The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 663 Chaos! 668 more

Chapter 663 Chaos! 668 more

Wu Langjia didn't delay at all, and immediately sat down on the ground, and began to master the method given by Ding Ning.

His time is limited. If he can fully grasp it before the end of the martial arts competition, he may defeat Venerable Xu in front of the monks in the whole southern wilderness. when is it.

Ding Ning did not give Wu Langjia any advice on the method. He believed that with Wu Langjia's comprehension, he could comprehend it by himself. After repairing, both talent and perseverance are extremely strong, and he doesn't need to add superfluous things.

Ding Ning also wants to put some pressure on Wu Lan to see if he can pass this test.

On the high platform, Venerable Xu's eyes fell on the direction where Ding Ning was. He seemed to feel something from this direction just now, but in an instant, the fighting spirit emanating from him disappeared without a trace, making it impossible for him to find it. .

"Could it be this young man?" Venerable Xu looked at Ding Ning's young face, thought for a moment and then rejected it. At Ding Ning's age, how dare he show his fighting spirit.

But if it wasn't Ding Ning, who else would it be?

Venerable Xu did not see Wu Langjia who was sitting cross-legged behind Ding Ning, otherwise, he would still have some clues.

After searching for a while, Venerable Xu turned his gaze back to the isolation formation after sending out his fighting spirit just now to no avail.

Most of their minds were focused on the final martial arts competition, leaving only a small part of their minds to wait for the reappearance of that fighting spirit.

In the isolated formation, a chaotic battle is going on.

Many young monks are divided into many small groups, constantly fighting.

Because some sects won more than one martial arts competition, in this final martial arts competition, the children belonging to the same sect will naturally not fight each other, they will only join forces to deal with other people.

In this way, monks who are alone will suffer and be eliminated little by little.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, Mo Qing, Fang Ji, and Meng Lang formed a small group, and it was impossible for them to attack each other.

In the beginning, their small group fighting ability was not bad, and many people who wanted to attack them were eliminated.

But as time went on, their situation became more difficult, because the remaining groups were all very strong.

Seeing the fierce competition in the end, people outside were discussing endlessly, guessing who would make it to the end.

Generally speaking, people are more optimistic about the small groups of sect disciples such as Wanshou Mountain, Wuji Palace, and Xianrenju. After all, behind these forces, there are existences at the level of leaving the body. Of course, his genius strength will not be weak. No matter how you say it, he still has the opportunity to get advice from the strong in the Out of Aperture Realm. Other sects or forces can't do it, and his strength doesn't allow it.

"My lord, do you think Fairy Baihua and the others have a high chance of fighting to the end?" Xu Ji asked, wanting to hear Ding Ning's opinion, but right now, Fairy Baihua and the others don't see any advantage, on the contrary, they have some Disadvantages, small groups composed of sect disciples like Wanshou Mountain and Wuji Palace basically sweep away other small groups, and it is difficult to compete with them.

Another point is that these groups of disciples from the top sect forces do not collide with each other. They are afraid that the snipe and the clam will fight for the fisherman's benefit and give others a chance, so they are all eliminating those disciples of the sect who do not have the exit state behind them. And some small groups composed of casual cultivators.

Judging by their posture, Fairy Baihua and the others are a bit dangerous.

"Naturally, there is no chance if there is a mess of loose sand. If there are people who can fight freely, they may not have no chance." Ding Ning said.

"Oh?" Xu Ji recalled Ding Ning's words for a while, thinking in his heart, which small group should Fairy Baihua and others unite with in order to avoid being eliminated by those powerful groups. Fairy took the initiative to approach some small groups and reached an agreement in an instant. Afterwards, she continued to expand the circle of alliance and constantly absorbed those small groups that were in a weak position.

Within a short while, what was originally a small group suddenly turned into a colossus, becoming the largest group in the battlefield with the largest number of people.

Seeing this, Xu Ji understood Ding Ning's words, his eyes lit up, and he said, "What a twist and turn, it seems that you have already guessed that Fairy Baihua would do this."

In fact, smart people can think of this point. Who would refuse a thing that is beneficial to both parties? A mess of loose sand will be eliminated sooner or later.

"A single spark can start a prairie fire." Ding Ning whispered.

The changes on the battlefield made the powerful small groups feel that it was not easy to eliminate the small groups outside the powerful groups, because these small groups had all united.

Unless they are also united and able to fight, it will be very difficult, but will they unite?

As the disciples of the sect who have a strong person in the Leaving Aperture Realm behind them, they have their own pride. They allow the disciples of their own sect to unite, but they will never join forces with others.

Whether it is Wanshou Mountain, Wuji Palace, or the genius of Lingjue Temple, there is no intention of joining forces.

"Hmph, it's just a plate of loose sand. Even if they get together, they're just sand. Sand grains will never turn into boulders. Even if they stick together for a short time, they will eventually break."

"In that case, let's break this loose sand."

The small group formed by the disciples of these top sects continued to attack, while the small group formed by the disciples of several other top forces did not participate, and all watched from the sidelines.

They disdain to join forces, because once they make a move, it is equivalent to joining forces.

That would discredit them.

And it was precisely the fact that these small groups of top disciples did not attack together gave the large group formed by Fairy Baihua and others a chance to make it to the end.

Outside, people have different views on this scene. Some people think that these children of top forces are a little too confident. They can join forces, but they refuse to cooperate. One side makes a move while the other parties watch. This is too stupid.

Some people also think that this is normal, because the strong will not lose against any opponent, and the weak will not be able to defeat the strong, no matter how many there are.

Otherwise, why is there such domineering arrogance that one man is in charge of everything.

A genius should have the pride of a genius.

The strong will not bow their heads, let alone join forces.

The few out-of-body-level powerhouses present did not comment on this, but their thoughts can be seen from the expressions on their faces.

Among them, two strong men frowned, and the three strong men took it for granted.

But no matter how they thought about it, they didn't think that their sect's disciples would be defeated, and the ones who got to the end must be their sect's disciples.

Venerable Xu stared at it for a while, and suddenly felt a sense of irritability in his heart.

"Where is the irritability coming from?" Venerable Xu frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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