The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 684 Stop! 689 more

Chapter 684 Stop! 689 more

Stop and admit defeat?

Ding Ning didn't speak, Ge Hong pretended he didn't hear it, and continued to bombard the two of them.

Venerable Xiang and Venerable Pufa said again and again: "We have already bowed our heads, is it impossible for your Excellency to chase and kill them all?"

"So what?" Ge Hong listened to Ding Ning, and since Ding Ning didn't speak, he, Ge Hong, would kill him to the end.

Fighting against these two guys before has almost tempered his strength, making him stand firmly in the exit state.

Now, there is no need for these two people to stay. If they dare to attack them, they will have to pay a corresponding price.

Ge Hong moved his fists in turn, and Venerable Xiang and Venerable Popularized Law retreated while fighting. They kept yelling that they could stop, but Ge Hong just turned a deaf ear.

The two strong men knew that they would continue to fight Ge Hong, and sooner or later they would follow in the footsteps of the old fisherman. They didn't want to risk their own lives just because they got something from Fenglei Pavilion.

Compared with any treasures or treasures, of course one's own life is the most important.

But Ge Hong just didn't stop, which made the two of them very anxious.

While resisting, the two quickly retreated. Seeing that there was no way to retreat on this square inch mountain, the two suddenly thought of the strongest person on the square inch, the existence that had never made a move, Yuan Dao Divine Monk.

"Master, save me."

"Master, help us."

Venerable Xiang and Venerable Pufa called for help from the Yuandao monk, hoping that the Yuandao monk could intervene.

Yuan Dao Shensheng sighed, and said in his heart: "Forget it, I can't let them kill all the top powerhouses in my Southern Wasteland."

Thinking in his heart, Yuan Dao Divine Monk put his palms together and said to Ding Ning, "How about stopping, Your Excellency? Give me Fangcunshan a thin noodle."

"Why do I want your thin noodles? Do you have a lot of face?" Ding Ning said lightly.

That's why Yuan Dao Divine Monk didn't make a move before, otherwise Ding Ning wouldn't bother to say anything.

"I know that your Excellency is not from my Southern Dou Xing. Presumably, you and your party came to my square inch not just for the purpose of martial arts competition. If you have other things, I think maybe our Fangcun Mountain can help." Yuan Yuan The Taoist monk said.

Ding Ning's expression flickered, this old monk's eyes are very vicious, he actually knew that the group of them had other purposes.

"If I stop, won't others think I'm too easy to bully?"

"Your Excellency, please rest assured. If you are willing to stop, I will ask Venerable Xiang and Venerable Pufa to apologize to the two of you, deal with this matter well, and give you a perfect answer."

"Hehe, what about those three old guys?"

"Venerable Xiang and Venerable Popular Dharma will definitely satisfy you."

"Oh?" Ding Ning pondered for a moment, then said to Ge Hong, "Stop."

Ge Hong's fist was almost hitting the top of Venerable Xiang's head, but he suddenly withdrew it, causing cold sweat to flow down Venerable Xiang's forehead.

The two people who escaped from the catastrophe were very grateful to the monk Yuandao. The monk Yuandao sent a voice transmission to the two of them, explaining what he had promised Ding Ning just now, and the two expressed their gratitude to the monk Yuandao again and again. He walked towards the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion.

The three elders of Fenglei Pavilion had a bad feeling after seeing Ge Hong stop fighting with Venerable Xiang and Venerable Pufa. Now that the two Venerables are walking towards them, it made the three of them feel even more uncomfortable. wonderful.


The two strong men came to the Fenglei Pavilion with stern faces.

"Seniors, who are you two?" Feng Cangdong asked.

Venerable Xiang snorted coldly: "It's all because of you. The two of us were almost killed. If Mr. Ding hadn't had a large number of people and didn't care about us, the two of us would be corpses now."

"Mr. Ding bypassed us, but we have to give Mr. Ding an explanation, and everything is caused by your Fenglei Pavilion, so you Fenglei Pavilion will bear the consequences." Venerable Pufa followed.

"What do you want to do?" The three elders of Feng Cangdong felt their hearts tightened, suddenly feeling bad.

Venerable Xiang and Venerable Pufa sneered, showing murderous intentions: "Your Fenglei Pavilion no longer needs to exist in the world. In the future, there will be no Fenglei Pavilion in the Southern Wilderness."

"Seniors, our Fenglei Pavilion is willing to take out everything left by the teacher. As long as the two seniors can avenge the teacher, the crippled method will be given to you two unconditionally. Don't you two want to take a look at the crippled method? Is it?" Feng Cangdong still wanted to redeem this precarious situation with a huge reward.

Venerable Xiang and Venerable Pufa all gave a disdainful smile: "You think we are really going to make an enemy of Mr. Ding for the so-called cruel law? Mr. Ding is not something we can deal with, nor can you provoke him in Fenglei Pavilion , all of this can only be blamed on you, Fenglei Pavilion, today, the two of us will erase your Fenglei Pavilion, so that Mr. Ding will let us go."

"You..." Feng Cangdong saw that the people who were originally helping them turned around and wanted to kill them. This is what happens when there is no strong man, and he can only let others bully him.

"I regard you as seniors and respect you two. I didn't expect you two to be so shameless. In order to survive, regardless of the past feelings, I will not let you go after the death of the teacher." Feng Cangdong said harshly, his mouth He said cruel words on the Internet, but his heart was extremely powerless.

"Hmph, your teacher has returned to ashes and ashes to ashes long ago, and he can still do mischief after death, and we will kill him with one move. Okay, I have talked too much nonsense with you, it's time to go on the road."

Then, Venerable Xiang and Venerable Pufa wiped out all the disciples of Fenglei Pavilion on Fangcun Mountain, as well as the three elders, and the two top masters made their moves. Naturally, they had no power to resist, and they were instantly wiped out.

So far, all the four elders of Fenglei Pavilion died, leaving only some disciples of Nantian City, but it is foreseeable that in the near future, the remaining disciples of Fenglei Pavilion in Nantian City will also be beheaded without exception.

This is a chance for Zun Xiang and Zun Pfa to survive. If Ding Ning does not satisfy Ding Ning, Ding Ning may still attack them.

Who asked them to provoke Ding Ning and his party because of Fenglei Pavilion?

If you want to make up for it, you have to pay the corresponding price.

If it wasn't for Yuan Dao's divine monk to speak, even if they wanted to pay the price, Ding Ning wouldn't bother.

With the end of the martial arts competition, a big incident against Ding Ning also came to an end.

The number of top powerhouses at the Aperture Realm level, now there are only three people left: Zun Xiang, Zun Pufa and Zun Xu, plus Yuan Dao Shenseng, the known strong people in the southern wasteland, this is the only one left. Four people.

As for the old man Tianji, the nun of Wuji, the old fisherman, and the old farmer, they all fell, and there will be changes just like Fenglei Pavilion, and there are two major forces, Xianrenju and Wuji Palace.

After today, the pattern of the Southern Wilderness will be rewritten.

(End of this chapter)

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