The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 682 687 consecutive cuts! 2 more

Chapter 682 687 consecutive cuts! 2 more

"Why didn't you get hurt...and I..."

The old farmer's face was full of astonishment. He never thought that his fist would not have the slightest effect on Ding Ning, but instead his dantian was broken by Ding Ning's punch.

"It's very simple, because I don't use a flame gun, and I'm still better than you." Ding Ning said lightly.

He had just used his demon body, the glazed body, and his tyrannical body was even more terrifying than Ge Hong. How could the old peasant's fist hurt him.

And in this physical state, Ding Ning's random punch could shatter mountains and rivers, not to mention the punch he used with almost all his strength, it was not an attack that the old farmer could withstand.

In an instant, the dantian of the old farmer began to bleed.

One of his hands was holding onto Ding Ning's arm, but he didn't have the strength he had before, because the strength in his whole body was fading rapidly.

The dantian was smashed by Ding Ning's punch, and his cultivation was in vain.

"I don't have a magic weapon, you still can't kill me, but your life and death are in my hands, what do you think?" Ding Ning said lightly.

"I'm not your opponent. I underestimated you and let me live." The old farmer lowered his head.

Now that he is defeated, he has lost his cultivation, pride, and everything else will disappear together.

Ding Ning was able to break his physical body with his fist. His strength is self-evident. This is definitely his real power. What does it mean that a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm can do this?
Crossing the border once has flashed countless times in the minds of the old farmers.

The one who defeated him was a perverted evildoer who was in the Nascent Soul Realm and possessed a cross-border cultivation base. Only now did the old farmer understand this.

"Have you bowed your head?" Ding Ning smiled: "I have no enmity with you, but you want to join in and provoke me, do you think I will let go of someone who is my enemy for no reason? "

"Hehe, that's right, how could a person who would kill Fenglei Patriarch as soon as he spoke, let others go." The old farmer smiled wryly, and did not humble himself any more.

"I hope you can give me a good time."

"I can satisfy you." Ding Ning said lightly. Immediately, his fist burst into a strong light at the dantian of the old farmer. The next second, it exploded with a bang. The old farmer was torn apart and turned into many flesh and blood. It fell to the ground.

The death is really simple.

The old farmer is dead!
All the people who saw this scene looked dull, this was the first one to fall among the many out-of-body-level powerhouses present.

Moreover, he is also a mysterious strong man whose identity is not clear at all.

He died like this, leaving no body behind.

The eyes of Old Man Tianji and Wuji Shenni were filled with shock. They also did not expect that Ding Ning could kill the old farmer with one punch without relying on a flame gun.

How terrifying is this, that is to say, if it were them just now, they would have to be killed by Ding Ning's punch.

Their strength is only weaker than the old farmers.

Ding Ning killed the old farmer with one punch, and also killed the fighting spirit of old man Tianji and Shenni Wuji. Even with the generous conditions offered by the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion, the two of them had no intention of fighting anymore.

Just kidding, Ding Ning is so fierce without using the flame gun, if they go up, it will probably end in death.

They didn't believe before that Ding Ning could take one of their attacks, but now that he thinks about it, how the hell can he take the next one? He can kill you with one move.

No more fights!
Old Man Tianji and Wuji Shenni looked at each other, and they both wanted to retreat, not wanting to continue fighting with Ding Ning.

"Are you two afraid?" Ding Ning's voice echoed in the ears of the two.

"Is it okay to stop at this time? I have no enmity with you. I made the move before because my heart was covered with lard. I would like to apologize to you." Old Man Tianji said slowly, lowering his posture.

"As long as you don't care about it, I can also apologize." Wuji Shennun said.

The two of them didn't want to kill any more. They could see Ding Ning's strength. He was a super evildoer who was already in the Nascent Soul Realm.

No wonder he has two out-of-body-level powerhouses guarding him, even without these two powerhouses, no one is his opponent.

"Do you want to give up now?" Ding Ning said indifferently: "It's up to you whether to let go or stop the relationship."

"I'm willing to apologize."

"Hehe, sorry, I don't need it."

"Do you really want to decide whether you will live or die?"

"Then why not?"

Seeing that Ding Ning was determined to continue fighting, Old Man Tianji and Wuji Shenni felt dizzy. They didn't want to fight anymore, but Ding Ning refused to give up easily.

"Don't you think that the two of us are afraid of you." The old man Tianji started to be tough, and said in a threatening tone: "The two of us may not be your opponents, but if you want to kill us, we will kill you." It will definitely not make you feel better."

"That's right, even if we die, we will drag you to be our back. In the worst case, everyone will die together." Wuji nun said.

Ding Ning smiled: "Just because you are worthy to die with me? I really want to see how you pull me as a back."

He walked towards the two of them with a smile on his face, but it contained infinite murderous intent.

Elder Tianji and Wuji Shenni both frowned. Even if they didn't want to fight, they had to fight, because Ding Ning would not give up.

"We're going to fight you!" The two looked at each other, and both rushed forward, and started to fight Ding Ning desperately.

Ding Ning maintained the state of the demon body and glazed body, even though the two came in front of him and unleashed a powerful attack, but he just raised his arms lightly, swiped left and right, and completely eliminated the attack of the two invisibly.

At this scene, the old man Tianji and Wuji Shenni's heart skipped a beat, feeling that Ding Ning at this time seemed to be a different person compared to before.

The combat power with bare hands is more terrifying than holding a flame gun.

"Go to hell!"

The blow didn't work, Old Man Tianji shot out an object from his palm and hit Ding Ning's chest, it was a magic weapon stele!
After throwing the stele, Elder Tianji stepped back abruptly, Wuji Shenni also shot her Hidden Blade, and quickly backed away.

The two retreated tens of meters at the same time, and saw two magic weapons detonated beside Ding Ning.

They want to exchange the magic weapon for their own safety. Even if it is the magic weapon of their own destiny, as long as it can not be killed or damaged by Ding Ning, it is worth it.

The two spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time. The power of the self-explosion of the magic weapon was great, but it also had a great impact on the two of them.

But at this time, these are not what they care about. They just want to know whether the two magic weapons will explode and whether Ding Ning will be buried in them.

"You want to kill me too?"

Ding Ning's voice suddenly sounded, the two were startled, and saw Ding Ning's figure in front of them, one step at a time, he came to the two of them, with two hands grabbing their necks respectively.

"Since you like to avenge Fenglei Patriarch, I will send you on the road to meet him now."

Ding Ning said slowly.

The old man Tianji and Wuji God nun were grabbed by the neck, unable to speak, even if they wanted to beg for mercy, they couldn't open their mouths. Then, their heads were separated from their bodies, and their necks exploded.


The two heads flew away quickly, the body was damaged, but the soul was still there, and the two were not dead yet.

Ding Ning stretched out his arm, and the flame gun in the distance came to his hand with a whoosh.

All I saw was that Ding Ning's body twisted, and the long spear in his hand was suddenly thrown out, turning into a gust of wind.

puff puff!

Two heads were flying, the spear chased from behind, and then went up, chilling the two heads, piercing them all.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the heads of the two strong men whose souls had been pierced on the flame gun. This time, the two strong men were really dead.

(End of this chapter)

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