The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 666 Chapter 671 Number 1! 1 more

Chapter 666 671 First! 1 more

"Brother, we can't do it right away. If this person can kill our ancestor, he must be strong."

Just as murderous intent gushed out of Feng Cangdong's body, the surrounding people felt that the temperature suddenly cooled down. Suddenly, Feng Cangxi immediately made a move to suppress the murderous intent, and hastily reminded him.

The aura from Feng Cangdong's body gradually disappeared, his face regained his composure, and he said in a low voice, "I was reckless."

"Anyway, the murderer has been found, so what if we wait a while, as soon as the martial arts competition is over, Venerable Xiang will always help us. At this time, it is not appropriate to do anything, and there is no need to be in a hurry." Feng Cangnan said.

Feng Cangdong thought it was reasonable, anyway, with Venerable Xiang around, it would be no problem for Venerable Xiang to deal with Ding Ning and the others.

"Then we'll wait for the end of this martial arts competition before taking his life." Feng Cangdong said coldly.

This means that their ancestor Fenglei is dead, otherwise, with the personality of the ancestor, even if the martial arts competition is in progress, he will still make a move when it is time to make a move.

It's just that the current situation is not as good as it used to be. Without the master of leaving the body, they have to consider many aspects.

The experts in the out-of-body state on the high platform don't want any changes in this martial arts competition. If they become the scene of the martial arts competition, they will not be happy. If the ancestor Fenglei was alive before That's all, they will give face and turn a blind eye, but now it is different from before, they don't have the protection of the strong.

Even if Venerable Xiang made a move, they had contacted in advance, talked about the relationship between Venerable Xiang and the ancestor, and brought out many treasures, so Venerable Xiang reluctantly agreed.

After the three elders unified their opinions, they all kept a low profile. Although they were all watching the fight in the isolated formation, most of their minds were focused on Ding Ning and the others.

Of course, they also secretly sent a voice transmission, telling the suspect who killed Fenglei Patriarch, Ding Ning and his party, to Venerable Xiang.

Venerable Xiang on the high platform was startled, and looked around Ding Ning and the others, but found nothing special.

"Interesting, are they all hiding their strength?" Venerable Xiang didn't notice that among Ding Ning and his party, there was an aura of a master. Whether it was Ding Ning or Ge Hong, they only exuded the aura of gathering gods.

Venerable Xiang felt that the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion had made a mistake, but after the affirmation of the three elders, Venerable Xiang paid attention to it.

"After the martial arts competition is over, I will meet you in person."

Venerable Xiang suppressed his interest in Ding Ning and the others, and returned to the isolation formation.

At this time, Fairy Baihua and the only remaining opponent had reached the final stage of the battle. Both sides were almost exhausted and were struggling.

"Young Master Qingxiang took out all the most powerful methods, but he couldn't defeat this female monk. It's really surprising."

"They are in the same realm, but the strength of this female monk can basically reach a higher realm. Not to mention a cross-border battle, but the difference is almost the same. The strongest attack of Young Elephant can't defeat her, nor can she It is reasonable, because this woman is really scary." Someone said seriously.

"Young Master Qingxiang must win, otherwise, in the future, where will my dignity as a monk in the Southern Wilderness be? How can I be suppressed by a female monk from the Northern Wilderness? He will be ridiculed by the monks of the Northern Wilderness."

"Yes, Mr. Qingxiang, the dignity of our Southern Wilderness's younger generation depends on you to protect it. We must win."

The young monks present at the Southern Wilderness prayed for Young Master Qingxiang, hoping that the final winner must be Young Master Qingxiang. Even the many monks who were eliminated also participated in the prayer, and they did not want Fairy Baihua to stand at the end.

Only a few monks hope that Baihua Fairy will win. These people are naturally not Nanhuang monks, but like Baihua Fairy, they come from Beihuang. As Beihuang monks, they can see that there are Beihuang monks standing in the final battle of Wubi , What an exciting thing.

"I'm waiting for you to pray. You must defeat this last southern opponent. In the future, he will no longer have the right to despise us in the southern wilderness. A peerless figure should appear in our northern wilderness."

"Beihuang's hope is pinned on you, you must win."

The Northern Wilderness cultivators present cheered for Baihua Fairy. Although the number of people was small, they were basically drowned out by the Southern Wilderness cultivator's voice, but they were eager to hope that Baihua Fairy would defeat the last opponent.

At this time, it really entered the most intense stage.

The result of the match between Baihua Fairy and Young Master Qingxiang is definitely the most concerned about the entire Southern Wilderness.

Young Master Qingxiang finished his strongest attack again, gathered all his remaining strength, and then said to Fairy Baihua: "You can block my method for the first time, but you may not be able to block the second time, the final victory, It must belong to me!"

Fairy Baihua is almost exhausted at this time, and she still has the last layer of strength. If she still can't defeat Young Master Qingxiang, then she will really lose.

The final blow determines the outcome!
The two refused to give in to each other, and finally, under the gaze of the people, they rushed towards each other at the same time, and then saw that the two of them collided in the isolated formation, shining brightly.

After a glare, people's eyes just looked again.

In the isolated formation, one can vaguely see that the original two figures, now there is only one figure standing.

who is it?

The next moment, many people cheered, and the area where the people belonging to Wanshou Mountain was located was the loudest, because the person who stood there at the end was their Young Elephant.

Young Master Qingxiang won!

The result is self-evident, what can continue to stand is not victory.

The disciple of Wanshou Mountain won the No. 1 of Wubi, and the son of Qingxiang, worthy of the name, is the No. 1 of the Southern Wilderness.

The Southern Wilderness monks who were present at the scene breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. Fortunately, the victory belongs to Young Master Qingxiang. Otherwise, it would be really embarrassing if Baihua Fairy wins. A female monk has empowered the entire Southern Wilderness young generation .

Just when many people felt that the dust had settled, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Look at..."

what happened?
People looked into the isolation formation again, only to realize that Fairy Baihua, who had been knocked down before, stood up again, and walked towards Mr. Qingxiang step by step. After walking for about ten breaths, he came in front of Mr. Qingxiang , she stretched out a hand, and touched Young Master Qing Xiang, and Young Master Qing Xiang fell down.

At such a scene, everyone who watched was stunned, and the cheers from the many disciples of Wanshou Mountain stopped abruptly.


The final victory belongs to Fairy Baihua!

They were all happy in vain.

No.1 was taken away by a female monk from the Northern Wilderness!

(End of this chapter)

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