The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 697 702 True Wheel! 2 more

Chapter 697 702 True Wheel! 2 more

Ding Ning felt a sense of crisis at the moment Yeluzhen activated the strongest method.

And the source of this sense of crisis is Yeluzhen himself.

"Do you want to decide the winner with one move?" Ding Ning whispered. Presumably, Yeluzhen noticed that his strength was gradually improving. In order to avoid nights and dreams, Yeluzhen was going to use the strongest method to deal with him.

With a thought, a set of methods appeared in his mind. This is a set of magical methods that he accidentally obtained in his last life. When he first obtained this method, his realm had reached Mahayana, beyond the state of leaving the body, but he still I got a little inspiration from this method.

I have to admit that this set of magical methods is quite domineering in the Out-of-Aperture Realm. Even if the opponent is an apprentice of a top powerhouse, as long as he belongs to the category of Out-of-Aperture Realm, he can fight against him with this set of magical methods.

"Wanzun Dafa."


The Nascent Soul in Ding Ning's body jumped out of his body. It was a shrunken version of Ding Ning, the Nascent Soul of the Devil Dao. He was covered in pitch black with black air billowing around him, like something extremely evil.

As Ding Ning kept chanting the method in his mouth, the Demon Dao Yuanying suddenly split into two, and then the two transformed into four, four transformed into eight, and more and more. In an instant, Ding Ning was full of identical Demon Dao Yuan infant.

This is the Dafa of Ten Thousand Deities, where one Nascent Soul transforms into countless Nascent Souls.

The Nascent Soul in the Aperture Realm can leave the body at will, even if it takes a long time, it doesn't even matter if it loses its physical body, because at this level, the Nascent Soul's dependence on the physical body is no longer so necessary.

What is out of the body is the Nascent Soul out of the body to fight for the deity, this is the power of the out of body state.

Of course, ordinary monks seldom fight with Nascent Soul, because the damage to Nascent Soul is more serious than the damage to soul, and if one fails, it is easy to be killed on the spot.

But this ten thousand Dafa is extraordinary. One Nascent Soul transforms into countless Nascent Souls, each of which is exactly the same.

In an instant, the entire battlefield changed direction.

Tens of thousands of Nascent Souls appeared together, the devilish energy billowed, and the air waves surged to the sky, as if there were endless Nascent Souls, all of them were waiting for Ding Ning's command.

"What did I think it was? It turns out that I just created some superficial Nascent Souls. As long as I find the real Nascent Soul and smash it to pieces, you won't have any capital to fight with me." Yeluzhen didn't think there was anything powerful about Ding Ning's method. Even though all the Nascent Souls in front of him looked not weak, he believed that this must be a superficial phenomenon. The most powerful one was just the only one. True Nascent Infant is nothing more than a pretense of confusion.

The monks around were also very curious when they saw so many Nascent Souls created by Ding Ning. This method looks quite spectacular, but if it is only used to confuse the opponent, it may not be very strong.

Yeluzhen's most powerful method condenses a 'true wheel' in front of him. This real wheel is like a lotus flower, and somewhat similar to a crown, exuding golden light.

As Yeluzhen pushed with both hands, the real wheel moved forward, and it continued to enlarge in the process of moving forward.

From the height of one person, to three feet, ten feet, one hundred feet, and even bigger than the entire Milky Way.

Those densely packed Nascent Souls look small in front of Zhenlun.


Zhenlun formed a crushing trend, continuously killing Ding Ning, and those demon souls blocking Ding Ning's front shot out a black energy, blocking the advancement of Zhenlun.

But the real wheel did not stop at all, and continued to move forward, causing the Nascent Soul at the front to be crushed instantly.

bang bang bang...

In front of Zhenlun, these Nascent Souls really became decorations.

Ding Ning was stunned for a moment. In his set of ten thousand statues, each Nascent Soul has one-tenth of the power of the original one. One or two may not be a big deal, but these thousands of statues are equivalent to bursting out several Times the strength, has far exceeded the strength of the early stage of leaving the body.

However, in the face of Zhenlun, he still couldn't stop it, so it's no wonder Ding Ning was surprised.

Yeluzhen sneered, "In front of my true wheel, all dharmas are just paper, not to mention you nascent infants who only have the ability to deceive, hmph, they are all vulnerable."

Yeluzhen's strongest method, Zhenlun, was created by Yelu Kunlun, the most powerful member of his Yelu family, and also the ancestor who stood at the top of the cultivation world.

Once the true wheel comes out, it is infinitely powerful and possesses the power to destroy heaven and earth.

This is also the main reason why Yeluzhen is sure that this method can kill Ding Ning. The ancestor's method is naturally extremely strong, and it is not a problem to kill a monk who has just entered the state of leaving the body.

Ding Ning frowned, he felt the horror of the real chakra, he did not expect this great elder of the Yelu family to have such a powerful method.


Ding Ning's Wanzun Dafa is not vegetarian either.


Ding Ning moved his mouth, he was resisting the advance of the real wheel, and the countless Nascent Souls were all gathered in one place, forming a whole, and a huge Nascent Soul appeared, somewhat similar to the Dharma of Heaven and Earth.

Although the huge Nascent Soul of the Demon Dao is not as tall as the real wheel, it is also half the size of the real wheel. Standing in the galaxy and looking at it from a distance, it is a huge monster.


Mo Dao Yuanying stretched out two arms and grabbed the real wheel, this time the real wheel really slowed down, the Modao Yuanying stepped on the void, and the real wheel stopped completely.

"Hmph, it's useless. Do you think that if my real chakra stops advancing, everything will be fine?" Yeluzhen sneered, and made a seal with both hands, which landed on the real chakra in an instant. The next second, the real chakra shook , Mo Dao Nascent Soul was suddenly sent flying.

The real wheel continued to move forward, this time without the hindrance of the Nascent Soul of the Demon Dao, it was even faster to come to Ding Ning.

In the blink of an eye, he was no less than 30 meters away from Ding Ning. It can be said that he was already close at hand.

Ding Ning's deity's eyes flashed a bright light, and with a flick of ten fingers, black power immediately wrapped around the real wheel, which was the Demon Devouring Chain.

The ten demon-eating chains blocked the true wheel, and continuously absorbed the energy in it to strengthen itself.

Yeluzhen felt that the power of the real wheel was weakening, and instantly understood that it must be because of the black chain.

"Want to absorb my power?"

Yeluzhen snorted coldly, and then spit out a word, explosive!

The real wheel suddenly became dazzling, and then burst into a dazzling light in front of Ding Ning, and the demon-eating chain disappeared in an instant, causing Ding Ning nearby to be affected.

When Ding Ning watched the explosion of the real wheel, which left several scars on his body, another real wheel appeared and smashed towards him.

The huge Nascent Soul jumped forward and blocked it again, but this time, Yeluzhen formed a real wheel in front of him, and quickly merged into the previous real wheel. He pressed against Ding Ning without hindrance.

Ding Ning turned his head suddenly, and the real wheel had reached the position of one meter.


Yeluzhen shouted loudly, only to see the real wheel shining brightly, submerging Ding Ning and Xinghe.

(End of this chapter)

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