The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 669 674 I Want to See You! 1 more

Chapter 669 674 I want to see it! 1 more

Not to be under the disciples of any strong out-of-the-body realm?
Did you hear me wrong?

Does this mean that he rejected all the experts in the Out-of-Aperture Realm and wanted to accept Fairy Baihua as his disciple?

Immediately after Baihua Fairy's words, there was a burst of astonishment.

"Crazy, you don't want such a good thing as a master who is out of the body, isn't it too arrogant? Even if you are the first in the martial arts competition, you are nothing in front of the strong out of the body." Someone said Very puzzled.

"Such a good opportunity, she gave it up voluntarily. Doesn't she know that there are countless people who are thinking about worshiping the master of the Aperture Realm? And he refused!"

"What on earth is she thinking? Could it be that a strong person in the out-of-body state is not qualified to be her teacher?"

People talked a lot, no one actually thought that someone would refuse such a good thing, isn't the ultimate purpose of the martial arts competition, is to worship the strong ones in the Leaving Aperture Realm.

Many people thought that Fairy Baihua was crazy, and she turned a blind eye to a great opportunity and gave up voluntarily.

The several out-of-body realm experts present all frowned. They also did not expect that someone would refuse. In the past, it was their choice, and the initiative was with them. Even if you won the No. Everyone wants to accept her as an apprentice, and the real Baihua Fairy is so talented that everyone is moved.

"Girl, do you know that this kind of thing is a good thing that others can't even ask for. Why do you refuse? Can you give us a reason?" asked the Venerable Pufa of Lingjue Temple.

"Give us a reasonable reason, otherwise, I will think you look down on us." Venerable Xiang said with a cold face, and his displeasure could already be heard in his tone.

Wouldn't it be shameless to reject a strong man of their rank?Slap them in the face, who can be happy.

Fairy Baihua took a deep breath, because her body hadn't recovered from the battle for a long time, she was a little weak, she cleared her throat and said, "I don't mean to look down on the seniors, it's just that the people I most want to learn from are not a few It’s all seniors, thank you seniors for your appreciation, I have made up my mind and will not change.”

"The person you most want to be a teacher is not among us, girl, so I'm curious, who do you most want to be a disciple of, can you tell me, to be blunt, the strongest person on the Southern Dipper , are all here, if you don’t want me to be your teacher, who do you want to be your teacher?”

"Who is that person? If you don't give us a clear answer, I think you are playing tricks on us. Even if you are number one in the martial arts competition, you are not qualified to play tricks on us, you know?" Venerable Xiang said.

Fairy Baihua was silent, considering whether to speak out in public.

"These strong men are real. Fairy doesn't want to worship you as teachers, but she has to ask the bottom line. Who stipulated that the first in the martial arts competition must be under the strong man's sect. You have choices, don't we have to choose?" Fang Halberd muttered.

"Aren't you curious about who the fairy most wants to learn as a teacher?" Meng Lang said.

"I guess it should be Senior Ge or Senior Wu. Along the way, the two seniors have given us many pointers." Fang Ji guessed, and Meng Lang nodded, which was similar to what he had in mind.

However, this guess was unknown to the several powerhouses present, and several of them asked Fairy Baihua to tell who that person was, and they wanted to see who was more qualified than them, and they wanted to snatch an apprentice from them.

"Okay, since the seniors want to know, I won't hide it from you seniors. The person I most want to learn from is our young master, Mr. Ding!" Fairy Bai Hua said seriously.

Mr. Ding?
Which tall man is this?How come they never heard of it.

"Young Master Ding? Who does this Young Master Ding know? Why don't I know? Girl, you won't just name someone and fool us." Venerable Xu said seriously.

"Have any of you heard of Mr. Ding?"

"I've never heard of it. Could it be that he is a master of the hidden world? But among the masters of the hidden world, I also know a few. There is absolutely no Mr. Ding."

Several strong men discussed for a while, but they had never heard of this person.

"Girl, you don't want to make up someone just to reject us. If that's the case, there's no need for it."

"You girl, I think it looks pretty good. If you really don't think we can be your teacher, we won't force it. There is no need to create someone who doesn't exist."

The few powerhouses were a little displeased. It would be fine if Fairy Baihua named a famous person, but it happened to be a young master Ding whom none of them had ever heard of. How could they have a good face? It is really a big joke for the top expert in the southern wasteland to lose to someone who has never heard of it.

No one would refuse to accept disciples in their identities, and Fairy Baihua was the only one.

"Obviously there is no such person, you have to find someone to reject us, girl, you can just say that you don't want to worship any of us as a teacher in your heart, you don't need to lie and create a person of nothingness." Venerable Xu's voice Qing Leng was a little angry towards Bai Hua Fairy.

Fairy Baihua didn't explain. In her heart, these out-of-body experts are not as good as Ding Ning. If you want to talk about apprenticeship, you must worship under Ding Ning's sect. Even Ge Hong and Wu Langa asked Ding Ning for advice. How can they be with Ding Ning? Ding Ning compared.

Anyway, Fairy Baihua would not worship these people as teachers.

"Who said that this Mr. Ding is a person of nothingness."

Just after Venerable Xu finished speaking, Ding Ning's voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

The people around Ding Ning were all stunned for a moment, and took the initiative to step back. Even the people around Ding Ning automatically gave way.

No matter what Ding Ning meant, is he the Mr. Ding that Fairy Bai Hua talked about?
You are not mistaken, if you say that calling Ding Ning a son is fine, but if you say that Ding Ning is more qualified to be the teacher of Baihua Fairy than a few strong people, everyone present will not believe it.

Are you kidding, is it possible that Ding Ning is stronger than Venerable Xu and Venerable Xiang?

The moment Ding Ning opened his mouth, the eyes of Xu Zunzhe and others fell on Ding Ning.

Facing the scrutiny of the experts in the Aperture Realm, Ding Ning appeared calm and unhurried, standing there with a straight body, like a big gun between heaven and earth, and his eyes were bright and energetic, like stars in the sky.

"Interesting, you would rather worship him as a teacher than any of us, right?" After looking at Ding Ning for a while, neither Xu Zun nor Xiang Zun could see that Ding Ning was ugly. , I can't help but feel even more angry in my heart, can I and others be inferior to a god-gathering state?
After their investigation, Ding Ning is just a small cultivator in the Concentrating God Realm, and he is also qualified to compete with them as an apprentice, even though he is not as strong as Fairy Baihua.

"Girl, do you really want to worship him as your teacher? Any of us can easily kill a monk like this, with only one move, no need for a second move." Venerable Pufa said.

"The little god-gathering realm is worthy of us? This girl is deliberately humiliating us. She wants to save our face for them." Venerable Xiang snorted.

Just as Fairy Baihua was about to explain, Ding Ning spoke first: "Can you kill me with one move? Who can do it, I really want to see it."

As soon as Ding Ning's words came out, the audience fell silent, and everyone was startled by him.

Is this actively provoking the out-of-body realm powerhouse?

(End of this chapter)

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