The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 661 The 666 event begins! 1 more

Chapter 661 The 666 event begins! 1 more

The final contest is imminent.

Many young talents are eager to try, and in this final martial arts competition, it is definitely a battle of budding talents, which can make people famous in one battle.

I don't know how many strong fighters showed their skills in the final martial arts competition, which made people see a trace of rising.

"It's another five-year martial arts competition. I don't know how many young talents will emerge in these five years."

"Unfortunately, this time, we can only be spectators."

Many of the people who spoke were those who had participated in the last martial arts competition. At this time, they couldn't help feeling emotional. Now that five years have passed, they have generally become the best in the sect, and some even took over the work of elders early on. , became the mainstay in the sect.

"Many talents have emerged in this martial arts competition, and many of them have soared to the sky after the martial arts competition, even those who have not won the first place in the martial arts competition."

Xu Ji was on the side, whispering with Ding Ning and others, talking about the geniuses in previous martial arts competitions.

Although some people did not get the first place in the end, they would still be favored by other powerhouses. The chances are better, and apprenticeship is not even worse than that of the powerhouse who entered the out-of-above state.

Great powers with top masters like Wanshou Mountain, Xianrenju, and Wuji Palace were not as brilliant as they are now. Their out-of-body powerhouses have also participated in martial arts competitions, and many of them have accumulated a lot after the martial arts competitions. The torrent advances bravely and gradually rises.

Today, I don't know how many people want to copy the path of these top forces and make their sect also become a big force.

Of course, if you want to become a big force, the first prerequisite is that you must have a strong person in the out-of-body state, otherwise everything will be a castle in the air.

Fairy Baihua and the others were fascinated by what they heard. Most of their understanding of the Southern Wilderness in the Northern Wilderness was based on hearing, which is tantamount to a glimpse of the leopard. There are some things that are very different from what I knew at the beginning when I arrived in the Southern Wilderness. .

The Southern Wilderness is far stronger than what the Northern Wilderness described.

This is a fact they have to admit. To catch up with the strength of the Southern Wilderness, the Northern Wilderness needs the efforts of several generations.

Especially this kind of martial arts competition is not something that the Northern Wilderness has. They are the pride of the sky in the Northern Wilderness, and they are geniuses who have attracted attention, but they are nothing in the Southern Wilderness, because there are even more talented people than them. many.

If it wasn't for being with Ding Ning and asking Ge Hong and Wu Langa for advice many times, the strength of the few people increased day by day. With their original strength, half of them would be screened out in the primary election of the martial arts competition, and it would be impossible to leave. to here.

Just when Xu Ji had finished disseminating many past events of Wubi to several people, suddenly, the crowd fell silent.

What's wrong.

Ding Ning and his group looked in one direction at the same time.

Because everyone's eyes are looking at one place.

It turned out that at some time, several figures appeared together on a high position not far from the martial arts arena, and it was the appearance of these figures that made the crowd quiet for a short time.

"It's your lords!"

There was an uproar and exclamation, and the crowd exploded. The few people who appeared here were all existences at the level of leaving the body.

The existence that cannot be seen at all on weekdays, now, all of a sudden, it appears digitally in front of everyone.

People couldn't help but get excited, these are the top combat forces standing in the Southern Wilderness.

"Honorable Beast Mountain Elephant!"

"Old Man Tianji of Xianrenju!"

"The Promise Goddess of the Promise Palace!"

"The Venerable Master of Popularization at Lingjue Temple!"

"The Primordial Taoist Monk of Fangcun Mountain!"

Five out-of-aperture experts appeared at the same time.

"The last time I saw so many venerables was the final competition five years ago. Five years have passed, and the five venerables have not changed at all."

"How could it not have changed? The strength of the five venerables must be stronger than before. The only thing that has not changed is their appearance, but their strength must have increased. It's just that we can't feel it at all with our strength."

"That's the truth."

People watched the appearance of the five venerables, and at the same time, they were quite envious. Entering the state of leaving the body, not only the increase of strength, but also the increase of lifespan. They can live years, which is several times that of the state of Nascent Soul. Nascent Soul The lifespan of a cultivator in the Aperture Realm is generally 2000 to 5000 years. Those who enter the Aperture Boundary will have a lifespan of three thousand to four thousand or even [-] years. The higher the strength in the Aperture Boundary, the longer the lifespan.

If one can go beyond the Aperture Realm and step into the Composite Dao Realm, the lifespan will be doubled again, and if one can live for tens of thousands of years, that would be terrifying.

The ten-thousand-year old monster has gone through many trials and hardships, and it is definitely a terrifying existence.

The focus of people's discussions quickly shifted from the five venerables to the Fenglei Pavilion, because in the past, the Fenglei Pavilion's ancestor Fenglei would appear in the final martial arts competition, but this time the Wubi ancestor Fenglei could not show up. Human sigh, the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion, including the few juniors who participated in the final martial arts competition, all couldn't help clenching their fists. This is the difficulty of their Fenglei Pavilion, and they must get through it. It will be fine among those who are strong in the environment, and Fenglei Pavilion will return to its former status and be noticed by others.

Several young disciples of Fenglei Pavilion are bound to win No.1, and they will be able to enter the sect of Leaving Aperture Realm by then, and Fenglei Pavilion will receive some care. In addition to the background left by Fenglei ancestors, even if it is not as good as before, it will not be much worse .

"Welcome everyone to come from afar. The final martial arts competition officially begins now." The monk Yuandao spoke slowly, and went straight to the point, announcing the beginning of the martial arts competition without any extra politeness.

Then, Yuandao Divine Monk asked many people who had won the martial arts competition places to go to the central ring.

The arena is very large and can accommodate hundreds of people without sinking.

Fairy Baihua and others walked over, and a group of young monks who had qualified for the martial arts competition all came to the ring.

Divine Monk Yuandao looked at the other sitting people and said, "Fellow Taoists, you can start now."

The other four Aperture Realm experts all stood up, but they didn't move.

"It takes six people to set up the isolation formation. This year, we only have five people here." Venerable Xiang from Wanshou Mountain said.

Yuan Dao Divine Monk smiled: "It's okay." Then he said slowly to the sky: "Verun Xu, please show up."

Hearing the words of Yuandao Divine Monk, everyone looked towards the sky, and saw a shadow coming down from the sky. A man in a brown gown with a resolute face walked up to the five strong men and said, "I have seen you." Fellow Daoists."

"It turned out to be Venerable Xu. In this way, the six people are all together, and the formation can be opened."

Each of the six people stood at a corner, each issued a seal formula, and then a light barrier emerged from the ground, covering the sky, turning into a big barrier that separated the world.

This is so that when people are fighting in chaos, the energy will be shot randomly and hurt others, which can play a very good role in isolation.

"The final martial arts competition is just the beginning."

"The one who can fight to the end is the champion of the martial arts competition!"

(End of this chapter)

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