The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 698 703 enters the peak! 3 more

Chapter 698 703 enters the peak! 3 more

The star river in front of him was completely shrouded in light.

This makes this cosmic space extremely dazzling, like a giant lamp shining, illuminating all the dark places around.

Yeluzhen stood in the void and hit three real rounds in a row, which was a lot of consumption for him, and it was the strongest set of methods anyway.

This time, Ding Ning must die under his real wheel.

Yeluzhen is still full of confidence that the blow just now can kill Ding Ning.

Cultivators watching the battle from all directions in the distance are also paying attention to Ding Ning's life and death. Some people think that Ding Ning will surely die.

"The method of the real wheel is a method created by the strongest person in the Yelu family. The great elder Yeluzhen used this method to deal with a monk who has just stepped out of the body. If you are at the peak in the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm, if you encounter this move, you will definitely die." Someone recognized Yelu's true 'true wheel' method, and knew that it was created by Yelu Kunlun, the most powerful member of the Yelu family.

The digital powerhouses standing at the top level in this world have long had various records in the world about their unique skills. After all, they are big figures standing at the pinnacle, people who are highly anticipated, and even the focus of everyone. Visitors are naturally very curious, and their every move attracts even more attention.

Yelu Kunlun once brought out the method of the true wheel, so it is not surprising that it is remembered by someone with a heart and recognizes it at this moment.

"I don't think this person is sure to die." Some people put forward different opinions.

"Hehe, you say that because you think he might still be alive? Is your method of being the most powerful person very weak?" When he was refuted, the person immediately sneered.

"The law of the most powerful man is of course not weak, but after all, it was not the most powerful man who cast it. If it is said that the most powerful man made a move, let alone him, he is considered to be in harmony with the Dao, or even the existence of Mahayana. must also perish."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I think this person was able to kill the Leaving Aperture Realm with the Nascent Soul Realm before, and he can fight across borders. Now that he has reached the Leaving Aperture Realm, he must be stronger. Moreover, he has such a talent and dares to expose it in the territory of our orthodox monks. Take it easy, this person must have some means, and it is inevitable that he will be able to save his life."

Many people around showed a pensive look. After thinking for a while, they felt reasonable and nodded.

"Hmph, as a cultivator of the righteous way, you are boosting others' aspirations and destroying your own prestige."

"I'm just discussing the matter as it stands, and I will know the result soon."

The two of them were talking, and they were about to express their anger. Just when the two of them were blushing and were about to fight, suddenly, someone exclaimed.


Swish swish.

Everyone looked at the galaxy in the distance in unison. It was covered by light just now, but it is not so dazzling now.

Everyone looked over, and only saw a figure in the galaxy that still had light, but couldn't see the face clearly.

But when people saw this figure, they were startled, because they knew that besides Ding Ning, that figure could not be another person.

He's not dead, he's really alive.

Really got that guy right.

At this time, the cultivator who guessed right showed a smug expression, while the man who had just decided that Ding Ning must die had an ugly expression on his face, as if he had eaten a fly.

Everyone here saw that Ding Ning was not dead, so Yeluzhen naturally discovered the truth that Ding Ning was still alive.

At this time, he had come to the opposite of Ding Ning, and the distance between the two was not far away.

"You survived." Yeluzhen said, although his face was calm, he was still full of amazement that Ding Ning was alive. That was his most powerful attack. Ding Ning was still alive. How did he survive?Yelu was really full of curiosity in his heart.

"In this life, no one can kill me, and you naturally don't have the strength." Ding Ning said lightly.

In his last life, he died under the siege of many people. In this life, he will never die easily. He still has a big vengeance to avenge. How could he die so easily after returning to the cultivation world after all the hardships.

"Arrogance, even if you don't die, you will still be seriously injured at this time." Yeluzhen said coldly: "In that case, I will re-execute the method of the true wheel."

Yeluzhen didn't run out of energy, he could still continue to cast it a few times, at least he could condense three more true wheels.

Believe it or not, Ding Ning could not be killed this time.

Ding Ning's figure suddenly disappeared before his eyes.

Yeluzhen let out a light sigh, and at such a fast speed, he immediately activated the method of the real wheel, and the round real wheel gradually formed in front of his chest, but just when the real wheel was about to solidify, suddenly, a vibration appeared .

Yeluzhen saw a fist hit the real wheel that was about to take shape, causing the real wheel that had not yet been fully formed to shatter with a bang, like a mirror being smashed, and instantly shattered.

call out.

Another punch, Ding Ning's many attacks did not give Yeluzhen time to condense a complete round.

Yeluzhen moved his feet and stepped back, he could see that Ding Ning didn't want him to use this move.

"Sure enough, I hurt you." Yelu was really sure that Ding Ning must be hurt, otherwise he wouldn't be afraid to take the initiative to attack, and wouldn't give him another chance to hit the real round.

Since it worked, Yeluzhen must of course try his best to condense a complete Zhenlun and continue to cause damage to Ding Ning.

However, every time the real chakra was condensed, Ding Ning's fist would explode with one punch. After repeated several times, Yeluzhen was almost injured internally and was constantly interrupted, causing him a lot of damage. .


Yeluzhen gritted his teeth, and Ding Ning fought in close combat, not giving him any chance to breathe, just close combat.

Since the real wheel could not be condensed, Yeluzhen could only use other methods to confront Ding Ning. Anyway, Ding Ning was targeting him and did not give him a chance to use the real wheel method again.

Yelu was really depressed, he obviously had the means to control the enemy, but he couldn't use it, the depression in his heart was layered on top of each other.

Ding Ning attacked wildly, and each move was faster than the last, anyway, he just wanted to prevent Yeluzhen from having any gaps.

And as the two fought each other with fists and kicks, the situation returned to the previous one. Ding Ning's realm has advanced from the early stage to the middle stage by leaps and bounds, and he has the posture to enter the late stage.

After the two exchanged an unknown number of moves, Ding Ning finally stood at the peak of the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm in the realm of magic, reaching the same height as Yeluzhen.

Everyone who felt Ding Ning's aura was amazed, and they were all dumbfounded at the speed at which Ding Ning's strength increased.

I don't know how many people there are, and I want to ask, can you go faster?

After standing at the peak of the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm, Ding Ning said calmly, "This time, I will give you a chance to take out the trick just now."

Ding Ning felt the power of the peak level in the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm, and he was no longer afraid of the real wheel method just now.

How could Yelu Kunlun's self-created method compare with his.

"Next, I will let you experience the method of defeating your ancestors of the Yelu family!" Ding Ning smiled lightly at Yeluzhen.

With his current strength, he can barely use that move.

(End of this chapter)

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