The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 692 Scared after 697! 3 more

Chapter 692 Scared after 697! 3 more

Ding Ning's strength shocked everyone.

The four out-of-body monks had their heads shot on the spot, and their souls were instantly extinguished. It can be said that killing one of them with one punch was really extremely tough.

Losing four powerhouses at once, Patriarch Yelu became the focus, and everyone watched Yeluqi's actions.

"Who are you? Why did you attack my Yelu family?" Yeluqi asked loudly.I want to get a trace of Ding Ning's identity from Ding Ning's mouth.

"Which eye of yours saw that I attacked your Yelu family, obviously you took the initiative to attack me, was it wrong for me to fight back and protect myself?" Ding Ning said, not admitting that he killed those Yelu family members who died before.

"Hmph, since Venerable Fox found you, you are the murderer, so it's useless to argue, who are you?" Yeluqi asked.

Ding Ning's expression flickered, and his eyes swept over the fox venerable beside Yeluqi. It turned out to be an old fox. No wonder his sense of smell was so keen. Ding Ning did not expect the appearance of the fox venerable. No wonder he was still surprised. How could the Yelu family find him? It was so accurate that I found him all at once, and it turned out to be the help of this old fox.

"You like to meddle in other people's business." Ding Ning narrowed his eyes, and the hairs on Venerable Fox's whole body stood on end, feeling the danger. Ding Ning was able to punch a cultivator in the Out of Aperture Realm, and it would not be difficult to deal with him.

"Patriarch Yelu." Venerable Fox looked at Yeluqi. If Yeluqi didn't continue to attack Ding Ning, Ding Ning might attack him.

"Don't worry, Venerable Fox. Although this person is strong, since my Yelu family invited you here, I will protect your safety." Yeluqi was relatively calm. After the initial shock, he had returned to normal. look.

His Yelu family is also a big family with a super strong man, so naturally it doesn't just have a few out-of-body realms.

Furthermore, the strength of the out-of-body monks who made the move before is probably in the early and middle stages, and there are still stronger beings who have not made the move yet.

"Great Elder, it seems that only you can deal with this person." Yeluqi said to the void.

After hearing Yeluqi mention the three words Great Elder, some Tianmaxing cultivators were startled. The Great Elder of the Yelu family was just one step away from stepping into the existence of harmony. .

Where is the Great Elder?

The people around looked at the sky. Since Yeluqi said so, the Great Elder must be around, but the Great Elder himself was not seen in the sky.

There was a sudden explosion, and everyone looked for the sound. Suddenly, there was another person at Ding Ning's position. This was a middle-aged man with a stern face.

He is the Great Elder, Yeluzhen.

Although Yeluzhen is the Great Elder, he is relatively young, and belongs to the very young category among monks in the Leaving Aperture Realm.

At this time, Yeluzhen was standing in Ding Ning's position, and Ding Ning himself appeared in another place.

The loud noise just now was caused by the collision of two people.

Yeluzhen stared at Ding Ning, and was very surprised. He attacked Ding Ning in a surprise attack, but he failed to hit him with one blow. There are only five people with this level of strength on Tianma Star, but this person in front of him can do it. .

What puzzled him the most was that Ding Ning was clearly exuding the aura of the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, but the strength of his shots could match him. Could it be that this is a master who deliberately suppressed the realm?

But judging from the brief collision just now, Ding Ning's strength is not long-lasting and strong.

Or is it that Ding Ning is a genius across realms?

If this is the case, it would be really interesting. Yeluzhen became very interested in Ding Ning. At first Ding Ning killed four members of his Yelu family who were out of the Aperture Realm. He was very angry, but if Ding Ning is a person who can cross the border It's a different story, such a talent is very rare in the world of comprehension.

"Great Elder, I will leave this person to you," Yeluqi said.With the help of the Great Elder, it is enough to deal with all unexpected situations.

He didn't believe that Ding Ning could still be the opponent of Elder Yeluzhen.

"With me here, this person can't escape." Ye Luzhen believed himself. He still needs to find out whether Ding Ning really has cross-border strength, or whether Ding Ning's own strength is just suppressing the realm.

He needs the next fight to test it out.

"I want to leave, but you can't stop me." Ding Ning said suddenly, turned around and fled without ambiguity at all. This was a rare situation where Ding Ning fled without fighting.

First, he doesn't want to compete with Yeluzhen here. If this place is used as a battlefield, not to mention all the monks on Tianma Star, but it will definitely attract attention, and it will easily attract other experts. He doesn't want to be People secretly calculated, after all, this is Tianma Xing, Yelu's territory, he is a stranger, so he will not be targeted.

Everyone can guarantee that there will be no one who will help Yelu Patriarch deal with him.

Secondly, Yeluzhen's strength is indeed a headache for Ding Ning. He can step up to fight, but most of the people who can match him are in the early and middle stages of the Leaving Aperture Realm. Even in the late stage, he can also fight.

But this Yeluzhen is not an ordinary monk, he is one step away from stepping into the path of harmony, even half of his foot has already stepped on the path of harmony, it is very difficult for Ding Ning to defeat him.

Therefore, leaving without fighting is the best way. This Yelu can really deal with it slowly.

Ding Ning left as soon as he said he wanted to. He was originally recruited specially, but due to the disadvantageous situation, now there are some masters appearing, so it is not suitable for him to be willing to fight.

"Where are you going?" Naturally, Yeluzhen would not let Ding Ning escape, and immediately chased after him. Some monks followed, not wanting to miss any scene.

Yeluqi didn't move, because he believed that Elder Yeluzhen would be able to bring Ding Ning back.

Yeluzhen is a person who has been taught by his ancestors, and he has many means.

"Let's go, let's go back to the mansion, and wait for the great elder to bring this person back to subdue the law." Yeluzhen said to the children of Yelu's family, and then led everyone back to Yelu's house.

Is this the end?
The people around didn't realize it for a moment, that is to say, the Yelu family is rich and powerful, even if they lost four of them, they wouldn't hurt their muscles and bones. If it were other sects, even if they didn't decline, it would be almost the same.

No matter what, Ding Ning quickly killed the four out-of-body experts, and became the focus of people's discussion. People also have different opinions on whether Yeluzhen, the great elder of the Yelu family, went to hunt down Ding Ning.

Some people think that Ding Ning is a monk of the magic way. Since he dared to reveal his identity, he must have a good chance of escaping.

Some people think that Yeluzhen is the elder of the Yelu family, who has been famous for many years. Although he has not made a move for many years, his strength is absolutely terrifying. It should be a matter of minutes to capture Ding Ning.

"Demon monk? How do I feel? I seem to have seen this person somewhere before." Pan Long and the others stood on the street, watching the people gradually disperse. Ding Ning's disappearing back made Pan Long fall into deep thought .

They were all watching the scene just now.

Is it him?

Suddenly, Pan Long remembered, could it be that person is him?
He superimposed the picture of Ding Ning just now with the scene when he met Ding Ning before, and he became more and more sure that they were the same person.

Thinking of this, a layer of cold sweat broke out all over Pan Long's body. If he was really alone, that is to say, Ding Ning hadn't killed them before, it was considered kind, and he wanted to seek revenge from Ding Ning. They didn't make any kills, otherwise, with their strength, how could they still be alive.

Haven't you seen someone kill a strong person in the out-of-body state with one punch?

Thinking of this, a sense of fear instantly spread throughout Pan Long's body.

(End of this chapter)

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