The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 694 699 Out of Aperture Realm Heavenly Tribulation! 2 more

Chapter 694 699 Out of Aperture Realm Heavenly Tribulation! 2 more

"You're kidding me!"

Yeluzhen's face darkened dramatically, Ding Ning really dared to tease him, telling him to stop dreaming, it was unreasonable.

"You are courting death!"

Yeluzhen immediately waved his palm, intending to slap Ding Ning to death on the spot.

However, a white glow suddenly appeared, blocking his slap instantly, Ding Ning took the opportunity to step back, and in an instant, he was standing more than ten meters away.


Yeluzhen withdrew his slap, he looked at the position of his palm, it was bleeding, his palm was injured.

what is that?
With his peak physical body in the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm, it can be pierced, and that white light is extraordinary.

Baimang returned to Ding Ning's side, hovering over his shoulder.

It is nothing else, it is the true essence sword that has been stored in the dantian.

"Is it a magic weapon?" Yeluzhen glanced at the True Yuan Sword, but he didn't see through the true essence of the True Yuan Sword, and regarded it as a magic weapon.

"Do you still want to know the reason why my physical body is so powerful? Come here, I don't mind repeating it again." Ding Ning said, Yeluzhen's face darkened a bit, Ding Ning was obviously mocking him.

"Huh, how can a mere magic weapon be able to resist me." Yeluzhen came again, unprepared before, and was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the True Yuan Sword. Now that he was prepared, how could he be killed by the True Yuan Sword? Hurt again.

With a dodge, Yeluzhen appeared next to Ding Ning again. Ding Ning seemed to have been prepared for a long time. With a movement of his feet, he jumped straight up, jumping very high, as if he wanted to jump away from the withered star under his feet.

"Where are we going?" Yeluzhen thought that Ding Ning was going to run away, so he waved his fists, turning them into billowing fists, and continuously attacked Ding Ning in front of him.

Ding Ning kept dodging, some attacks, he just took a few hits.


Yeluzhen's speed was extremely fast, blocking Ding Ning's path all at once.

"Where do you want to escape?"

Ding Ning didn't panic, and responded with a smile: "I didn't even want to escape."

Ha ha……

Yeluzhen naturally didn't believe it, he stepped forward and rushed to Ding Ning. To his surprise, this time, Ding Ning didn't move, but waited there.

"Have you accepted your fate?" Yeluzhen murmured to himself suspiciously, but in the next second, he didn't care about Ding Ning, he just felt a terrifying murderous intent descending from the sky, making his hairs stand on end.

This is……

Yeluzhen instinctively looked at Xinghe.

All I saw was a [-]-meter long snake descending from the sky and chopping it down.

Heavenly Tribulation!

Why did Heavenly Tribulation suddenly appear?
Yelu was really a little messy, but in the next second, he knew the reason.

This catastrophe must have been caused by Ding Ning.

How could Yeluzhen dare to get close to Ding Ning, otherwise he and Ding Ning would suffer the catastrophe.

Withdrew in an instant, Ye Lv really had lingering fears, he hadn't reached the time of crossing the catastrophe, if the person who was robbed was the one who crossed the catastrophe, it would be bad.

"What are you hiding for? Didn't you threaten to kill me? Come on, I'll stand here and wait for you to kill me." Ding Ning said lightly.

"You..." Yelu was very angry, Ding Ning's provocative words were really too arrogant.

Of course, just after Ding Ning finished speaking these words very stubbornly, another catastrophe landed, and Ding Ning walked away.

He didn't want to be robbed all at once, so he hid whenever he could.

Ding Ning hides from the catastrophe, and doesn't hide in other places, he only stays close to Yeluzhen.

This made Yeluzhen have to stay away from Ding Ning quickly, otherwise, once Ding Ning's Heavenly Tribulation led him to the Heavenly Tribulation of Hedao Realm, it would be bad. It is clear that he has not yet crossed the catastrophe, once he forcibly crosses the catastrophe, he will only end up dead.

"Damn it, do you want to lure Tianjie to me?" Yelu really hated his teeth, Ding Ning kept approaching him, making Tianjie follow, how could he not know, Ding Ning wanted to rely on Tianjie to deal with him .

Set yourself on fire.

It just so happened that he, Yeluzhen, was also at the peak of the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm, otherwise he would not have to worry about triggering a catastrophe in other realms.

Yeluzhen can only stay away from Ding Ning, even if Ding Ning chases him, he has to avoid Ding Ning.

"What are you running for? Are you scared? Don't you be afraid of losing face when a dignified late-stage out-of-aperture monk is being chased by me, a Nascent Soul cultivator?" Ding Ning's voice sounded from behind Yeluzhen, and Yeluzhen was blown away.

Ding Ning wanted to use a knife to kill someone, to deal with him with a catastrophe, Yelu really saw it, and because he saw it, he was even more angry.

Especially what Ding Ning said was even more infuriating, as if he, Yeluzhen, was afraid of even the monks in the Nascent Soul Realm.

"Hmph, you want to take advantage of the catastrophe to kill me. It's not that easy. Whether you can survive the catastrophe or not, you can tell me if you want to kill me, just dream." Yeluzhen said loudly, after saying this, he felt a little familiar Well, it seems that Ding Ning said something similar to him just now.

Yeluzhen kept moving his body and changing directions, but Ding Ning stuck to him like brown sugar and kept following him.

There is a situation like the 30 years in Hedong and the 30 years in Hexi. Yeluzhen chased Ding Ning before, but now it is a retaliation.

When the catastrophe fell, Ding Ning couldn't dodge completely, and was hit, which made him tremble all over.

It is difficult to rely on Tianjie to deal with Yeluzhen. This Yeluzhen is very cunning and extremely fast. He tried to trick him several times, but failed.

That being the case, Ding Ning decided to concentrate on crossing the catastrophe first. He has been at the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm, and it has been a while, and he has already possessed the strength to enter the Leaving Aperture Realm. At the time of the enemy, it will cause a catastrophe.

Yelu is really difficult to deal with, even if he has the power of leapfrogging, it is difficult to defeat him. Only when he enters the Leaving Aperture Realm can he have the strength to defeat the opponent.

A breakthrough is imminent.

It was also when the water came to fruition that Ding Ning no longer suppressed it, and released the aura of breaking through the realm, instigating the heavenly tribulation and attracting the divine thunder to descend.

To cross the catastrophe, outsiders cannot disturb and participate in it.

Otherwise, they will be treated equally by the Heavenly Tribulation, and they will all bear the attack of the Heavenly Tribulation.

Ding Ning no longer pays attention to Yeluzhen, and puts all his thoughts on crossing the catastrophe. As long as he survives the catastrophe of leaving the body and truly enters the world, it is not difficult to kill Yeluzhen.

Furthermore, he has rich experience in crossing the catastrophe, and he also helped Ge Hong and Wu Langjia enter the exit state.

Now, it fell on Ding Ning himself, so naturally it was no problem.

He no longer avoids the catastrophe, and concentrates on crossing the catastrophe.

As long as he enters the Out-of-Aperture Realm, he will be one step closer to beheading those top powerhouses. This Yelu is really just a small stone in his revenge path, not even an obstacle.

Ding Ning opened his arms, turning his demon body and glass body all the time, letting the catastrophe fall.

boom boom boom...

Huge lightnings landed one after another, and there was a huge movement in the catastrophe, which attracted the attention of some monks. Even people in the distance saw this scene and knew that someone was crossing the catastrophe, so they came to watch with curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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