The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 690 695 Venerable Fox! 1 more

Chapter 690 695 Venerable Fox! 1 more

After leaving Yelu's house, Pan Long and the others did not return directly to the Little Zhoutian Starfield. They found an inn to stay and waited for Yelu's family's reply.

This time I came to the Yelu family, mainly to ask the masters of the Yelu family to take action to ensure the safety of their sect when they explored the ruins. Of course, in return, they wanted to give the Yelu family certain benefits.

But fortunately, an agreement was reached in the end, and they could return to the Little Zhoutian Starfield with them only after the strong man left the customs.

That night, a major incident happened in Yelu's family. Several core disciples were killed, which alarmed Yelu's family.

The head of Yelu's family was furious, and tracked down the murderer overnight, dispatched several strong men to search for the killer and left a trace of clues.

Ding Ning, who was in the dark, was outside Yelu's house, watching the Yelu's mansion where the figures were moving. Killing a few small ones was just the beginning, he would gradually destroy the Yelu's family on Tianma.

Ding Ning ran after one of the figures who had gone out to look for him.

Originally thought that with so many strong men dispatched, nothing would happen even if the murderer could not be found, but when the Patriarch of the Yelu family saw one piece of life cards shattered, he began to panic.

This is because the strong are targeting them.

You must know that the people who went out to look for the murderer were basically above the Nascent Soul Realm. With this level of strength, they died one after another without any movement, which only shows that the opponent lurking in the dark is too terrifying.

In the dark of night, Ding Ning shot through the heart, not leaving the opponent a chance of survival.

"Who the hell are you?" asked the elder Yelu family on the opposite side. He didn't have much life left, so he just wanted to die to understand.

"I'm a returnee on Huangquan Road. If you want to blame, you can blame your ancestors of Yelu's family." Ding Ning's hands trembled, and the opponent's body exploded immediately.

Ding Ning retracted his gun and immediately disappeared into the darkness.

In the lobby of Yelu's house.

The head of the family, Yeluqi, has a gloomy expression on his face. What's going on?How could there be a strong person suddenly targeting them.

Now they have lost five Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses one after another. Even though their Yelu family is a big family, they can't afford such a loss.

"Patriarch, don't worry, this person must have plotted against my Yelu family for a long time, and he must have figured out our strength, but he didn't dare to show up, which means he is still afraid of our Yelu family, but it can make him afraid, I think It must be the old ancestor, it is necessary to inform the old ancestor about this matter, if the old ancestor is willing to spare a little energy, he can kill this person." The butler beside him said that his analysis made some sense.

"Everything needs to be asked by the ancestors. My patriarch, what face do I have to say that it is wrong with the ancestors." Yeluqi rejected this suggestion, and he was going to find another way to find the murderer.

Immediately, Yeluqi said: "Go and invite Venerable Fox here immediately. As long as I can find out where this person is, I, Yeluqi, will make him receive the punishment he deserves."


What happened in Yelu's house, before dawn, let's spread it on Tianma Star. After all, many monks died one after another, it is impossible not to spread the news. The monks on Tianma Star will know soon.

Pan Long and the others also heard about this, and couldn't help frowning.

"Someone is targeting Yelu's family. This incident may affect our exploration of the ruins," Pan Long said.

"If the Yelu family can't find a strong person for a while, we can only look for other partners. However, I am really curious, who dares to take action against the Yelu family. You must know that at the top of their Yelu family, there is a powerful person People." The old man sighed.

"Anyone who can become a big force and a big family has few enemies. The people who targeted the Yelu family this time are probably some remnants of the Yelu family who failed to kill them."

"Wait a little longer, if it doesn't work, let's go back to the Little Zhoutian Starfield first."

With such a big incident happening in Yelu's family, all the sects on Tianma Star moved to help Yelu's family find traces of suspicious persons.

By doing this, they naturally wanted to gain some favor from the Yelu family. After all, the Yelu family is the most powerful family force on Tianma, not to mention the monstrous figure behind it.

Venerable Fox was quickly invited over.

Venerable Fox looks very old, his hair and beard are all white, his body is hunched, he is not tall, and he leans on crutches, but no one dares to underestimate this Venerable who is entering his twilight years.

Although Venerable Fox is so old, it is said that he has lived for nearly ten thousand years and lived out his second life.

Generally speaking, a strong person at the venerable level, that is, a monk in the out-of-body state, has a lifespan of about 5000 to 5000 years, while the venerable fox has already exceeded [-] years.

Of course, some people say that this has something to do with the particularity of the fox family. They all say that foxes have nine lives, and their lives are longer, which is understandable.

But for what reason, no one knows.

As soon as Venerable Fox appeared, Yeluqi's family naturally regarded them as important guests, and Yeluqi greeted them personally.

"Patriarch Yelu is very polite. Hu heard about the matter of Yelu's family. Patriarch Yelu wants to ask someone from Hu to find that person."

"Since you already know, Venerable Fox, I won't let you down. I, Yeluqi, would be very grateful to Venerable Fox for helping me find the murderer," Yeluqi said.

"Patriarch Yelu asked, Humou has no reason to refuse, please show Humou the body that was beheaded by that man."

Not long after, several corpses moved in front of Venerable Fox.

Venerable Fox lowered his head and took a sniff, then stood up straight.

Then he muttered a few words, spread his hands, and a picture was created.

In the picture, a figure got off the boat and walked into the bustling street.

The picture is very short, but there is a lot of information. The only thing is that the face of this figure cannot be seen clearly.

"Patriarch Yelu, I think this is the person you are looking for." Venerable Fox said.If Ding Ning was here, he would be amazed at how powerful this old fox is, and he could even watch the scene where he entered Tianma Star through the teleportation array.

"Is that him?" Patriarch Yelu was still recalling the scene just now, but he couldn't see that person's face clearly, which made him very upset.

"Master Fox, this person's information is limited, even looking for it according to the figure just now is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack."

"Patriarch Yelu, don't worry, have you forgotten the housekeeping skills of Mr. Hu? Since this person has appeared, he must have left his aura. I have remembered his aura just now. As long as Mr. Hu comes out, I will definitely find out where he is, and I would like Patriarch Yelu to send some strong men to go with me to ensure that I will capture this person in one fell swoop." Venerable Fox said.

Hearing this, Yeluqi was overjoyed, "Okay, if we can really find this person, my Yelu family owes Venerable Fox a great favor."

"Mr. Hu has no other request. I just hope that after catching this person, I can help Mr. Hu introduce him to that adult."

"You want to see your ancestors? Hehe, it's easy to talk about." Yeluqi laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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