The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 681 686 One Punch Each! 1 more

Chapter 681 Each of the 686 punches! 1 more

Brave but not resourceful is a reckless man.

The evaluation of Ge Hong by the old fisherman is that he is a reckless man who only has bravery and no wisdom. This is mostly the evaluation of a wise man to a person who lacks wisdom.

It is equivalent to belittlement in disguise.

Is Ge Hong really brave and foolhardy?

Naturally not.

The old fisherman's magic weapon is special, he has never encountered it before, so he carelessly followed the other party's way, but now that he has learned a lesson, he will not be entangled by the other party again.

The attack that the Venerable Xiang and the Venerable Pufa had been contemplating for a long time was still blasted out. Although there was an accident that Ge Hong broke free from the restraints, the two of them could not waste this blow.

Like a wild bull, Ge Hong rushed forward with his physical body, crushing all attacks, even if it was the full blows of two out-of-body experts, it was still unbreakable in front of his bravery.


Ge Hong came near the old fisherman. His goal was not Xiang Zun and Zun Pfa. With his strength, it was only a matter of time before he could win against these two.

Only the old fisherman is a more difficult character.

Therefore, he had to be dealt with first. Furthermore, this old fisherman had just restrained him, and even almost made him a shrouded bird, and was despised. He had to make this person pay the price.


The old fisherman's hand shot out filaments again, entangled towards Ge Hong, these filaments seemed to have eyes, no matter where Ge Hong hid, he would immediately follow, like tentacles, quickly entangled.

Ge Hong tried to blow these filaments away with his fists before, but he failed. These filaments are so soft that they don’t take any force when they hit them, just like hitting them in the air. That’s why he was shot. Main cause of entanglement.

Never get entangled again.

But ordinary attacks can't cause damage to the filaments. In Ge Hong's mind, he quickly thought about the solution, and his body retreated helplessly, and dodged left and right.

His advantage is a strong physical body, but in front of Filament, this advantage cannot be brought into play at all.

Seeing that Xisi pushed him farther and farther, Ge Hong thought of a way, but he didn't know if it was feasible.

Then try it.

As soon as his divine sense moved, a layer of flame suddenly appeared on Ge Hong's body, and his whole body was surrounded by fire.

If the fire could burn that thin thread, the game would be changed in an instant.


Ge Hong manipulated the flames to form a fire dragon, and then flew towards many thin lines.

In an instant, the flame and the thread met.

The old fisherman snorted and said, "It's a little too naive to want to burn my attack with mere flames."

As he spoke, his fingers continued to shoot, causing more thin threads to shoot out of them.

Can't it?
Ge Hong frowned, the heat of the flames could not burn the thin thread, and more thin thread was shot from the old fisherman's hand, Ge Hong's expression flashed, and he said: "Since fire can't do it, what about ice?"

In an instant, Ge Hong sent out a burst of extremely cold air, which was a method learned many years ago, the Ice Art.

With a whoosh, the cold air covered the many thin lines that came in, causing frost to form on them.

Immediately afterwards, a new situation appeared at the front end of these thin lines, only the thin line at the front was silently broken.

Ge Hong and the old fisherman were surprised.

"Hehe, alternating hot and cold, your attack can be broken." Ge Hong laughed, he has found a way to solve the thin thread threat, just need to be cold and hot, soft or hard thin thread, It can't withstand these two attacks at the same time. Once it does, it will become very fragile, and it will disintegrate without touching it.

"Hmph, you're a little clever, but you're still going to die." The old fisherman didn't change his face, and took the initiative to kill him. This time, he didn't shoot the thin thread, but swung his fist directly, wanting to collide with Ge Hong head-on.

"Let's see who will die." Ge Hong didn't evade at all. Although the time to step into the Aperture Realm was short, Ge Hong's physical body was strong.

With this, he is not afraid to fight against any strong man of the same realm.

Except for Ding Ning, as for the fisherman in front of him, how could he compare with Ding Ning.

The two punched each other, and then the two fists collided together. After a moment, they both separated and stared at each other.

Ge Hong felt a slight pain from the fist, and he saw some small wounds on the back of the palm.

This is not the power of the old fisherman's fist, but that silver-white glove.

Relying on the magical weapon, which hurt his body, Ge Hong stared at this glove for a long time. If the old fisherman didn't have this glove, he would have been blown away by him long ago.

"Come again!" The old fisherman was also very surprised by Ge Hong's physical body. The glove he was wearing could launch a very strong attack. Even if he was strong in the same realm, there were few rivals. However, Ge Hong was able to resist it, and he even had an equal posture. .

Although he despised Ge Hong in words before, the old fisherman took it seriously in his heart.

The two fought together again, but Venerable Xiang and Venerable Pufa failed to intervene, because their attacks were too fierce, and they did not give anyone a chance to intervene.


With a sweep of the spear, there was a sea of ​​flames.

Around Ding Ning, there is already a world of flames. In this space full of flames, flame guns can appear anywhere at will.

Ding Ning, the flame gun, and the human gun combined into one, and forced countless small gaps in the old farmer's hoe.

The old farmer's hoe was full of scars. Similarly, the old farmer himself was also injured. The hoe was a natal magic weapon, and if the natal magic weapon was damaged, he himself would naturally be damaged as well.

The old farmer's heart was bleeding. His hoe was so badly damaged that he didn't know how long it would take to recover.


The old farmer came to kill with a hoe, and Ding Ning held a flame gun and fought against each other. The magic weapons of the two collided with each other. In the end, only two magic weapons were seen fighting in the air.

The two were controlled by spiritual thoughts and continued to compete for strength.

However, the old farmer didn't intend to continue the fight like this. He suddenly came forward and wanted to take advantage of Ding Ning's flame gun when he was no longer in his hand.


His speed was very fast, and he came to Ding Ning's side in the blink of an eye. Ding Ning looked like he didn't react, and the old farmer's fist swished on Ding Ning's dantian.

This is to abolish Ding Ning first.

The fist was sunken in, as if breaking the dantian.

At the same time, a sneer appeared on the face of the old farmer, with an expression that the overall situation was settled: "I said, without the magic weapon, you will die in my hands soon, and now it has been fulfilled. "

"Hehe, why don't I think so?"

Ding Ning didn't look at the fist at the dantian, but a nonchalant smile appeared on his face.

The old farmer who watched was stunned. At this time, Ding Ning could still laugh.

Soon, the old farmer realized that something was wrong, because his fist unexpectedly stopped, and Ding Ning's dantian was not broken at all.


Just when the old farmer was wondering what was going on, Ding Ning also punched the old farmer with his fist, hitting the same position.


The old farmer spurted blood from his mouth, and a bloody hole was made in his dantian.

The two punched each other, but the results were very different.

(End of this chapter)

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