The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 671 Confrontation of 676! 3 more

Chapter 671 Confrontation of 676! 3 more

In the isolated formation, the two out-of-the-body realm powerhouses burst into dazzling light, fighting together at a dizzying speed.

I only saw the constant shaking of the isolation formation, and it felt like it was going to explode at any moment.

"If there is no isolation formation, I am afraid that the aftermath of the battle alone will be enough to kill all of us."

"Everyone below the body is ants, not to mention us, even Nascent Soul Realm cultivators can't bear it."

"It's really scary. I don't know when I will be able to step into this realm."

"It's just you? Hehe, there are only a few out-of-body-level existences in the entire southern wasteland. Don't daydream. Not everyone can enter the out-of-body level. Even if you are a one-in-a-million genius, it's just a probability It's just bigger."

"On the road of cultivating the Tao, there are difficulties one step at a time. It is not easy to break through."

Watching the people who fought against each other, they talked in a hurry, envious of the strength at the level of the Aperture Realm.

Some people try to keep their eyes wide open, staring at the battlefield, trying to get some insights from this duel between the strong, but unfortunately, their eyes are sore, and they still fail. The level is really too low, even if you keep staring I looked at it, but I couldn't see it.

If you want to see clearly, you must at least have the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm. Below the Nascent Soul, it is really too difficult to see the movements clearly.

To be able to gain insights from the fights of the strong, that is on the basis of your certain strength. It is impossible for a monk in the Qi training state to gain comprehension from the hands of the strong in the Out of Apertures state.

The level is too low, the gap is too big, and it is basically impossible to understand.

In the isolated formation, energy is everywhere, and the place where the two of them passed was full of gunpowder.

After both of them punched each other, two figures stood at each end of the stage.

Both of them were expressionless, as if they had returned to the last battle when they participated in the martial arts competition.

"Is this the only strength you have?" Venerable Xu said indifferently.

Wu Langjia frowned. He didn't use the method taught by Ding Ning in the attack just now. He just relied on his own combat experience to fight against Venerable Xu. However, the result was not ideal. He stayed in the Aperture Realm too long. In short, in terms of the use of strength, it is not as good as Venerable Xu.

This point, Wu Langjia has to admit, otherwise he would not have been hit by Venerable Xu several times during the fight. Fortunately, those attacks were basically tentative attacks. , he has been seriously injured.

Hundreds of years later, when they fought again, Wu Langa found that Venerable Xu was much stronger than before. Even though he was both in the Aperture Realm, he couldn't figure out the opponent's background.

"If it's just like this, I will end this fight. You are not as good as you were when you were young. You have regressed, even if you have entered the out-of-body state."

The most infuriating thing is the opponent's sarcasm, and the most advanced sarcasm is this kind, which can make your veins swell without saying anything.

Venerable Xu's understatement, with a tone of disappointment that you only have this level, stimulated Wu Langjia.

In order to defeat Venerable Xu, Wu Langjia had overcome many difficulties.

"I won't lose, I will definitely defeat you." Wu Lanjia didn't say anything, but murmured silently in his heart, speaking with strength and actions.

Since the other party thinks that his strength is mediocre, let the other party see his full strength!

The aura on Wu Langjia's body was like waves on the sea, rolling up with a bang, and then rolling down.

His aura has increased, and the aura on his body is approaching the middle stage of the Aperture Realm.

With such a large formation, the expressions of several masters outside the formation flashed. Could it be that Wu Langjia is a monk in the middle stage of leaving the body?

If it is in the middle stage of leaving the body, the attack will be ten times or a hundred times more terrifying than before.

Although the difference is only a small realm, the strength is a world of difference.

"Great, Senior Wu broke out." Fang Ji shouted.

"Defeat him, Senior Wu, you can definitely do it."

"Senior, we believe in you."

Whether it was Meng Lang, Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, or Mo Qing, they were all cheering for Wu Langa.

Everyone knows that defeating Venerable Xu is Wu Langjia's heart disease. If Wu Langjia can defeat Venerable Xu, the road to cultivation in the future will definitely be smoother.

Heart disease will turn into a demon, which will hinder the practice, and once the heart disease is gone, it will be like an instant enlightenment, and you will get the feeling of rebirth, which is the best treasure for a cultivator.

Ding Ning and Ge Hong said nothing, they just watched quietly.

Their realm is higher than others, and they are not only looking at the surface, but also at a deeper level. Wu Langjia's explosive appearance at this time, in Ding Ning's view, does not mean that he can defeat Venerable Xu.

He observed Venerable Xu's attack just now, and thought that Venerable Xu is indeed not an easy guy. He has a lot of combat experience, and he has entered the Aperture Realm for a longer time than Wu Langjia. It is not easy for Wu Langjia to fight him. .

"He didn't use the method I taught. It seems that he knows the importance of the method as his trump card and wants to use it at the end." Ding Ning said in his heart.

If he guessed correctly, Wu Langjia used the previous set of combat skills and experience to evolve it into a means suitable for the out-of-the-body state.

Wu Langjia attacked crazily, very violently, and used all kinds of attack methods, which made the light of various colors burst out in the isolation formation, which was very eye-catching.

Xu Zun always resisted with one hand, and put the other behind his back, which is enough to see his contempt for Wu Langjia and his confidence in himself.

To deal with it with one hand is the greatest contempt for the opponent.

Wu Langjia seemed to be enraged, and threw out all kinds of methods, but he didn't use the method taught by Ding Ning.

Venerable Xu defuses all the attacks, and there is nothingness in front of him, forming a vacuum.

"It seems that you are at this level. It is time to end this boring fight. Now, I will let you take a look at the real gap between you and me. Wu Langa, as one of the opponents I once admitted , I will not perfunctory you, I will take out my strongest blow."

As Venerable Xu said, his hands, which were turned behind his back, stretched out in front of his body, and began to form seals.


As one after another handprints formed, they quickly condensed in the air and turned into a rotating golden pattern, with various runes flowing on it, like a large millstone, dividing the space that separated the large formation into two.

In front of the golden millstone is Wu Langjia, which is isolated, and behind the millstone is Venerable Xu himself, with a large space behind.

"My method is a method I created myself. It is called Dao Pan. Although there is only one method at present, it is enough to deal with you."

After Xu Zun finished speaking, he smiled slightly and shouted: "Go!"

With a whoosh, the big golden millstone pressed down overwhelmingly, leaving no room for Wu Langjia to escape to any place.

Wu Langa's heart was beating wildly, and he could feel the threat brought by this move. Once hit, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

"It seems that this is the only way to force me to use the method bestowed by the young master so quickly." Wu Langa immediately closed his eyes and began to recite silently.

On Wu Langjia's body, the aura rose tenfold and tenfold!

(End of this chapter)

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