The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 670 675 Wu Langa VS Venerable Xu! 2 more

Chapter 670 675 Wu Langa VS Venerable Xu! 2 more

Before there was a Wu Langjia who wanted to challenge Venerable Xu, and now there was a young master Ding who wanted to challenge the strong ones in the Aperture Realm. Why, could it be that the monks in the Aperture Realm are weak?
Besides, Wu Langjia challenged Venerable Xu, Wu Langjia is a genuine out-of-body realm, but why are you Ding Ning?

A Gathering God Realm is also worthy?

But at this moment, an even more astonishing scene happened.

Only seeing Wu Langjia's figure flashed, he stood in front of Ding Ning, bowed to Ding Ning and said, "I would also like to meet someone who can solve our young master with one move, please allow me to act for you, young master."


What is Wu Langjia doing?He can be a strong person in the Leaving Aperture Realm, how could he salute Ding Ning so politely, what's the situation?

When Wu Langjia suddenly showed such respect to Ding Ning, everyone was stunned, including Xu Zunzhe and others who were present.

This time, they all re-examined Ding Ning, even if they were able to make an out-of-body-level strongman a servant, they couldn't do it.

But the young man in front of him did it.

"Wulanga, you disappointed me a little. I was happy for you when you entered the Out-of-Aperture Realm, but I didn't expect you to become a subordinate of a junior. You have lost the heart of a strong man. You will never be able to defeat me." Yes." Venerable Xu said.

"How can you understand the strength of the young master? I am today because of the gift of the young master. If you look down on the young master, you look down on me. I will let you know the truth that arrogant soldiers must be defeated." Wu Langa He replied loudly.

Of course!

Surprised voices reappeared in the hearts of the surrounding people. They all heard what Wu Langjia said just now. How could they understand the meaning of these words? Wu Langjia's entry into the Aperture Realm is related to Ding Ning. Could it be that Ding Ning helped him?
It must be that he was exaggerating Ding Ning, or Ding Ning gave Wu Langa the precious top-grade elixir. This possibility is relatively high.

"Girl, let me ask you one last time. You really don't want to change your mind, do you just want to worship him as your teacher?" Venerable Pufa asked again.

"I've made up my mind." Fairy Baihua nodded emphatically.

"Okay." The Venerable Pufa took a breath, and didn't intend to force it anymore. The smile on his face slowly retracted, showing a serious expression, and looked at Ding Ning: "Young man, as long as you can take me If you recruit, I will recognize that you are qualified to compete with us as apprentices."

"Brother Pufa, if you want to make a move, I'm the one to do it, so let me have this opportunity." Old Man Tianji said.

"Several, can you give me this opportunity, and I will definitely let him know that the sky is high and the earth is strong." Venerable Xiang also spoke, and just now, the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion sent him a voice transmission, saying that they were killing them. The ancestor is Ding Ning and his party. According to the current situation, the murderer is Wu Langjia. Ding Ning is just a son who doesn't know where he came from. If he makes a move, he can kill Ding Ning and make Wu Langjia angry. , It will not be too late to clean up Wulanga.

In fact, when they saw the strong men showing their intention to attack Ding Ning, the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion were secretly happy. They thought that they would wait until the martial arts competition was completely over before asking Venerable Xiang to do it, but now In this situation, since Ding Ning is so arrogant, he must have moved ahead of time. In addition, because of Ding Ning's relationship, Fairy Baihua refused the kindness of other powerhouses. These powerhouses will definitely hate Ding Ning. , Then, it is useless even if Ding Ning and his party have a strong out-of-body state like Wu Langa, after all, there is only one Wu Langa, and they have more than one out-of-body state master on their side.

"Old Ancestor, your vengeance is about to be avenged." Feng Cangdong whispered in his heart. With their strength, it would be impossible for them to face Ding Ning and others. In the hands of Ding Ning and others, they are no opponents, but they can ask other strong people to take action, such as Venerable Xiang. As early as when they got the news from Fangcunshan that the nine people who killed the ancestors came to Fangcunshan, they began to plan this. It's over.

"I, Wu Langa, took over your move." Wu Langa said loudly, insisting on acting for Ding Ning.

Hearing this, Venerable Xiang from Wanshou Mountain, Nun Wuji from Wuji Palace, Elder Tianji from Xianrenju, Venerable Xu and others all frowned. If it was Wu Langjia, they really couldn't do it. One move defeated him, no matter how you say it, Wu Langa is also a strong person in the out-of-body state, and the gap with them is not particularly huge.

"You don't need to worry, I will deal with this person. After I defeat him, this young junior will have no strong man around him. Let's see how embarrassing he is." Venerable Xu sent a voice transmission to several other strong men.

Several strong men think it is feasible. Didn't Wu Langjia want to challenge Venerable Xu before, so let Venerable Xu defeat Wu Langjia, lest he stand up.

"Verun Xu, don't let him have any strength, we don't want him to have the strength to make trouble after a battle with you." Venerable Xiang said.

"Of course not. This time, I will make him completely desperate." Venerable Xu narrowed his eyes and said.

"Then I will leave it to Venerable Xu. We will teach the young man he is protecting after you have dealt with this person."

Several powerhouses decided not to attack for the time being, and Venerable Xu will take action alone to defeat Wu Langa. At that time, there will be no powerhouse in the Aperture Realm to protect Ding Ning. Let's see how arrogant he is, dare to speak wild words, and take their attacks , this young man is nothing more than relying on Wu Langjia, a strong man. Without Wu Langa, Ding Ning would be out of flame.

They don't think that Ding Ning really has the strength to match them.

After discussing with the others, Venerable Xu said to Wu Langjia, "Didn't you want to fight me before, now I will fulfill you, and I will wait for you on the ring!"

Saying that, Venerable Xu walked to the position where many monks fought in a group during the previous martial arts competition.

Wu Langa's expression flickered, and Ding Ning's voice sounded slowly: "Go, get back everything you lost, and defeat him."

"My lord, I will definitely show you the victory." After Wu Langjia finished speaking, his body flickered, and he stood in front of Xu Zun in an instant. The two faced each other, with a distance of about three meters, and became the focus of everyone present.


With a little skill, Venerable Xu reappeared the isolation formation that had disappeared before, bursting out with light, covering the surroundings.

Their series of fights is much more terrifying than the previous martial arts competitions. Without the isolation formation, the power will affect many people.

The battle at the level of the out-of-body realm powerhouse is coming.

All the people present couldn't help but get excited, and they will soon be able to witness a duel between masters with their own eyes.

The former opponents are now colliding again. Will Xu Zun continue to win, or Wu Langjia will come from behind and regain the dignity of defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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