The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 667 Challenge! 672 more

Chapter 667 Challenge! 672 more

Stunned, amazed, shocked, unbelievable and other emotions rose in the hearts of everyone present. No one expected that this time the martial arts competition would be won by a monk from the Northern Wilderness. If this is the case, it will be fine. Still a female monk, it is really unacceptable.

The face of the young monk in Nanhuang can be used to sweep the floor, and he will be ashamed and thrown at home.

Many people are still unable to regain their senses for a long time. How could this be? The victory should belong to their monks in the Southern Wilderness. The Northern Wilderness doesn't even have top experts, so there shouldn't be such a powerful genius.

The people in Wanshou Mountain were very upset, they had clearly won the victory, but they slipped away in a blink of an eye.

"Impossible, there must be something wrong with her victory. How could a Northern Wilderness cultivator defeat the genius of our sect? She must have used despicable means to win, so it doesn't matter." win, questioned.

"That's right, Young Master Qing Xiang's talent and strength are recognized by the First Elder, even the First Elder thinks Young Master Qing Xiang is a rare genius in a century, he will not lose, let alone a woman from the Northern Wilderness. "

The disciples of Wanshou Mountain voiced their voices one after another, questioning the authenticity of Fairy Baihua's victory.

The surrounding Nanhuang monks also spoke up and joined in.

"Yes, she must have cheated. It is impossible for a monk from the Northern Wilderness to be better than us."

"Void, the No.1 qualification is void!"

Many Nanhuang monks didn't think Baihua Fairy could win the final victory, and they even raised their voices to cancel No.1, and a large number of people echoed it, forming a big momentum.

The Northern Wilderness cultivators who were present quit. It was obvious that everyone had done it under their noses. Why did they cheat?
The Northern Wilderness cultivators were very angry for Fairy Baihua, and said loudly: "You Southern Wilderness cultivators are too bullying. If you win, you win. Besides, where did the cheating come from? Do you have any evidence?"

"Hmph, the fact that you Beihuang don't even have a single out-of-body-level expert is the best proof." A Nanhuang cultivator retorted.

"You..." The Northern Wilderness cultivator couldn't continue. There is indeed no out-of-body-level expert in the Northern Wilderness.

"Hmph, what are you guys, aren't we telling the truth? If you have the ability, you can find a strong person from your northern wilderness who has left the body, is there one? Since there is no one, how can your monks from the northern wilderness beat me in the southern wilderness?" Desolate young generation, she is cheating, she should be invalidated."

It is true that the monks of the Northern Wilderness could not find a strong person who belonged to their Northern Wilderness Out of Aperture Realm, but if we really want to say this, it is impossible for their younger generation in the Northern Wilderness to win the first place in the martial arts competition. They are all unwilling, so why are they so determined? .

Without the strong of the older generation, must the young be incapable of being strong?

It's too one-sided.

However, the number of Northern Wilderness monks present was too small to argue against the large number of Southern Wilderness monks.

Just as the monks in the Northern Wilderness were all furious, a voice suddenly rang out in everyone's ears.

"Who said that I have no out-of-body-level powerhouses in the Northern Wilderness!"

As soon as the voice came out, everyone's eyes were instantly attracted.


Thousands of eyes gathered on an old man, and suddenly, the old man became the focus of attention.

he is?

In other words, few of the people present knew him.

On the other hand, Venerable Xu in the stands felt that this person was somewhat familiar, especially the temperament, which was very similar to someone in his memory.

"I am a monk from the Northern Wilderness, and my strength is the Out of Aperture Realm. I, a monk from the Northern Wilderness, won the first place in the martial arts competition. Who is not convinced?" Wu Langjia looked down upon those Southern Wilderness monks who questioned Fairy Baihua.

Someone jumped out first, not believing that Wu Langjia was a strong person in the Aperture Realm, and laughed and said: "You make it up, you, to prove that the Northern Wilderness can produce geniuses, you are too hard, even the Aperture Realm The strong dare to impersonate, you are crazy."

"I think this person is crazy. How can a barbarian land like the Northern Wilderness be able to get out of the Aperture Realm? I think you are bragging and don't even make a draft."

Questions came one after another. Wu Langjia didn't have any explanation for this. He snorted, and in an instant, the breath of the out-of-aperture level burst out, pressing on those who questioned him.

Immediately, this overwhelming aura was suppressed, and all those who questioned were dumb and their eyes widened.

This breath...

All the powerhouses on the high platform stood up, with serious expressions on their faces. When did the out-of-aperture powerhouses appear in the Northern Wilderness?How come they don't know anything about it, and they don't even know who this person is.

"Who still doubts my strength?" Wu Langjia's eyes swept over the faces of those monks called Huan just now. None of these people dared to look at Wu Langjia.

Just kidding, the majesty of a strong person in the out-of-body state is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

"Haha, let these people slander, a group of people with eyes but no eyes, always look at people with old eyes, how do they know that Senior Wu has already broken through." Fang Ji laughed, thinking that this time Wu Langjia stood up and slapped his face, it was so cool He slapped all these monks in the Southern Wilderness fiercely on the face, to see who would dare to say that there is no strong man in the Northern Wilderness.

From now on, they have strong players in the Northern Wilderness, and they are no longer a place that the Southern Wilderness can easily ignore.

"Hmph, I have nothing to say now. They have all become dumb. They were all full of doubts before." Meng Lang couldn't help but satirize these people.

The faces of these Nanhuang monks are really ugly. They can't afford to lose, and they look down on others, which is really irritating.

"Fellow Taoist, are you really from Beihuang?" Venerable Xiang from Wanshou Mountain on the high platform asked.

"Of course." Wu Langjia said firmly.

"Since you are from Beihuang, I haven't asked you for your name."


Wu Langa...

As soon as these three words came out, the young monks around were all scratching their heads, trying to find this person in their minds, but after thinking for a long time, they couldn't find it. Only a few people felt that the name sounded familiar.

"Wulanga, this name, why do I feel that many young people have heard it before?"

"Wulanga, Wulanga... who the hell is he?"

"I remembered, he is the most famous genius in the Northern Wilderness!"

"I remember that he once participated in the martial arts competition and reached the final step, but he lost in the end, and the person who defeated him was Venerable Xu!"

Is this person in front of him a rival to Venerable Xu?
For a moment, everyone looked at Venerable Xu on the high platform again.

Venerable Xu stared at Wu Langjia, and slowly said: "No wonder you seem familiar. You are really him. I haven't seen him for many years. I never thought that you have also entered this level."

Wu Langjia said lightly: "I was defeated back then, and today I want to win it back with my own hands. How dare you accept my challenge!"

(End of this chapter)

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