The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 693 698 Stop dreaming! 1 more

Chapter 693 698 Stop dreaming! 1 more

Two figures shuttled in the starry sky, Ding Ning ran in front, Yeluzhen followed closely.

The two of them have left Tianma Star at this time and entered the universe starry sky.

Because the speed of the two was too fast, those monks who wanted to catch up and continue to watch the battle were left behind and failed to catch up with the two.

In the end, Ding Ning stopped on a barren planet, a star without any vitality like the moon.

It was a dead star, and there was a piece of yellow sand everywhere, dead silent.

"Stop running?" Yeluzhen gently landed on the opposite side of Ding Ning, raised his eyebrows, and said lightly.

"I'm looking for a cemetery for you to bury you here," Ding Ning said.

Yeluzhen chuckled: "What a big tone, do you think you can kill me?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Arrogant." Yeluzhen said with a breath all over his body, "I would like to see how you kill me. A demon cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm dares to be so arrogant."

With a change of expression, the two instantly killed each other.

The stars under his feet were shaking, and giant pits appeared one after another. Fortunately, there was no life or buildings here, otherwise they would all be destroyed.

Where the two passed was filled with destructive power, from one end to the other in an instant.

After thousands of collisions, they separated and temporarily stopped.

Yeluzhen wiped the corner of his mouth, his face was scratched by Ding Ning's fist, and he looked at the trace of blood on his hand: "It turns out that you are really in Nascent Soul Realm, but you can resist my attack, it seems that you Your physical body is very powerful, ordinary demon cultivators are not as strong as you, no wonder you speak so loudly."

After fighting with Ding Ning, he has a good understanding of Ding Ning's strength, and he has confirmed that Ding Ning has cross-border strength, especially Ding Ning's physical body, which is completely comparable to him, even if his attack falls on Ding Ning. Neither will have much impact.

"Among demon cultivators, a genius like you with the ability to leapfrog combat is very rare. You must be the apprentice of some strong man. If I capture you, the person behind you will be very angry. "

"Are you scared?" Ding Ning asked.

"Afraid? Hehe... My Yelu family also has no shortage of strong people. Even if there are strong people behind you, I will kill you today, and I will still kill you without the slightest hesitation. What's more, you killed four of my Yelu family. Realm cultivator, how can I spare you, I will definitely use your life to make atonement, no one can save you."

"The strong man in your family must be that old ancestor." Ding Ning said.

"Since you know about it and still insist on provoking my Yelu family, it seems that you and my Yelu family have unresolved hatred. In this case, I really have to kill you."

"Hehe, you said you killed me before, but I'm not living well now." Ding Ning sarcastically said.

"You want to die early, no matter what, I was just playing with you before, and then I will let you see my true strength."

As Yeluzhen said, the clothes on his body suddenly floated up, and his breath was completely released. This is the peak power in the late stage of the Aperture Realm, and it is much stronger than the early and middle stages of the Aperture Realm.

A terrifying aura unfolded, covering most of the star body, including Ding Ning, who was also suppressed by this aura.

Ding Ning was expressionless. It was the first time he faced a cultivator who was at the peak of the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm. His feet sank into a part of the ground due to the overwhelming force. This was because of his strong physical body, which stimulated the magic body and glazed body. Otherwise, as soon as this momentum comes out, he will fall to the ground and cannot get up.

One must know that Ding Ning is only at the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm, while Yeluzhen is at the peak of the late stage of the Out of Aperture Realm, which is a whole big realm higher than other monks. Faced with this oppressive momentum, their legs would have already weakened.

Even the out-of-body monks may not be able to resist a few.

Seeing that Ding Ning's body sank a little, Yeluzhen said in amazement, "Can you still stand?"

"If only my momentum was stronger."

As he spoke, a stronger aura suddenly emerged from Yeluzhen's body, as if a monstrous wave swept over after a layer of waves.

Ding Ning's body was directly pressed halfway into the soil.

"Hehe, how do you feel this time?" Yeluzhen sneered, stepped forward, and was about to completely trample Ding Ning under his feet.

How could Ding Ning let Yeluzhen step on his feet, he jumped out immediately, dodged Yeluzhen's kick, and when he landed on the ground again, he was already standing behind Yeluzhen.

"Did you run away fast?" Yeluzhen smiled lightly. Suddenly, before his laughter disappeared, his body had disappeared in place. When he reappeared, his voice was very close to Ding Ning's ear.

"This time, can you still escape?"

Yeluzhen's voice sounded in Ding Ning's ear, and in the next instant, Ding Ning flew upside down, and was blasted a hundred meters away.

Yeluzhen arrived in an instant and landed more than ten meters away from Ding Ning. He walked slowly and said, "Although you can step up, the gap between you and me is too big. If I don't take it seriously, you can still say goodbye to me." Wrist, if I use all my strength, you are just an ant in front of me, do you know that?"

"If you want to kill you, just tap lightly, and you will die completely."

Yeluzhen stopped one meter away from Ding Ning, his eyes full of mockery.

There is an essential difference between the peak in the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm and the early and middle stages of Leaving Aperture Realm. Although the difference is only a small realm, the difference in strength is huge. .

Ding Ning rubbed the position of his shoulders. Fortunately, he was urging the magic body, the glazed body, otherwise, the punch just now would have knocked off his shoulders.

"Your physical body is so powerful, so there must be a secret method. If you want to relieve the pain, you might as well say it. Maybe I can use a little less strength to prevent you from suffering more pain." Yeluzhen said.

Yeluzhen has noticed the special features of Ding Ning's physical body since the very beginning. It is unbelievable that a Nascent Soul Realm is so strong. The reason why he didn't kill Ding Ning with one move is because he wanted to know the secret of Ding Ning's physical strength.

At this time, Ding Ning chose this place as the battlefield, and there was no one around, only the two of them, so even if Ding Ning was forced to speak out, he was not worried that it would be leaked.

"I said, will you let me go?" Ding Ning asked.

"Hehe, if I tell you, I will let you go, will you believe me? Just be straightforward, and I can let you die more easily, so that you won't suffer torture. I think this condition is generous enough."

"Okay, come here, I'll tell you." Ding Ning whispered.

Yeluzhen didn't expect Ding Ning to be so straightforward, and he was not afraid of Ding Ning's deceit. A Nascent Soul Realm Demon cultivator, what can deceit do.

The bold Yeluzhen leaned over his neck and listened to Ding Ning's answer.

"Stop dreaming!"

(End of this chapter)

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