The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 708 713 Killing and Seizing Treasure! 1 more

Chapter 708 713 Killing and Seizing Treasure! 1 more

The old woman rode the demonic energy, as if stepping on a somersault cloud, at a fast speed, and quickly approached the direction of the blood world.

The old woman was quite depressed. She thought that a few righteous monks appeared, and all of them could be caught to sacrifice the blood god's banner, but Ding Ning, a strong man, made the blood god's banner not stronger after being sacrificed, but put in it instead. More magic tools.

Not worth the loss.

Lost big.

The old woman's heart was still dripping with distress, so many magic weapons were all scrapped, and now there was only one magic weapon, the Blood God Banner, left on her body.

"If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood." The old woman would also comfort herself, as long as people are alive.

Ding Ning left a deep impression on her, "Who is he? He is so powerful at such a young age. With such a genius in the cultivation world, I'm afraid there will be another Mahayana powerhouse in the future. .”

The old woman believes that Ding Ning has great potential, and if given time, it is really possible to become a superpower and stand at the top of the world.

"By the way, one of the two people I captured before is still alive, and I want to find out the identity of this guy from his soul." The old woman suddenly thought that there was a ghost Li Luo on her blood god banner, Zhou Ce was burned to death that day, but Li Luo was still alive.

Seeing that there was no one behind her, the old woman stopped, thinking that Ding Ning and the others probably didn't come after her.

As long as she finds out Ding Ning's identity, she can take revenge on Ding Ning in the future.

After finding out Li Luo's ghost, Li Luozheng looked terrified, his life is now controlled by the old woman in front of him.

The old woman didn't talk nonsense, and directly searched Li Luo's soul, which was much faster than asking and answering.

"En? This guy doesn't know much information about him? He only knows a bad name, Ding Mo..." The old woman's expectation did not meet her expectations. She thought she could get more information about Ding Ning from Li Luo's soul. In the end, almost nothing was useful. Li Luo's attention to Ding Ning was nothing more than a name.

If the old woman knew that the name Ding Mo was fake, she didn't know how she would feel.

"Useless trash."

The old woman raised her hand and knocked Li Luo's ghost more than ten meters away. Li Luo didn't dare to resist, and begged for mercy, "Master, please forgive me, please forgive me!"

"Hmph, with only this bit of information, you still want to survive. It's useless for you to pretend to be smart and join other people's team, but you can't even find a trace of a strong man. What's the point of your life?"

With a swipe of the old woman's palm, Li Luo's ghost fell into her hand with a whoosh, and her five fingers kept closing and squeezing, which made Li Luo look painful, as if he was about to be squeezed.

Seeing that Li Luo's ghost was about to be crushed, a voice suddenly sounded behind the old woman: "Are you very interested in me?"

The old woman was like a frightened cat, her fur was about to explode, her body was half arched, she turned her head vigilantly, and saw Ding Ning who was chasing after him at some point.


He even chased after him.

The old woman's expression became even more ugly, only to hear Ding Ning's voice again: "Don't you want to know about me? If you ask me, I can tell you."

"I've already retreated, but you're still chasing after me, do you have to kill me?" The old woman said coldly, her words threatening.

"Fish to death? Haha..." Ding Ning smiled, his eyes changed from flat to disdainful, and immediately said slowly, "You are not worthy to fight with me to death!"

"You..." After being humiliated by Ding Ning, the old woman was immediately blown up, and shouted, "You are too deceitful!"

"Hehe, you demon monks, don't you often slaughter the weak? Just like your blood god banner, people who have been killed by you think you are too deceitful."

Ding Ning said lightly, but his mood was a little strange. It turned out that from the perspective of an orthodox monk, it was such a feeling to help justice.

"You forced me to do this." The old woman has no other magic weapon, and the strongest magic weapon at the moment is the blood god's banner. She is shaking the blood god's banner, chanting formulas in her mouth, and following the blood god's banner. As it shook, the devilish energy on it became more and more intense.

Not long after, a figure emerged from it.

Blood God!
A demon raised in the blood god's banner.

This is the most powerful method of the Blood God Banner. The old woman was reluctant to use it before, because using the Blood God once would consume a lot of ghosts, and all the accumulation over the past few days was consumed.

But now, facing the powerhouse Ding Ning, the old woman had no choice but to use it.

"I want to use your blood, your flesh, and your bones to sacrifice to my blood god." The old woman said coldly, and at the same time ordered the blood god to say: "Kill him!"

The blood god has a huge body and slender legs. He is a monster.

At this time, under the order of the old woman, he immediately killed him.

Ding Ning squinted his eyes and did not move, waiting for the blood god to come.


After a few steps, the Blood God came to Ding Ning. The next moment, its shriveled but powerful palm suddenly pulled out, intending to pull out Ding Ning's internal organs at once. Those sharp nails must not It's hard to do, and there's a cold light shining on it.

When the palm approached, Ding Ning smiled from the corner of his eyes.

The old woman was talking about killing the hateful guy Ding Ning, when suddenly, her expression froze.


A cloud of black air condensed on Ding Ning's chest, turning into a shield, blocking the attack of the blood god. Of course, Ding Ning's method was not so simple. The shield that formed the black air was constantly rotating, forming a huge suction force. Continue to inhale the blood god.

Once the blood god is sucked in, [-]% of them will die, and the power of the blood god banner will plummet.


Ding Ning dissipated the shield in an instant, grabbed the blood god with one hand, and threw it out violently.

After doing all this, Ding Ning looked at the old woman with a smile.

The old woman was so surprised that she couldn't speak, and she pointed at the black gas that radiated from Ding Ning's body.

How could the devilish energy appear on Ding Ning's body?

Isn't he an orthodox monk?

The old woman was puzzled.

How did she know that Ding Ning is a fellow practitioner of the righteous and evil ways. Before Lu Feng and others, he showed his identity as the righteous way. Now it is only him and the old woman. Ding Ning doesn't mind showing his demon way identity.

It's no wonder that the old woman was shocked, not to mention her, even the top powerhouses among the magic monks would be shocked when they saw this scene.

"It's a pity to waste this blood god banner in your hands. I happen to be short of a handy weapon. Now you know why I came to chase you."

Ding Ning said lightly.Emotions catch up, just to get the blood god banner in the old woman's hand.

"You are... a monk of the demonic way?" The old woman still couldn't believe it, because Ding Ning's disguise was too good, and what she showed before was all the power of the righteous way, such as the method of the Buddhist sect, which was not something that a monk of the demonic way could pretend to be. , but Ding Ning did it, so even if there is a demonic energy on Ding Ning now, the old woman is still a little uncertain.

Ding Ning came in front of the old woman in an instant. In front of his peak strength in the late stage of the Demonic Realm, the old woman couldn't react at all, so Ding Ning grabbed him.

Speaking of the old woman, Ding Ning said with a smile on his face, "Do you think I'm a righteous monk or a demon monk?"

"You are……"


Ding Ning didn't give him a chance to speak, and broke his neck in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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