The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 664 669 is about to be decided! 1 more

Chapter 664 669 is about to be decided! 1 more

In the isolation formation, many young monks fought fiercely.

Facing the small group attack by the children of the top forces, the large group united by Baihua Fairy and others, although they have a large number of people, do not have much advantage in terms of strength.

In addition, it was originally a mess, and they all had their own little calculations in their hearts. Many people secretly conserved their strength and did not go all out. This made the speed at which large groups with a large number of people were eliminated, and the number of people decreased rapidly. .

If things go on like this, no matter how many people there are, they cannot escape the end of being eliminated.

Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others were anxious, they couldn't go on like this, they could only keep shouting, reminding others that if they kept their hands, they would all be eliminated.

Some people also echoed, hoping that everyone can fight against the enemy and show all their strength, otherwise they will have no chance at all.

As more and more people realized the seriousness, they began to make efforts.

The whole group erupted with a powerful force, and the speed of being eliminated began to slow down, and they were constantly consumed with each other.

The small group of Promise Palace disciples stopped fighting and retreated, because they didn't want to immediately compete with Fairy Baihua and the others, which would lead to a large consumption of power and give people an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Haha, you can't do it in the Promise Palace, I'm coming to Wanshou Mountain."

The disciples of Wanshou Mountain started to fight, and it was another fierce battle.

In this way, one by one the top small groups took action, and when the battle reached a certain level, they all retreated, and the battle did not waste to the end.

After several rounds, the large group formed by Fairy Baihua and others was reduced to a small number, only dozens of people, which was several times smaller than the hundreds of people before.

However, those small groups formed by the children of the top forces also had a certain amount of consumption, and some of them were also eliminated.

At this juncture, the small groups of Wuji Palace and Xianrenju began to unite. They no longer insisted on the so-called pride before. They were actually facing a large group with a large number of people. They were a small group and it was difficult to chew.

The battle started again.

Fang Ji and Meng Lang were eliminated not long after. Facing the opponent's attack, the two felt that they were in danger of life and death. They shouted the word "giving up" in an instant, and were sent out of the isolation formation.

This is not bad, some people were completely killed without even having the chance to shout these two words.

That is the worst.

Faced with the joint attack of Wuji Palace and Xianrenju, the number of dozens of people in a large group continued to be consumed, while the other party consumed very little.

Seeing that the number of people was almost the same as that of the other party, one of Baihua Fairy and the others broke out, and with his own strength, defeated the two strong men of the other party in one go, which made the small groups of the two forces really startled.

Enraged, the two small groups of sects attacked frantically, while Fairy Baihua and the others kept defending and counterattacking.

The people outside the isolated formation looked thrilling and felt that there were so many young geniuses and strong fighters in the final martial arts competition this time, especially those big groups made up of loose sand have not been eliminated, which is really surprising.

In fact, after fighting to this extent, those who can still stay on the battlefield are not weak. The remaining people have at least the strength of the Golden Core level. As for the monks below the Golden Core level, they are all eliminated.

Even if you are a Jindan cultivator, you can easily be eliminated.

The large group formed by Baihua Fairy and others fought inextricably against Wuji Palace and Xianrenju. At this moment, Wanshou Mountain and Lingjue Temple joined the battle, and they set their targets on Wuji Palace and Xianrenju.

This made the people in Xianrenju and Wuji Palace all startled, and then shot angrily.

On the contrary, this gave Fairy Baihua and others a chance to breathe, and they didn't have to face the attacks of two top small groups.

"The Promise Palace, Xianrenju, Wanshou Mountain, and Lingjue Temple have all been shot, and there is only one square inch mountain waiting for an opportunity."

"I thought that Wanshou Mountain and Lingjue Temple would stand on the side of Wuji Palace and Xianrenju, but I didn't expect that they would choose to help the group formed by the loose sand."

Everyone was talking about it, and they couldn't understand the changes on the battlefield.

"Fairy, you need to recover more strength."

Standing beside Ding Ning, Fang Ji couldn't help feeling anxious for Baihua Fairy.

"I hope that it would be best for these four small groups to lose out. In this way, the three fairies will be safe." Meng Lang said.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, and Mo Qing were all isolated in the formation, and the three girls were much stronger than Fang Ji and Meng Lang.

Although Ding Ning didn't like this final competition, Bai Hua Fairy and others participated in it, and wanted to know what the final result would be.

Suddenly, the battlefield changed again.

The four small groups that were fighting with each other suddenly turned their spearheads on Fangcunshan.

This change surprised everyone.

What is the situation.

They couldn't fight before, why did they suddenly join forces again?

Someone shouted that they couldn't understand the current battle situation, and the changes were too weird.

At this time, a sensible person understood the intention of joining forces with the small group, and explained: "I think they must be balancing the strengths of the various groups, so that the final battle will be fairer."


The people around, chanting these two words, why did they suddenly try to balance the strength of each group? Why did they do this?
"Hehe, these little guys are doing it for us."

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to win by force, so I use this method. Geniuses are really proud."

"A certain person back then, why not be like this."

Several out-of-body experts on the high platform spoke one after another, but the people around couldn't hear what they said, and there was an invisible force that separated them, and the people present could only see the expressions of a few experts. Don't know what was said.

The situation in the isolation formation has undergone new changes again, and everyone is once again caught in a melee.

The groups collide with each other, there is no point of joining forces, and they attack each other, which makes people dazzled.

Under this chaotic battle, many people were eliminated, such as Qin Lan and Mo Qing were eliminated, and the two women were sent out of the isolation formation. There were five people in total, and the only one who was not eliminated was Fairy Baihua.

Fairy Baihua is the strongest among the five, and also the one with the greatest chance of being able to fight to the end.

The two girls came out of the big formation, cheering for Fairy Baihua outside. At this time, the isolated formation had reached a fever pitch.

Even the small groups formed by those top forces have been weakened to the level of two or three people.

Not long after, the chaotic battle suddenly stopped, everyone retreated, and there was a brief truce.

At this time, people can see clearly how many people are left in the isolated formation.

"Is there only a dozen people left?"

"In this way, No.1 will be produced among more than ten people."

"It's getting more and more exciting."

(End of this chapter)

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