The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 707 712 I'm going to kill her! 3 more

Chapter 707 712 I'm going to kill her! 3 more

The old woman activated the blood god's banner, and hundreds of ghosts rushed out from above, and the temperature of the surrounding air suddenly dropped by a few points.

This blood god banner is a more domineering magic weapon, and demonic monks prefer to use it as a weapon, but most demonic monks can only sacrifice two to three sides. If they can sacrifice eight blood god banners, then Call it real horror.

The old woman's blood god banner currently only has one side, its power is not strong, and there are only hundreds of ghosts on it, there are no powerful ghosts that can be used, and its power is even more general.

Hundreds of ghosts rushed in unison, forming a picture like a wall of human heads, as if they were going to devour everything in front of them.

In response to this, Ding Ning kept catapulting his fingers, hitting one after another of the Buddhist and Taoist seals on it, turning them into hot flames, and igniting those ghosts.

The method of Buddhism has a natural restraint effect on this kind of ghost. Ding Ning suffered a lot from the Buddha in his last life. For this reason, when he brought his strength to force the Mahayana, he wiped out a branch of the Buddha, so he also gained some training from the Buddha. method.

And this lotus seal is an extremely powerful means to restrain ghosts, and it is most suitable for Ding Ning to use it this time.

He is an orthodox monk now, and he knows some Buddhist methods, which is not a particularly sudden thing.

The old woman burned all of Ding Ning's ghosts with just a few snaps of her fingers. If this continues, it won't take long for her blood god banner to have no ghosts to sustain it, and its power will naturally disappear.

She immediately took all the ghosts back, and used other methods to deal with Ding Ning.


The old woman raised her palm and threw out a magic weapon. It was a black knife, stained with undried blood, and seemed to have killed someone not long ago.

"Bloodthirsty knife, kill!"

The old woman urged the bloodthirsty knife, turned into lightning, and shuttled continuously from Ding Ning, trying to cut Ding Ning into a pulp.

Ding Ning used his fingers as weapons, and combined his two fingers, pawning the bloodthirsty knife constantly.

In the end, Ding Ning clamped the bloodthirsty knife between his fingers, and broke the bloodthirsty knife forcefully, turning it into a piece of scrap iron.

With a snap, the broken Bloodthirsty Knife split into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"What a terrifying body!"

Ding Ning cut off the magic weapon with his body, Lu Feng saw it, and was immediately shocked by the strength of Ding Ning's body.

Lu Feng has seen many Nascent Soul Realm monks, but as far as he knows, the physical body of Nascent Soul Realm monks is not strong enough to resist magic weapons. At least it is extremely difficult to be unscathed, but in In Ding Ning's body, this matter has come true. Ding Ning can not only resist the magic weapon, but also crush the magic weapon.

In Lu Feng's mind, Ding Ning's image became a little more mysterious. Before, he was shocked enough to think that Ding Ning was in the Nascent Soul Realm, but now he discovered that the Nascent Soul Realm was just one of Ding Ning's secrets.

Even her elder brother was so amazed that her younger sister Lu Yao was already full of stars. She said that in the future, she must find a Taoist partner better than her elder brother. In that way, she would be able to protect her instead of being protected by her elder brother.

The appearance of Ding Ning is undoubtedly in line with Lu Yao's goal.

It was even much better than what Lu Yao expected.

Because in the younger generation, those who can enter the Nascent Soul Realm are absolutely rare. Generally speaking, the monks who step into the Nascent Soul Realm are all monks who are over half a century old, or even over a hundred monks. Lu Yao is ready, Find a strong person who is much bigger than yourself as a Taoist companion.

Well now, Ding Ning not only matches his strength, but also his age.

Lu Yao stared at Ding Ning's figure, her face was full of excitement, and she muttered, defeating the old woman.

After scrapping a magic weapon, a gleam flashed in the old woman's eyes, feeling troubled by Ding Ning's strength.

In her opinion, Ding Ning, a young Nascent Soul cultivator, shouldn't be too strong, but Ding Ning completely broke her expectations, not to mention Buddhist methods, his physical body is not weaker than a magic weapon at all Yes.


The old woman threw out a magic weapon again, and continued to urge to strangle Ding Ning. This long ax, when it danced, was extremely sharp and could cut through the air.

If Ding Ning didn't know the methods of Buddhism, the old woman would naturally use the blood god's banner, the blood god's banner is the most powerful, but when she meets Ding Ning, she can't use it, she is afraid that Ding Ning will kill all the ghosts on the blood god's banner, if that happens , the Blood God Banner she worked so hard to sacrifice and refine can be regarded as returning to before liberation.

Just because the baby is wearing the blood god's banner and does not want the blood god's banner to be damaged, the old woman can only use other magic weapons.

However, the long ax didn't last long, and was broken into two pieces by Ding Ning again.

When two magic weapons were crushed in a row, the old woman's heart was naturally dripping with distress. These magic weapons were all her treasures. If Ding Ning was not the opponent, it would be someone else, whether it was a bloodthirsty knife or a long axe , Those are all murderous weapons.

But he happened to meet Ding Ning, a person with extremely abnormal physical strength and many methods.

"I don't believe you can smash all my magic weapons." The old woman and Ding Ning fought.

He saw that the old woman kept taking out magic weapons, but Ding Ning was not confused at all. When the old woman took out one, he cut it in two. After a short while, the ground was already covered with a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron. , are all fragments of the magic weapon that the old woman took out.

Lu Feng and the others were stunned for a long time.

He has a deeper understanding of Ding Ning's strength in his heart, especially Lu Feng. He even feels that Ding Ning's strength is probably beyond the Nascent Soul Realm. Although this idea is ridiculous and somewhat unrealistic, but for some reason, he I just feel that Ding Ning's power is somewhat unpredictable, as if a treasure is wrapped in countless layers, and every time one layer is opened, one thinks that one can see the real body of the treasure, but there is still a layer of cover.

Ding Ning is the treasure that has been wrapped in countless layers, and it can surprise people every time.

The old woman was so distressed that she was numb. There were more than 20 magic weapons, all of which were smashed by Ding Ning. Now she can't wait to smash Ding Ning to ashes.

But the old woman was angry and knew in her heart that if she wanted to move Ding Ning and others, she might not succeed.

As long as Ding Ning was around, she couldn't kill anyone.

"Boy, it's your fate. I will spare your lives, old woman. If we meet again in the future, I will definitely let you go again." The old woman said that she had already run away.

Did this escape?

Obviously she was the one who withdrew first, and still left such big words, as if she deliberately didn't kill a few people.

"Haha, that old woman was scared away, and Ding Mo won." Lu Yao was happy for Ding Ning, the old woman retreated automatically, and they were naturally safe.

Lu Feng nodded, rejoicing in his heart, fortunately, he agreed to Ding Ning to join the team, otherwise, they would all have to be buried here today.

"Wait here for me, I'll kill her." Ding Ning suddenly disappeared on the flying boat, his voice echoed around, and he himself had already rushed to the old woman to chase after him.

(End of this chapter)

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