The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 689 694 Today is suitable for killing! 3 more

Chapter 689 694 Today is suitable for killing! 3 more

There is a teleportation array on the small Zhoutian star field to teleport to other regions.

When Ding Ning casually asked any monk, he would know where the teleportation array was.

Generally speaking, teleportation formations are controlled by some powerful sects, and they collect benefits from them. This is very common in the cultivation world, and the same is true for the small Zhoutian star field.

Arriving at the location of the teleportation formation, Ding Ning randomly took out a few pieces of spirit stones from the storage ring and handed them to the management staff of the transmission formation. The management personnel gave Ding Ning a jade slip and said that they would notify Ding Ning when the number of people was full.

It takes energy to activate the teleportation array, so once it is teleported, a group of people will be teleported. It is impossible to open it for one person alone, unless it is a person with strength and status, who has special preferential treatment.

But Ding Ning didn't want to attract too much attention, the things he had to do next were not small, and it was not easy to expose himself too much.

Simply waiting, he randomly found a nearby inn to stay, and Ding Ning turned out the contents of the storage ring he had taken from Fenglei ancestor before.

There are not many things in Fenglei Patriarch's storage ring, except for some spirit stones, which are some sentiment records. For ordinary monks, these sentiment records would be regarded as treasures, but in Ding Ning's eyes, Fenglei Patriarch The perception is really not worth mentioning.

He Ding Ning has the cultivation experience of the previous life, which is not comparable to the superficial experience of Fenglei Patriarch.

Throwing away those tattered experience books at will, basically glanced at them, and stopped reading.

When Ding Ning turned down a fragmented copy without a name, he suddenly stopped.

There is something interesting about this broken law.

Ding Ning looked at the mottled text on it, some of which were blurred, but Ding Ning could feel the extraordinaryness of this crippled book from the lines.

"Is this the crippled book?" Ding Ning asked in a low voice.

At that time, the three elders in Fenglei Pavilion publicly stated the generous conditions, only to find the strong ones to make a move. Ding Ning heard those words. Most of the reasons why he made a move were because of that crippled technique.

And this nameless crippled method must be the crippled method, otherwise the ancestor Fenglei would not carry it with him at any time.

Ding Ning flipped through the handicap and put all his attention into it, the time passed unknowingly.

It wasn't until the jade slip lit up, reminding him that the teleportation array was about to open, that Ding Ning recovered from the crippling spell.

"It's such a bad book, even I am deeply involved in it." Ding Ning said to himself, the records on the broken book are not methods, but simple articles, and even some trivial things in life, but even so, Ding Ning is still immersed in it, isn't it How attractive those records are, but the mysterious atmosphere contained in the above words is fascinating.

Looking at it for a long time, it is really easy to make people feel emotional.

"The person who wrote these words must be a very strong person." Ding Ning's knowledge is much higher than Fenglei's ancestor, so he can naturally see how extraordinary the person who wrote these words is. The experience of the previous life can't help but fall into it, which shows how terrible the creator of the cruel law is.

Putting away the broken method, although it will not be of much use now, but when his strength returns to the level of the previous life, it will definitely bring him new insights.

After tidying up everything, Ding Ning disappeared in the inn, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the location of the teleportation array.

There is a huge ship on the teleportation array, and everyone who wants to teleport has entered it.

Ding Ning is no exception.

After entering the cabin, Ding Ning saw that many people had come inside.

He walked to the back corner and sat down, then began to close his eyes and meditate, waiting for the teleportation array to open.

People continued to enter the teleportation array from outside. Within 3 minutes, the big ship was closed, the teleportation array was activated, and the official transmission began.

After a while of shaking, it became relatively stable. Sitting in the boat, I didn't feel any discomfort.

Ding Ning took a brief rest, and when he opened his eyes again, he just arrived at his destination.


Ding Ning got up and disembarked.

Inside the teleportation ship, Pan Long looked at the back of the person who had just walked out, he looked familiar, and said in a daze, "I seem to have seen that person somewhere."

"Pan Long, what are you looking at?" asked the old man beside Pan Long.

"Elder, that person looks familiar. It feels like the person who beat me yesterday." Pan Long said.

"That person does look familiar, and I don't remember him, but he passed by me just now, and I feel like I have seen him before." Another young man also said.

Hearing this, Pan Long's face suddenly became extremely serious, and he said to the elder: "I'll go after him to make sure, if it's really him, I must not let him go just like that."

Pan Long hurriedly chased after him, and the elder behind him led several other youths to follow immediately.

After Pan Long chased him out, Ding Ning had long since disappeared.

"Damn it! Let him run away. This guy must know that I found him. He ran really fast." Pan Long looked around and saw that Ding Ning had disappeared.

If he had caught up with him just now, and there were elders here, he would definitely teach Ding Ning a lesson and avenge him.

It caused him to be ashamed in front of Junior Sister Qing, and Ding Ning dared to attack Junior Sister Qing. These were all crimes he could not forgive Ding Ning.

"Don't let me meet you again, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death." Pan Longhan whispered, then turned and walked to the elder and the others, not looking for Ding Ning anymore. The group of them came here, and there were other things To do it, it is natural that business matters.

"Although Tianma Xing is not the base camp of his Yelu family, it is also an important base for his Yelu family. Yelu Kunlun, I will let you witness the rapid decline of your family's power." Ding Ning said in his heart, He didn't say the words Yelu Kunlun, otherwise, it would definitely cause commotion. Yelu Kunlun is a strong man and cannot be called by his name directly. Unless it is an existence of the same realm, otherwise, Yelu Kunlun will definitely be aware of it.

He came to Tianma Star to take revenge on Yelu Kunlun, one of the main murderers who brought him down that year.

And Tianma Xing is the birthplace of Yelu Kunlun, so Yelu Kunlun still pays more attention to Tianma Xing and pays more attention to Tianma Xing. Most of the children of Yelu's family are also on Tianma Xing.

It is very easy to find Yelu's family. On Tianma Star, there is no one who does not know Yelu's family.

After Pan Long and his party got off the transfer ship, they went straight to Yelu's house.

What they did this time was related to the Yelu family.

Pan Long didn't know that not long after they entered Yelu's house, Ding Ning came to Yelu's mansion.

Staring at the majestic gate of Yelu's house, Ding Ning's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Today must be a good time to kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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