The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 659 664 Heaven and Hell! 2 more

Chapter 659 664 Heaven and Hell! 2 more

"So it's City Master Yun's younger brother who wants to avenge his elder brother." Ding Ning took his hand away from the young man's head.

After some soul searching, Ding Ning gained insight into all the man's memories, including what he told Feng Lei's ancestor, and behind the feelings, there was this person who played a role in it.

"My lord, do you want to save his life?" Wu Langjia asked.

Ding Ning said indifferently: "It's better to kill him, let him go, and he will continue to make trouble for us in the future. Since it can be done once and for all, why leave him alive."

With Wu Langjia's finger pointing, City Lord Yun's younger brother instantly lost his vitality.

Solved Patriarch Fenglei, this time, no one could stop the group from leaving, and the flying boat disappeared into the sky in an instant.


Fang Cun under the mountain.

Here, many young monks who have come from all over the world to participate in the final martial arts competition have gathered. God, there are many conflicts among many geniuses. If the people from Fangcunshan did not stop them, they would have been fighting for a long time.

In a guest room, three old men were resting. Suddenly, the jade plaques on the waists of the three made a crisp sound at the same time, and then snapped open.

The three old men opened their eyes at the same time, picked up the jade tokens that fell, and all showed expressions of disbelief.

"how is this possible……"

"Why did the ancestor's jade tablet suddenly shatter? What happened to the Fenglei Pavilion?"

"Did something happen to the ancestor? Or is the Fenglei Pavilion in danger?"

The three elders spoke one after another, their eyes full of worry and surprise. The jade plaque was given to the four elders by the ancestor Fenglei. Before the elder Feng Cangbei died, only three pieces were left. Now, the remaining three pieces The jade plaque was shattered at the same time, which meant that something important must have happened in Fenglei Pavilion.

"What's going on? Get in touch with the sect immediately." Feng Cang said, he is the oldest among the four elders, and he is basically the main one among the four.

"I have a contact jade pendant on me, so I will contact the sect." Feng Cang said westward.

Afterwards, the jade pendant on Feng Cangxi's body began to shine brightly, turning energy into handwriting, pouring it into it, and disappearing immediately.

In the room, the three elders waited quietly. Not long after, the jade pendant automatically emitted light, and this time accompanied by handwriting.

Only a few small characters appeared and floated in the air.

This is……

Patriarch has fallen!
The five words, like five thunderbolts, exploded in the hearts of the three elders, causing the three elders to tremble and almost fell to the ground.

"Elder, we are back."

At this time, several young faces walked in, and they were all taken aback when they saw the three elders losing their composure.

What's going on here?
However, when they saw the handwriting in the air that hadn't dissipated, they all widened their eyes.

Grandpa is dead!

How could this be?
Why did an existence at the level of leaving the body suddenly die? What happened in Nantian City?
"Who killed the ancestor? I must find the murderer." Feng Cangdong said bitterly, and then said to the other two elders: "I'll go to Fangcun Mountain."


Ancestor Fenglei was a powerhouse at the Leaving Aperture Realm level, his death was like a thunderstorm exploding on the ground, which caused a great shock.

The Out-of-Aperture Realm already belonged to the top powerhouses in the southern wasteland, and it was rare to hear that the Out-of-Aperture Realm powerhouse had fallen. Even if two out-of-body realm powerhouses fought, it would be difficult to kill each other.

But now, the sudden death of ancestor Fenglei has aroused countless conjectures.

In less than half a day, all the monks in the southern wasteland knew that a strong man in the Aperture Realm had fallen.

Just when there was a lot of discussion in various big cities, Ding Ning and his party finally arrived at the southernmost tip of the Southern Wasteland, at the foot of Fangcun Mountain.

"Fangcun Mountain is the most peculiar place in the southern wasteland, because the entire mountain is floating in the air. If you want to enter Fangcun Mountain, you can only follow the steps and go up one by one. You want to fly to it all at once. , Even if you are a strong person in the Aperture Realm, you can't do it." Xu Ji described the magic of Fangcun Mountain, and heard Baihua Fairy and others secretly clicking their tongues. He never thought that there is such a place in the world, in the Northern Wilderness The earth, they have never heard of it.

"Fangcun Mountain is a temple, and their tenet is that all living beings are equal, so even if you are a monk, you have to be like ordinary people, taking one step at a time to reach the top."


Hearing Xu Ji's words, Ding Ning understood in his heart that this is the Buddhist sect, and only those who practice Buddhism have such thoughts.

However, it has to be said that these Buddha cultivators are powerful, and they can be seen no matter where they are. Even in the barren lands like the earth for cultivators, Buddhist sects are prevalent.

"My lord, the final martial arts competition will start tomorrow. At that time, you can enter this Fangcun Mountain and have a look. There should be the space wormhole you are looking for."


Now that he has arrived at the southernmost tip of the Southern Wilderness, Ding Ning is not in a hurry anymore. Anyway, the final martial arts competition will start tomorrow, and he will be able to enter Fangcun Mountain.

On the square inch mountain.

Feng Cangdong paid a big price, and finally got to meet the strongest man on Fangcun Mountain, and begged him to help him find the murderer of Fenglei Patriarch.

"I implore Zen Master to find the murderer who killed the ancestor. I, Fenglei Pavilion, will be very grateful." Feng Cangdong kowtowed.

Above the main hall, there is a skinny, bald old man, wearing a golden cassock, with slender eyebrows that hang below the corners of his eyes.

"You Fenglei ancestor and I are also good friends. In the past, I went to Nantian City to preach, and your Fenglei ancestor personally entertained you. Anyway, my Buddhist sect pays attention to cause and effect, and Fenglei Daoist fell. Today, I will divination and get a glimpse of the secret , find the person who made the move." The old monk said slowly.

"Thank Zen Master." Feng Cangdong thanked again.

The old monk stretched out his hand, and the young monk who was serving at the side immediately handed over a Zen stick, took the stick, and paused slightly in the old monk's hand.


The ground shook.

Just listen to the golden copper rings hanging on the Zen staff colliding with each other, making a crisp sound, and then from these copper rings, some bits and pieces of energy ooze out and condense in the air.

A picture is slowly generated.

I just heard the old monk say: "The people who killed your ancestor of Fenglei Pavilion are a group of nine people. These nine people have a karmic relationship with your Fenglei Pavilion. They came from the north and went all the way to the south."


"Has it reached the foot of my square inch mountain?"

Before the old monk's words fell, the scene suddenly became turbulent, and the figures of nine of them disappeared, forming a strange scene.

"This is……"

In front of him, there is a picture of hell with half face and a picture of auspiciousness with half face. These two completely opposite pictures are merged together.

The old monk finally changed his color when he saw the strange picture that was suddenly created.

"A heaven, a hell."

"Is it all in his mind?"

The words of the old monk slowly echoed in the hall and lingered for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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