

They walked among them without attracting attention, because in this city, there were all kinds of people, even if they were dressed in strange clothes, it would at most attract other people's attention.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Suddenly there were several shouts from the front, and immediately, the crowd moved out of the way, and a group of people on horseback walked past.

Just after the group left, the people who were forced to get out of the way couldn't help complaining: "What happened recently, the people in Fenglei Pavilion have to pass through four or five times a day, what are they looking for?"

"Haven't you heard? One of the four elders of Fenglei Pavilion died. The Venerable Fenglei Pavilion was furious and wanted to find the murderer and avenge him."

"No wonder, among the four best disciples taught by Venerable Fenglei, one of them died. It is impossible not to be indifferent. I don't know who is so bold, dare to make such an assassin, and become an enemy of Fenglei Pavilion."

This conversation was clearly heard by Ding Ning and his party.

Several people looked at each other without saying a word, and found an inn to rest temporarily.

In the room, everyone was there. Xu Ji came back from the outside and walked into the room. Just now he went out to inquire again, with a serious expression on his face.

"Young master, the people in Fenglei Pavilion are probably looking for us. We were the only ones who came out of the devil's den alive. We, and everyone else, died in the devil's den. I think we should keep a low profile and not be fooled by others." The people of Fenglei Pavilion have found clues, otherwise, it will be difficult to move an inch in this Nantian City."

"I don't know how Fenglei Pavilion noticed it. According to the information I found, the ancestor of Fenglei Pavilion confirmed that the person related to the death of his apprentice Feng Cangbei has come to Nantian City and wants to find us. It's not just the Wind and Thunder Pavilion, but also the sect that was buried behind the monks in the Devil's Cave that day."

"As long as we keep a low profile, it will be difficult for them to find us." Xu Ji suggested.

Ding Ning didn't care too much, even if he found them, it was not difficult to destroy a Fenglei Pavilion with his strength.

"Have you found any other news?"

Hearing Ding Ning's reminder, Xu Ji slapped his head and said, "I almost forgot, my lord, I found out about the market for cultivators' goods that you care about. It's not far from where we live, and you can go there anytime."

"Okay, you did a good job." Ding Ning nodded. The only thing Ding Ning is interested in in Nantian City is the item sales market.

"Don't be in a hurry. Let's rest for a while and wait until tomorrow. Let's go to the cultivator's market first." Ding Ning said.

"Okay." Several people responded, and then went to rest.

Silent all night.

The next day.

A group of people left the inn and went to the cultivator's market not far away.

A large part of the reason why Nantian City is the center of the Southern Wilderness is because of the existence of the cultivator market. It is based on this that many sect strengths have gradually gathered here, leading to the gradual formation of Nantian City. In the end it became a super big city.

Before entering the cultivator's market, Baihua Fairy and others couldn't help getting excited. This kind of item exchange between cultivators does not exist in the Northern Wilderness. I didn't expect that there would be such a place in the Southern Wilderness. They are also the first I heard it for the first time.

You can even buy magic tools, pills, and methods. For a few people, it is like a new world.

Ding Ning also came here with the mentality of picking up leaks, hoping to make him encounter good things.

(End of this chapter)

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