The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 658 663 Solved! 1 more

Chapter 658 663 Solved! 1 more

"Feng Lei Patriarch!"

Xu Ji saw the logo on the opponent's clothes, and then looked at the old man's aura, with a surprised expression on his face.

Fenglei Pavilion found them so quickly, it was too fast.

People from Fenglei Pavilion?
Fairy Baihua and the others were startled when they heard this.

Presumably, the old man in front of him, who is like a volcano, should be the strong man who has left the body.

No wonder Ding Ning opened his mouth and asked Ge Hong and Wu Langa to attack together.

Ancestor Fenglei watched Ding Ning and the others, and pinched a seal in his hand. Immediately, a blurry picture appeared in front of his eyes. In the picture, there were figures of Ding Ning and his party, but the faces were blurred, but after comparison, it can be confirmed that it is Ding Ning There is no doubt that the whole group is exactly the same as the flying ship alone.

"Sure enough, it's you guys." After taking a moment to compare photos, a murderous intent emerged from Patriarch Fenglei.

That picture was transmitted back by Feng Cangbei through the magic weapon, and it was the last picture Feng Cangbei saw before his death.

Before that, he had a premonition that the person related to Feng Cangbei's death had come to Nantian City, and with that person telling him, he rushed over immediately.

Fortunately, Ding Ning and the others did not go far, and just left Nantian City.

"His life and death are entirely his own fault. Is it possible that I can still wait for him to kill me, and let him kill me. If I want revenge, I can just do it." Ding Ning said lightly.

Fang Ji, Baihua Fairy and the others scratched their heads helplessly. They, young masters, are good at everything, but they are too honest to admit it, but such an admission has brought the matter to the point where it has to be resolved .

"Hmph, do you really think that a monk in the early stage of leaving the body can protect you?" Patriarch Fenglei snorted. Before Ge Hong made a move, he felt the breath of leaving the body on Ge Hong. Hong is Ding Ning's biggest hole card.

On the other hand, his Ancestor Fenglei is also a cultivator of the Leaving Aperture Realm, and he has broken through for a long time. Although he has not entered the middle stage of the Leaving Aperture Realm, he is definitely at the top in the early stage of the Leaving Aperture Realm, and this time, he did not pursue it by himself. Come, and the sects who died together behind the monks in the devil's cave, such as the Qingyun Valley and the powerful of the Five Colors Sect, also came, but he, the ancestor Fenglei, was the first to follow.

"That guy, I'll deal with it. You are responsible for killing everyone except him." Patriarch Fenglei pointed at Ding Ning, hoping to keep Ding Ning at the end and let him kill him.

"Do it."

Fenglei Patriarch gave an order, and everyone shot together.

At the very moment when the two sides were fighting, ten miles away in the sky, a figure was hidden in the clouds, clearly seeing the explosive fight ahead.

"Brother, those who killed you will soon go to hell."

This is a face very similar to City Lord Yun's, and he is wearing a sneer of revenge at this time. He is the younger brother of City Lord Yun in Qingzhou City, and he followed Ding Ning and others all the way to Nantian City, only to avenge his brother.

The reason why Ancestor Fenglei was able to appear quickly is also due to him. If he hadn't discovered Xu Ji's identity and told Ancestor Fenglei his whereabouts, it would have been impossible for Ancestor Fenglei to find Ding Ning and his party. so fast.

"Let me see that you have been beheaded one by one to pay homage to my brother's spirit in heaven." The young man said to himself lightly, continuing to hide in the clouds to watch the battle.

Patriarch Fenglei and Ge Hong fought towards the Nine Heavens, where they turned into a battlefield.

Others killed Ding Ning and his group, planning to leave only Ding Ning alone, and kill the rest.

"Hmph, the people from Qingyun Valley must have been killed by you, so take your life."

"Kill, to avenge the dead disciples of my Colorful Sect."

The strong men from Qingyun Valley, Wucai Sect and other sects came together, forming a joint murderous intent, wrapping Ding Ning and others in it, and did not intend to let any one go.

The bodies of Baihua Fairy and Fang Ji were trembling. This was an instinctive reaction. This is basically the case when facing a high realm at a low level, but they didn't show fear on their faces, because they knew that even the Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses in front of them Even if they attack together, they won't be able to kill them.



At this moment, Wu Langjia made a move.

Qingyun Valley, Wucai Sect and other strong men came to siege, Wu Langa was like a sharp sword, cutting off the siege in an instant, and then crushed and obliterated without any suspense.

The people from Qingyun Valley and Wucai Sect were instantly killed by Wu Langa before they could even utter an exclamation.

The masters of the other sects all showed horror and recognized Wu Langjia's strength.

Among Ding Ning and his group, apart from Ge Hong, who is a strong person in the Aperture Realm, there is another one in the Aperture Realm.

Where do these people dare to continue to take revenge? Right now, they just want to leave alive.

It's a pity that Wu Langjia won't give these people a chance. Under his extreme speed, no one can get away, and they will be wiped out instantly.

In the blink of an eye, all the powerful sects who followed Fenglei Patriarch were killed.

In front of Wu Langjia, a strong Nascent Soul Realm is like a chicken and a dog, posing no threat at all. A random blow is enough to kill a Nascent Soul master.

Fairy Baihua and others who were watching swallowed their saliva one after another, realizing the gap between the Nascent Soul Realm and the Out-of-Aperture Realm, there is really a sky and an underground.

Wu Langjia looked up at the top of his head, and in the extremely high nine-level sky, there were two strong men in the state of leaving the body, fighting fiercely.

With a touch of both feet, Wu Langjia rushed to the sky to help Ge Hong fight against Fenglei Patriarch.

On the other end, the young man hidden in the clouds showed shock after seeing Wu Langjia kill all the other masters. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, saying, "There are two out-of-the-body Monk, how could this be?"

This is unexpected, even the most powerful sect forces in Nantian City do not have two Aperture Realm experts.

But beside Ding Ning, there are two such masters.

In this way, wouldn't Ding Ning be more difficult to kill?
Now he can only pin his hopes on Patriarch Fenglei, hoping that he alone can kill these two out-of-aperture experts and bring this matter to a successful conclusion.

After half an hour.

There were two more figures on the ground, they were Ge Hong and Wu Langa.

They carried a seriously injured person in their hands, Patriarch Fenglei.

The two asked Ding Ning for instructions on how to deal with it, but Ding Ning just killed him lightly, and Fenglei Patriarch died. A strong man who had left the Aperture Realm fell.

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, the man hiding in the clouds was very angry and failed.

"I still have a chance. As long as I don't die, I can avenge my brother." The man said fiercely, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the right time to strike next time.

However, just after the man whispered, a voice suddenly sounded from his ear.

"Your Excellency has been watching the battle for so long, why don't you show up to see it?"

The man's expression suddenly changed.


(End of this chapter)

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