The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 685 6901 people walk alone! 2 more

Chapter 685 690 Walking Alone! 2 more

The martial arts competition is over.

But the land of the Southern Wilderness will not be peaceful, because what happened after the martial arts match yesterday was truly astonishing.

It has been a long time since the downfall of four Aperture Realm powerhouses has been so explosive in the Southern Wilderness.

On the night of the end of the martial arts competition, Fenglei Pavilion completely disappeared from Nantian City. A sect that existed for thousands of years was wiped out in ashes, and not only Wanshou Mountain, Lingjue Temple, but also other sects were shot. power.

The wall collapsed and everyone pushed it, and the drum was broken and tens of thousands beat it. The Fenglei Pavilion was the cause of the incident. Even if the three elders died, it was impossible to stop here. Wanshou Mountain and Lingjue Temple targeted Fenglei Pavilion, and other forces followed suit. kick.

However, no one found the crippled technique of ancestor Fenglei, which disappointed many people.

In the competition, Fairy Baihua won No.1, but after the competition, the focus of discussion was not on Fairy Baihua, but a little-known Young Master Ding. Everyone was talking about Young Master Ding.

Because of him, he is the person that Baihua fairies want to worship under the sect, because of him, there are two strong men in the out-of-body state guarding him, and because of him, he has killed three out-of-body-level people in a row.

Ding Ning's light was so bright that it completely covered Fairy Baihua, who was number one in martial arts competitions.

On the square inch mountain.

After staying overnight, Ding Ning and his party came to the main hall.

Venerable Xiang and Venerable Pufa were also here. They sent Ding Ning all the details of Fenglei Pavilion, but they didn't keep it for themselves. They just wanted to please Ding Ning, and hoped that Ding Ning could completely let them go and ignore the previous things.

Ding Ning glanced at it, saw some spirit stones or something, and put them in the storage ring.

Wu Langjia has recovered [-]% and is in good spirits. As for Venerable Xu, Ding Ning listened to Wu Langjia's opinion and did not make things difficult for him, and let Venerable Xu leave.

Now, everything is settled, and it's time to solve the last thing.

That is Ding Ning's purpose of coming to the southernmost tip of the Southern Wasteland.

"Do you want to enter the wormhole space?"

Hearing Ding Ning's request, Priest Yuan Dao froze for a moment.

"That's right, the purpose of my coming here is to enter the wormhole space and go to the cultivation world." Ding Ning said.

Hearing Ding Ning mention the word Cultivation Realm, Yuan Dao's expression flickered: "I have heard about Cultivation Realm, it is said that there is a pure land for monks, there are hundreds of millions of monks, and among them are the strong ones. Countless, is this the world of comprehension that you want to go to?"

"Since you know, then just take me there." Ding Ning didn't say much. Yuan Dao said that the world of cultivation is a pure land because he didn't understand the world of cultivation. There is no such thing as a pure land in the world of cultivation. Killing, even those so-called orthodox monks, still have their own intrigues.

Yuan Dao Divine Monk has never been to the cultivation world after all, and he doesn't know the cruelty of the cultivation world. Compared with the cultivation world, Nandou Xing is considered a pure land.

"Actually, this wormhole space is not anywhere else, it is on our Fangcun Mountain. If you insist on this, please follow me." The monk Yuandao said, and then walked in front, Ding Ning and his party walked behind, Xiang Zun The venerable and the venerable Dharma followed.

Everyone came to the back of the main hall, and there was a scene of clouds and mist in front of them.

"Here it is." Yuan Dao Divine Monk gestured to the crowd.

Is the wormhole space just around the corner?

Ding Ning didn't notice any power of spatial fluctuations, but only faintly felt that the scene of the small mountains in front of this mountain peak was a bit special, but it would be difficult to say for a while what was special about it.

Fang Ji, Baihua Fairy and others are also wondering, where is there any wormhole space here?

Yuan Dao said: "This wormhole space was sealed by the first generation of monks in Fangcun Mountain. It is invisible to the naked eye. Mr. Ding wants to find this wormhole space. I can temporarily unseal the seal today."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Dao Shensheng pressed against the void, muttering words, and suddenly several golden runes appeared out of thin air, forming a Buddhist '卍' character in front of his eyes.

Then the '卍' character was disassembled to form a square gate.

Wormhole space appeared.

It was a blue starry sky, and there was a vortex in it, which was constantly rotating, like a gate of time and space.

Ding Ning's eyes lit up, and it really was a wormhole space. He had seen a real wormhole space, and it was exactly the same as the wormhole space in front of him, so it couldn't be fake.

Finally came to the front of this wormhole space, stepping into the world of comprehension, close at hand.

"Can I enter the realm of comprehension that Young Master said from here?" Fang Ji, Meng Lang, and Guo Cheng were full of curiosity. It was the first time they had seen the wormhole space.

Seeing Ding Ning's gleaming eyes, Yuan Dao Divine Monk knew that Ding Ning wanted to enter the realm of comprehension urgently, but he still reminded him: "I know Mr. Ding, you want to enter the realm of cultivation, but this wormhole space is not Stable, even if you know the exact location of the cultivation world, Mr. Ding, the probability of you wanting to teleport there through the wormhole space is very low."

It is common for Fangcun Mountain to have a wormhole space, but many people still have great concerns if they want to go to places other than the Southern Dipper through the wormhole space. Unless they have to, no one is willing to risk their lives.

According to some ancient books in the Southern Wilderness, don't leave your life star easily, because the outside world is full of crises.

Moreover, this kind of record is not left by one or two sects. Basically, many ancient sects have similar warnings handed down to later generations. .

Of course, there were some who did not heed the warning, but after they left, they never came back.

Standing in front of the wormhole space, Ding Ning was about to jump into it, and Ge Hong, Wu Langjia, Fang Ji, Baihua Fairy and others were also getting ready to go inside together.

However, Ding Ning turned around suddenly and refused to let several people follow him, including Ge Hong and Wu Langjia, two experts in the Leaving Aperture Realm.

Everyone was startled.

"My lord, why don't you let us follow you? Even if the cultivation world is extremely dangerous, we are not afraid." Fang Ji and Meng Lang said.

Ge Hong and Wu Langa also had something to say, they were used to being by Ding Ning's side, and they were willing to fight with Ding Ning even if there were mountains of swords and fire ahead.

But Ding Ning still firmly let them stay.

Once he returns to the realm of comprehension, he will start revenge. At that time, Fang Ji, Fairy Baihua and others will be with him, and he will definitely become a burden, and he will even be caught by the other party to threaten him.

Although he, Ding Ning, was not a heartless person, he was not a cold-blooded and ruthless person either. The people who followed him along the way did not want them to be hurt because of him.

Therefore, staying here is the best place for everyone. The warning words left on the land of the Southern Desolation are because their ancestors knew the dangers of the cultivation world. Compared with the cultivation world, Nandou Xing is really a pure land, living here , It is much more comfortable than the world of comprehension, so prevent future generations from going to the world of comprehension.

Furthermore, Ding Ning knew how powerful the target of his revenge was. If so many people followed him, they would be implicated. Keeping them here was the best protection.

Whether Ge Hong, Wu Langjia, Baihua Fairy, or Fang Ji wanted to leave with Ding Ning, but Ding Ning just didn't nod.

In the end, he put forward a condition for everyone. If his request can be met, he allows these people to go to the realm of comprehension to find him.

"Cultivate well, we will meet again one day."

Ding Ning bid farewell to everyone, waved his hand, jumped into the wormhole space, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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