The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 691 696 Boom! 2 more

Chapter 691 696 Boom! 2 more

After Ding Ning killed several Nascent Soul Realm experts from the Yelu family, he returned to his residence and did not continue to do anything.

Against the Yelu family, you can't face the opponent directly, or directly enter the interior of the Yelu family. With Yelu Kunlun's methods, there will definitely be something left. Although Ding Ning is not weak, his methods against Yelu Kunlun are still weak.

After all, Yelu Kunlun is one of the top figures in the world of comprehension. If he wants revenge, he can only take it slowly.

Of course, in terms of strength, Yelu Kunlun was still the weakest among those who attacked him at that time.

Ding Ning was not in a hurry to enter the Aperture Exit Realm, because he wanted to leave his Thunder Tribulation to the masters of the Yelu family.

Sitting on the bed, Ding Ning was resting his mind with his eyes closed. He was going to go out in the evening to find out what was going on in Yelu's house, and then see if there was any chance to continue to kill the masters of Yelu's house bit by bit.

But before Ding Ning went out, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

As soon as he moved his mind, he suddenly realized that many people had surrounded the place outside.

He is from the Yelu family.

Outside the inn, Venerable Fox looked up at one of the windows and said, "That person is right there."

Yeluqi didn't need to open his mouth, the figure beside him had already disappeared, and when he reappeared, the window turned into shards, and he went straight into it.

Immediately afterwards, the entire inn was shocked, and several figures were seen soaring into the sky.

Ding Ning was surrounded in the center, surrounded by four out-of-aperture powerhouses.

The Yelu family was finally willing to use monks in the Out of Aperture Realm. It was too boring to kill the Nascent Soul Realm before, but now they finally have an opponent that interests him.

"Kill my Yelu family disciple, no matter who you are, today, you can't escape."

"Catch it quickly."

"Resistance will only make you suffer more, give up resistance, we are here, you cannot escape."

The four out-of-body experts were full of self-confidence. They found that the guy with the mask on the opposite side looked very young and full of vitality, not like an old monster.

Although they wanted to ask who this person was, there was no need to do so right now, as many people were watching, they only needed to catch Ding Ning.

His Yelu family had been beheaded by several Nascent Soul Realm masters, and now in front of many monks on Tianma Planet, if he couldn't save face, it would be embarrassing.

"Stop talking to him, take him down," Patriarch Yeluqi said, and immediately, the four out-of-the-body-level powerhouses attacked together.

Ding Ning, behind the mask, smiled coldly, and black air suddenly gushed out from his body.

This is……

Magic monk!

He is a sorcerer!

As soon as the devilish energy billowed from Ding Ning's body, everyone was stunned. They felt that Ding Ning was a monk of the devil way.

In the hearts of the monks, the monks of the Demonic Way represent cruelty, ruthlessness, and cold-bloodedness. In a word, they are synonymous with evil.

I didn't expect the monks of the magic path to dare to appear here.

In the land of righteous monks, there are very few demonic monks, and even if there are, they are all hidden in the dark and will not show up easily.

But Ding Ning didn't hide it, and directly revealed his demonic side.

Because he did it on purpose.

He just wanted to tell those people who caused him to fall that old devil Ding had returned.

And his return must be greeted with the blood of those people.

Yelu Kunlun was the first one, followed by the second one, and the third one. Ding Ning would not let anyone who betrayed him take action against him.

"Hmph, it turns out to be the offal of the devil, and you deserve to die." The four out-of-body monks all shot at Ding Ning together. There is no one-on-one fair fight. Against the devil monk, no matter how many people take action Pass.

In the eyes of righteous monks, it is normal to attack them in groups when facing demon monks.

If it weren't for the four out-of-body-level powerhouses making moves, other monks would have made moves to deal with Ding Ning. Even if they had no enmity with Ding Ning, just because Ding Ning was a demon monk would be enough reason to do so.

Ding Ning didn't say a word, the magic method was activated instantly, and several chains gushed out from Ding Ning's palm, winding towards the four of them.

This is a great method of Ding Ning's previous life, the chain of devouring demons, which can devour the opponent's power and turn it into his own use. It is very domineering and evil.

However, Ding Ning thinks it is very suitable for these people, and it is not evil at all.


As soon as the demon-devouring chain came out, the monks in the Out-of-Aperture Realm didn't care, but after being entangled in the chain, they realized that they had made a big mistake and seriously underestimated their opponent.

They could feel their own power passing away, following the chains, and entering Ding Ning's body.

"Damn the devil, he wants to absorb our power." The four out-of-body experts couldn't break free, and they all activated their magic weapons with their spiritual thoughts.

They tried to use magic tools to help them get rid of the chains, and the people on the ground were also paying attention to this scene. They saw that the four out-of-body realms were all entangled, and they couldn't help feeling worried, but seeing the four strong Those who use the magic weapon know that Ding Ning's restraint will not last long.

A mere magic weapon, also want to deal with me?

Ding Ning didn't take it seriously, he turned his five fingers into a fist and directly blasted over.

Collision with the magic weapon with the flesh.

"Hmph, a monk who is overconfident, you will be blown away by my magic weapon."

"court death."

Seeing this scene, the four out-of-body experts were stunned for a moment, and then they all smiled. They dared to use their flesh and blood to deal with their magical artifacts. Did they really think their magical artifacts were made of dough?

However, the next moment, the ridicule on their faces stopped abruptly.

All froze.

how come……

In everyone's field of vision, Ding Ning's fist exploded the first magic weapon with one punch, and knocked the second magic weapon away without a trace with the second punch. With the third punch, the magic weapon was smashed into the ground Among them, the fourth magic weapon was blasted into two halves.

Four punches, four magic weapons, almost all of them were disabled.

This level of bravery made the air freeze in an instant, and the surrounding quiet needles could be heard.

Whether it was the four out-of-body-level powerhouses who shot, Yelu Qi, the head of the Yelu family, or the fox venerable, they were all shocked by this scene.

What a strong physical body it takes to be able to achieve this level.

Even in the Leaving Aperture Realm, there is no such fierce person.

Ding Ning didn't give everyone a chance to be amazed, he tightened the chains of Demon Devourer, and in an instant he came to one of them and punched him in the head.


The head was blown off, and the soul was also smashed to pieces at the same time, and a strong person in the out-of-body state fell like this.

Turn around, another punch.


Another punch.

With four punches in a row, Ding Ning knocked out the four out-of-body experts, just like their magic weapons.

In front of everyone on Tianma Star, Ding Ning shocked everyone with his sturdy strength.

"When did my Yelu family offend such a master, isn't even the Elder of Leaving Aperture Realm his opponent?" Yeluqi frowned, the situation was beyond his expectation.

This enemy against his Yelu family is not so powerful.

(Suddenly found that revenge is not easy to write, distressed -_-||)

(End of this chapter)

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