The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 668 673 Choose No One! 3 more

Chapter 668 673 Choose No One! 3 more

Someone wants to challenge Venerable Xu!
Moreover, he was defeated by Venerable Xu back then, but none of the people present ignored or opened up discussions at will.

Because this person is Wu Langjia, a top master who has entered the level of leaving the body.

Not everyone can talk about monks at the level of leaving the body.

Talking indiscriminately is a disrespect and offense to the strong. Once the strong under discussion knows, it is not too much to kill in anger.

The strong cannot be humiliated.

"You want to challenge me?" Venerable Xu smiled.

"Do you dare to accept it?" Wu Langjia's fighting spirit is already very obvious. He has completely mastered the technique that Ding Ning gave him. With the powerful technique as his trump card, he can't help but fight Xu Zun. .

And right now, it's the best time. It's time to let the monks of the Southern Wilderness see that he will have masters in the Northern Wilderness from now on. He, Wu Langa, wants to take back all the faces he lost in the past. For this day, he It has been waiting for many years, and now, it is finally coming true.

"You were not my opponent before, but you are still not my opponent now, do you still want to lose again in front of everyone in Nanhuang?" Venerable Xu said lightly, with invincible confidence in his words , When saying this sentence, it is very natural.

"I won't lose to you again." Wu Langjia said resolutely.

"Hehe, if you insist on challenging me, I can satisfy you, but I don't want to see you, and finally come to this day, because I fought with me and fell down again, I will feel sorry for you." Venerable Xu said Deputy Wu Lan added a thoughtful tone.

"That's none of your business. I just want to fight with you and get back everything I lost after I lost to you." Wu Langjia said slowly.

"Okay, since you insist on this, I promise you." Venerable Xu agreed, but he didn't finish his sentence, "But before that, I have one more thing to do. After I finish this thing, I will fight you myself."

"Okay." Wu Langjia responded.

The people around were all excited, because right away, they would be able to see a fight between the out-of-body-level powerhouses. Not everyone can see it.

It is also a kind of opportunity to watch the battle between strong players. There are many monks who have gained some insights from watching the battle, and their strength has broken through the shackles.

Many people are secretly looking forward to the fight between the strong players who will appear later.

Venerable Xu turned his gaze, landed on Venerable Xiang, and said, "Venerable Xiang, what do you think about No.1 in this competition?"

Just now, the disciples of Wanshou Mountain questioned Fairy Baihua's No. 1 qualifications. It is better for Venerable Xiang to resolve this matter.

Venerable Elephant is the most powerful existence in Wanshou Mountain, and one of the few out-of-aperture powerhouses in the Southern Wilderness.

"No.1 has no objection, the winner is her, the girl from the Northern Wilderness!"

Venerable Xiang spoke, and the voice reached everyone's ears.

"grown ups……"

The disciples of Wanshou Mountain were stunned for a moment, they did not expect that their strongest adult would say such a thing.

"She didn't cheat, and she won aboveboard. If anyone still doubts her, they can stand up and tell me now."

Venerable Xiang glanced at the many monks in front of him, but no one spoke, and the doubting disciples of Wanshou Mountain also shut their mouths.

"Okay, since there is no doubt, you will be the champion of the martial arts competition in the end."

Saying that, with Venerable Xiang's finger pointing, the isolation formation dissipated automatically, and Fairy Baihua walked out of it.

Fairy Baihua received the attention of everyone. As Fairy Baihua walked in front of everyone, the younger generation of cultivators in Nanhuang lowered their heads one after another, feeling that their faces were dull. This was definitely the most embarrassing in the history of many martial arts competitions. once.

Being won the first place by a female monk in the Northern Wilderness will be recorded in the history of the Southern Wilderness.

"I, the land of the Northern Wilderness, will finally no longer be looked down upon. Now, my young strongman in the Northern Wilderness has not only won the first place in the martial arts competition, but also has a top powerhouse at the level of leaving the body. This is a great thing of double happiness. "

"Now I can't wait to put on a pair of wings, fly back to the Northern Wilderness, and tell all the monks on the Northern Wilderness about this. When I walk on the Southern Wilderness in the future, I can stand up and hold my head up. My Northern Wilderness cultivator is no weaker than the Southern Wilderness. "

The Northern Wilderness monks who were present saw Baihua Fairy's attention, and couldn't help crying. They Beihuang monks have been looked down upon for many years, and now they are finally proud. In the future, someone will say that they have no strong people in the Northern Wilderness. They are young. The first generation is extremely weak, and they can fight back powerfully.

"Congratulations, you have won No.1 in the final martial arts competition. Although you are from the Northern Wilderness, we can see your strength. Among the younger generation, you are the best." Venerable Xu did not hesitate to tell Fairy Baihua compliments.

"Thank you for your compliment," Baihua Fairy saluted.

Several out-of-body experts from Wuji Palace, Xianrenju, and Lingjue Temple also spoke one after another, full of praise for Fairy Baihua.

They all saw the scene of many younger generations fighting together in the big formation just now, and Fairy Baihua really made it to the end step by step, without using any cheating methods.

It even brought them a lot of surprises at the end. With the strength of the peak strength in the late Jindan stage, it broke out the power of half a step into the Nascent Soul stage, which is really eye-catching.

Even when they were in the golden core state, they had never achieved this level.

The powerhouses thought that Fairy Baihua was very good in their hearts, especially as a female monk, it was really not easy to win No.1.

"Girl, since you have won No.1, you have the opportunity to worship under any one of us. Don't worry, we don't mind your background in the Northern Wilderness. If you worship me as your teacher, I will definitely be your teacher." I pass on all my unique knowledge to you." Venerable Pufa of Lingjue Temple said.

"Hey, you're starting to catch up right now, right? Girl, take me as your teacher. I'm a female monk, and I'm different from these stinky men. As long as you come into my sect, I will definitely treat you like a daughter." The Wuji nun of Wuji Palace was on the side, and said hastily.

Elder Tianji from Xianrenju also opened his mouth, trying to accept Fairy Baihua.

To be honest, Baihua Fairy's talent is liked by several powerhouses very much. She has entered the peak of Jindan Realm at a young age, and even has the strength of half-step Nascent Soul. It is inevitable to enter Nascent Soul Realm in the future. The chances of the environment are very high, and no one wants to miss such a good seedling.

Venerable Xu also threw an olive branch at Fairy Baihua, and they all rushed to grab her, wanting to accept Fairy Baihua as his apprentice.

This scene stunned the people around. Several experts in the Leaving Aperture Realm scrambled to be recruited, not to mention how enviable they were.

"Heaven and earth, if there is a strong person who is out of the body willing to accept me as a disciple, I will die without regret, but she has so many strong people who want to be her disciple."

"People are more angry than people, and you can't afford to hurt them."

"He is number one in the martial arts competition. He has the qualifications. Let's just daydream."

"Aren't you curious, which strong man will she worship?"

Several experts in the Leaving Aperture Realm rushed to accept Fairy Baihua as his apprentice. In previous martial arts competitions, this kind of situation was very rare. In fact, no one wanted to miss such a good seed as Fairy Baihua.

Who would want to miss a genius who has a great possibility of stepping into the Out-of-Aperture Realm in the future.

Such a good seedling to inherit the mantle, even a proud person like Xu Zun would not want to miss it.

"Girl, who among us do you want to worship?"

Several powerhouses want to hear Fairy Baihua's answer, who will she choose.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Baihua Fairy first bowed deeply to the strong men, and then said: "Seniors, I'm sorry, I can't beg to be a disciple of any of you, let the seniors disappointed."

(End of this chapter)

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