The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 662 Chapter 667 Lost, you get the chapter yourself! 2 more

Chapter 662 Chapter 667 Lost, you get it back yourself! 2 more

The person who fights to the end is the champion!

The method of selecting No.1 has already been told to the participants, that is, the person who can fight to the end and stand at the end.

Only in this way can we be number one.

The way to select the first place can be described as simple and rude. All the people participating in the martial arts competition will be enveloped together, and then they will compete, and they can shoot and attack at will.

This is like a battle between trapped animals, the one that survives at the end is the strongest.

Of course, although the martial arts competition was cruel in the end, it was not so cruel. Otherwise, after the martial arts competition, only the strongest genius survived and everyone else died, the price would be too high. Would not agree either.

The moment the official martial arts competition started, the voice of Yuandao Divine Monk rang in everyone's ears: "When life is threatened, if you want to survive, just say the word abstention, and the isolation formation will send you out in an instant."

This can be regarded as a guarantee for the participants, so that they will not be killed alive.

Of course, this also means that they voluntarily admit defeat and give up the qualification to compete for the first place.

In the end, the martial arts competition started, and they immediately became a group after they were isolated from the big formation.

Outside the formation, countless pairs of eyes were staring at the isolated formation, only a few were looking at other people, and their attention was not on Wubi.

Among them are the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion.

According to the information given on Fangcun Mountain, the three of them went to find the murderer who killed the ancestor. Those who participated in the martial arts competition were naturally impossible. With that level of strength, who would be bored enough to participate in the martial arts competition.

Just like Xu Ji asked Ding Ning, if Ding Ning is willing to participate in the martial arts competition, he will definitely win No.1, and Ding Ning

The answer is too boring, the opponent is so weak, he can't arouse any interest.

"My lord, people from Fenglei Pavilion are looking for us." Xu Ji reminded.

"Let them find it. Even if they know it's us, there's no need to worry." Ding Ning didn't care. He was not afraid of the Fenglei Pavilion that owned Fenglei Patriarch before, not to mention that he didn't even have a strong person in the Leaving Aperture Realm now. Fenglei Pavilion, then it is not his opponent.

Ding Ning could feel the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion looking around, and the people who looked around were not only the people from Fenglei Pavilion, but also the monk sitting on the high platform.

It was the Yuan Dao monk who presided over the final martial arts competition.

Divine Monk Yuandao secretly observed the square, naturally he had his own intentions, because he wanted to find the person who he couldn't even see through divination, a guy who could turn the land of the Southern Wilderness into a hell and a paradise.

Although Yuan Dao's eyes glanced at Ding Ning, he didn't stay there, and basically lingered on the older monks. In Yuan Dao's heart, the person who can read heaven and hell at once should not be a young man, but a young man. It is an old monk.

Because of this, Yuandao Divine Monk kept scanning, but he didn't find any news, and was noticed by Ding Ning instead.

However, Ding Ning didn't know the real intention of Yuandao Divine Monk, he only thought that the other party was looking for him everywhere to help Fenglei Pavilion.

After observing the Yuandao Divine Monk secretly for a while, Ding Ning turned his attention to the other people next to the Yuandao Divine Monk.

These few are out-of-body-level cultivators, and they belong to the top combat power in the southern wasteland. It is these few out-of-body level masters who can arouse Ding Ning's interest.

While Ding Ning was looking at the top masters from several major forces, Ge Hong and Wu Langa were also observing how they could not pay attention to other masters who were also in the same realm.

Ge Hong was fine, he glanced at him silently, without being noticed at all, but there was still a lot of fighting intent in his eyes. At his level, the only one who could become an opponent was the Exit Aperture Realm. Of course, Ding Ning is an exception.

On the other hand, Wu Langjia on the side was a little restless. If Ding Ning hadn't made a move to suppress the restlessness on Wu Langjia's body, he would have already attracted the attention of those people in the stands.

"What happened to Senior Wu?" Xu Ji asked puzzled.

Ding Ning frowned. From Wu Langjia's eyes, he saw the infinite fighting spirit, the almost irrepressible fighting spirit.

Following Wu Langa's gaze, Ding Ning's eyes fell on a person in the stands, it was the master of the out-of-body state who appeared later, Venerable Xu.

Seeing that Wu Langjia was looking at Venerable Xu, Xu Ji rolled his eyes and immediately understood.

Because Venerable Xu was the one who defeated Wu Langjia back then, no wonder Wu Langjia couldn't calm down when seeing Venerable Xu again.

Xu Ji sent a voice transmission to Ding Ning to prevent Venerable Xu from finding out. Ding Ning knew in his heart that Venerable Xu was the guy who defeated Wu Langa and fell into decline for thousands of years.

"I can't judge this person's strength, but based on the aura I feel, his strength is definitely beyond the early stage of Leaving Aperture Realm. With your current strength, you are not his opponent." Ding Ning's voice echoed in Wulanga There was a sound in my mind, hoping that Wu Langjia would calm down and not be carried away by his anger.

Not being calm is the biggest killer of monks.

"I understand, my lord." Wu Langjia replied after a long while, and in the depths of his eyes, there was a hint of unwillingness. The time for him to step into the Aperture Realm was still too short, and he couldn't catch up with Venerable Xu's footsteps immediately. If he fights again, the possibility of defeat is indeed very high. He can feel the volcano-like power hidden in Venerable Xu's body. It is quiet at this moment, but there is no eruption. Once it erupts, it will be extremely terrifying.

A gloomy look flashed across Wu Langa's eyes, he forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, son, I won't be reckless."

Ding Ning shook his head: "I'm not saying you're reckless, I'm just reminding you that the chances of winning a fight with him are not high, but it doesn't mean that you are definitely not his opponent."

Wu Langjia looked up, somewhat puzzled by what Ding Ning meant.


"If you really want to defeat him, I can help you." Ding Ning pointed his fingers at Wu Langjia's head and continued: "If you can master this method before the end of this martial arts competition, There is no possibility of defeating him."

Wu Langjia's spiritual sense looked at the method Ding Ning had left in his mind, and he was stunned for a moment. With just one glance, he could feel that it was an extremely powerful method.

Especially when he saw the end, he even wanted to jump up a little excitedly, because the power of this method was simply surprising.

This method is too strong!
I am afraid that such a powerful method does not exist in the entire southern wasteland.

Ding Ning gave him such a powerful method, which made Wu Langjia feel grateful.

"You lost to him that day and left the field sadly, but you didn't lose your recovery. You cultivated back the lost realm. Even though your realm is still slightly inferior to him now, with this method, you can regain what you lost in the past. dignity."

"I hope you can take back what belongs to you with your own hands, master this method in the shortest possible time, and then defeat him in front of the entire Southern Wilderness monks!"

Ding Ning patted Wu Langjia on the shoulder, and finally said: "I believe you can do it."

Wu Langjia was stunned, and said lightly: "My lord..."

Immediately, the look in his eyes became more resolute, and he said again: "I will definitely do it, and I will never let you down."

(End of this chapter)

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