The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 657 662 Patriarch Fenglei! 3 more

Chapter 657 662 Patriarch Fenglei! 3 more

The whole street is filled with cultivators. This is the market for cultivators. Everything that cultivators can use is available here.

"A medium-grade magic weapon, 50 spirit stones."

"A high-quality elixir comes from the hands of alchemy masters. One can help people to advance from the god-gathering state to the golden elixir state, and the price of one bite is 100 million spirit stones."

The sound of hawking filled the entire street, just like a busy market in the mortal world, except that the commodities have become various useful things for monks.

Fairy Baihua and the others were full of curiosity about everything. They walked past the stalls and couldn't help but want to buy some things. However, there were few spirit stones in their hands, and the items that fascinated them all had extremely high prices.

Ding Ning walked neither fast nor slow, and he didn't miss the stalls on the left and right sides, and he could basically glance at them.

But there is nothing that can make him stop.

There is no other reason, because Ding Ning's vision is too high, and the things sold by these monks cannot catch his eyes.

If he wanted to, he could sell anything at a sky-high price if he took out anything.

Like that flame gun, it is very attractive to those who are strong in the out-of-body state.

After shopping around, Ding Ning was a little disappointed, there was nothing he liked.

On the other hand, Baihua Fairy and the others bought some things, such as some beautiful magic tools, which can be used as decorations or turned into weapons to attack.

With nothing to look at, Ding Ning felt a little bored, so he wanted to leave.

However, just as they were about to leave, suddenly, there was the sound of Fang Ji arguing with someone.

Ding Ning, Ge Hong, and Wu Langa turned around, only to find out that Fang Ji and a young man had a dispute because they fell in love with something at the same time.

Seeing Ding Ning looking over, Fang Ji gave up his desire to argue, he didn't want to cause trouble for Ding Ning.

Turn around and want to leave.

And just as he turned around, the young man who was fighting with him sneered: "Hmph, if you are smart, a servant will cooperate with me in the fight, you dog!"

Fang Ji gritted his teeth and endured it. He couldn't cause trouble for Ding Ning because of his relationship. They are not suitable for attention now. People from Fenglei Pavilion are looking for them everywhere.

But Fang Ji endured it, Ding Ning didn't intend to endure it, if his cart driver is a dog, then what is he?
Before the young man could react, he slapped him on the face and sent him flying.

The young man was blown twenty meters away and hit the wall, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

"You have a long mouth, you don't speak human words, don't you want to smoke?" Ding Ning said calmly, and left the market for cultivators with Fairy Baihua and others.

After Ding Ning and the others left, a figure kept watching Ding Ning and the others before disappearing into the crowd.

The young man who was blown away only woke up after a long while, swearing continuously in his mouth, and yelled that he wanted to seek revenge from Ding Ning.

After returning to his residence, Ding Ning planned to leave Nantian City and continue heading south. After visiting the only cultivator's market, Ding Ning lost any attraction.

The speed of the carriage was too slow, Ding Ning didn't want to drag on, and it was reasonable to go directly to the southernmost point. By the way, Fairy Baihua and others could participate in the next final martial arts competition.

The time for the final martial arts competition is approaching. The young monks who won the places in Nantian City have already rushed to Fangcun Mountain. There is not much time for them to delay. The final martial arts competition is just a few days away. Fairy Baihua and the others were all automatically abstained, and the places they had obtained in Qingzhou City before were useless.

So, the group of people left the carriage and drove on the road instead by using the magic weapon.

There is still a long way to go to the southernmost point of the Southern Wasteland. If it is at the speed of a horse-drawn carriage, it will take at least a month, but if it is advanced with a magic weapon, the time will be greatly shortened.

The airship moved again, and Ding Ning and the others drove out of Nantian City in the blink of an eye in the airship.

The moment the flying ship left Nantian City, a golden light suddenly caught up.

"If you dare to hit me, where do you go?"

A voice came out from the golden light, Wu Langa stopped pushing, and the flying boat stopped.

In the blink of an eye, this golden light came to the eyes. It turned out to be a flying magic weapon with several figures standing on it.

One of the figures looked familiar.

"It's him." Fang Ji recognized the other person. It was the person who had the same thing with him before. Ding Ning slapped him away before. Unexpectedly, the other party came to the door so quickly.

"Father, he is the one who beat the child. You want to avenge the child." The young man pointed at Ding Ning, hoping that the father beside him would take care of Ding Ning.

"I am the head of the Ice and Fire Sect. If you touch my son, do you want to run away immediately?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Ge Hong." Ding Ning didn't say much, just uttered two words, and Ge Hong beside him suddenly disappeared from the flying boat. The middle-aged man saw Ding Ning's indifferent look, and was about to continue to say something , However, in the next second, a gigantic fist appeared out of thin air, and suddenly smashed down.

A burst of bright light burst out, followed by a scene of fireworks and firecrackers, with some smog in the air.

But it is certain that there is nothing ahead, and the previous head of the Ice and Fire Sect is also gone.

Because, that punch shattered everything, and killed all the figures standing on the magic weapon, leaving no bones and scum, including the golden magic weapon.

Fairy Baihua and the others opened their mouths wide, shocked by Ge Hong's attack power, and exclaimed in their hearts, is this the strength of the Out-of-Aperture Realm?

It was just one punch, no matter who he was, he was all turned into nothingness, not even Hui Fei was left.

too frightening.

Ge Hong returned to Ding Ning's side at some point, his face expressionless, as if he hadn't done anything.

Let's go.

Ding Ning said softly.

However, as soon as he said this, he suddenly turned his head and stared into the distance.

"The people who came to die were really one after another."

"En? Interesting, here comes a master."

"It seems that the two of you are going to make a move together."

Ding Ning said slowly.

Ge Hong and Wu Langa showed strange expressions, and there was a fighting spirit in their eyes.

Just stepped into the Out-of-Aperture Realm, did you meet a master of the same realm?

Fairy Baihua and the others were thinking about who their opponent was, and they needed Ge Hong and Wu Langa to fight together. The next moment, their expressions all changed.

An extremely terrifying momentum suddenly pressed them down, as if the sky and the earth were collapsing, trying to push them down to their knees.


Ge Hong and Wu Langa snorted at the same time, blocking the momentum, Baihua Fairy and the others breathed a sigh of relief, their faces were all as white as paper, and the back of their clothes was already drenched.

It was only an instant, making them feel as if they had walked back and forth from the gate of hell.

In fact, the person who appeared this time is not ordinary and powerful.

"It's Fenglei Patriarch of Fenglei Pavilion!" The moment the other party stood in front of him, Xu Ji exclaimed and pointed out the other party's identity.

The people from Fenglei Pavilion are here.

(End of this chapter)

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