The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 709 714 Separated! 2 more

Chapter 709 714 Separated! 2 more

"As a demon monk, you don't have to kill me. I am willing to do things for you and recognize you as the master." The soul of the old woman was held by Ding Ning, and he wanted Ding Ning to give her a way out.

"Do things for me?" Ding Ning smiled, "You are too ugly, you are not qualified to do things for me."

The old woman was stumped by these words, Ding Ning despised her for being old and ugly.

"It's just a skin, it's a big deal, I can change to a physical body, if you forgive me, I will definitely obey your orders." The old woman still wanted to persuade.

Ding Ning smiled: "Do you think I will let the person who knows my secret live?"

"I won't say anything, I swear."

"Only the mouth of the dead is the strictest, so you should die."

The old woman's soul was sent into the mouth of the blood god by Ding Ning and became a sacrifice for the blood god's banner.

As soon as the old woman died, Ding Ning became the owner of the blood god's banner. After re-accepting the master with blood, the blood god's banner became like an arm, which was very in line with his heart. Ding Ning held the blood god's banner, felt the breath on it, and felt that he had returned to last life.

What a familiar breath.

Magic is what he is best at.

The blood god banner he sacrificed in the last life was only one side away from the eight-sided blood god banner, which is the top. Unfortunately, it was only a little bit short, otherwise, it might not have fallen in the end.

"I will make up for the regrets of my previous life in this life. Now that I have the dual status of righteousness and evil, my chances of refining the Eight-faced Blood God Banner will be greatly increased," Ding Ning said to himself.

He is still somewhat sure about re-sacrificing the powerful Blood God Banner. Not to mention the identity of the Demon Dao, the identity of the Righteous Dao will help him collect a lot of souls.

In the previous life, he killed countless people because of offering sacrifices to the blood god's streamer, a magic tool. He provoked the anger of many powerful people and almost died several times.

But in this life, there is a right way to cover up his identity, so that he can secretly sacrifice, and use all the right way monks who are hostile to him to sacrifice the blood refining god's banner, and the demon monks, even those who are unhappy, also use it to sacrifice the blood refining god's banner, As for those enemies from the previous life, he will not let them go, the big ones cannot be beaten, the small ones will be beaten first, and all of them will be sacrificed to the blood refining god banner.

Thinking about it this way, this blood god banner is much easier than the previous life.

It is estimated that it will become extremely powerful in a short time.

Putting the blood god into the blood god banner, Ding Ning erased all traces here, even if there is a strong man who is the backing of the old woman, there is no trace of it.

After doing all this, Ding Ning disappeared in place.


The airship stopped in the void, Lu Feng and the others waited boredly for Ding Ning to return.

"Ding Mo should return safely." Lu Yao looked forward, looking eagerly waiting.

"Hehe, you have said this sentence to yourself four times. I said, little girl, you seem to be very worried about Brother Ding Mo." Lu Feng joked.

"Brother, what are you talking about? They saved us, so it's normal for me to be concerned." Lu Yao's cheeks were slightly hot, and she refused to admit it, but the flushed color on her face had already betrayed her.

"Little sister, for some things, it's best to be sympathetic to each other. One-sided craving often leads to bad results. Don't get too involved," Lu Feng reminded.

As an older brother, he knows his younger sister too well, so he can tell that his younger sister Lu Yao is suddenly interested in Ding Ning, but Ding Ning is not an ordinary strong man, he stood in the Nascent Soul Realm at a young age, even the old woman who was a monk of the Demonic Dao, They were all shocked away, this level of strength has already surpassed the initial stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

With such an excellent Ding Ning, can younger sister Lu Yao get into Ding Ning's eyes?

He was afraid that Ding Ning would not like his younger sister Lu Yao, and Lu Yao would get too involved in the drama, and would only hurt himself in the end.

Love is a thing that often hurts more than flesh and blood, and he doesn't want his sister to end up in that state.

Lu Yao obviously didn't think about it that much, and didn't know the worry in her brother Lu Feng's heart, so she said: "Oh, what are you talking about." Then she didn't say any more.


Regarding this, Lu Feng was also a little helpless, and now he could only look at Ding Ning's attitude.

After a long while, Ding Ning came back to them.

As soon as Ding Ning came back, Lu Yao asked with concern if Ding Ning was injured. Ding Ning briefly described it, saying that he let the old woman run away, but did not tell the truth.

There are some things that are not suitable for speaking out, white lies are more suitable.

"It's fine, just run away, brother Ding Mo, according to your proposal, we should go back first, and then we will discuss the matter of continuing to hunt and kill the demonic monks." Lu Feng said.

Ding Ning nodded.

A group of people quickly flew to the cultivation world in a flying boat. When they were about to arrive at the cultivation world, Ding Ning suddenly said, "You guys go first."

Ding Ning doesn't want to go back to the cultivation world?
"Ding Mo, aren't you leaving with us?" Lu Yao stared at Ding Ning and said, while Lu Feng thought of something vaguely, and after thinking for a moment, he seemed to know the reason.

"No, I have something else to do. I'm afraid I won't be able to hunt down demon monks with a few of you in the future." Ding Ning said.

"Are you leaving the team too?" Lu Yao's mood suddenly turned cold.

Ding Ning nodded: "There is always a banquet in the world, and I still have my own things to do."

"But..." Lu Yao continued to speak, but was stopped by Lu Feng, who smiled and said, "Okay, since Brother Ding Mo's intention to go is already decided, I won't force it, this is my contact information." Lu Feng put a contact jade slip on the ground, and continued: "If brother Ding Mo still wants to hunt Moxiu with us, we welcome you back at any time."

Ding Ning nodded, accepted the jade slips, and glanced at everyone: "Take care."

"Take care." Lu Feng clasped his fists, and greeted the stones and wood, only Lu Yao turned her head, angry with Ding Ning, she didn't know that her eyes were red.

Ding Ning left.

"Let's go too." Lu Feng said, and then patted his sister Lu Yao on the shoulder.

"How could he follow those two guys and leave the team?" Lu Yao was still angry about Ding Ning's departure.

Lu Feng explained with a smile: "Little sister, this Ding Mo is a strong Nascent Soul Realm. We didn't know his strength before, so that's all. He can keep a low profile, but now we know, if he continues to stay In the team, the meaning will be different."

"At that time, we will have to ask his opinion on everything. Besides, hunting Moxiu, with his strength, he must have killed more Moxiu than us. Being with us will slow down his progress in killing Moxiu, and sometimes And protect us."

"There is a reason for him to leave. We are too weak. If we are all in the Yuanying state, I don't think he will leave, so don't be angry. If you have this strength, it is better to use it in cultivation. Don't you want to fight with Ding Mo?" Brothers form a team again and continue to hunt Moxiu?"

"I am willing, I will work hard to catch up with his footsteps." Lu Yao said with a determined face, and a few tears dripped from her smile.

(End of this chapter)

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