The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 711 716 Demon Elimination Alliance Base! 1 more

Chapter 711 716 Demon Elimination Alliance Base! 1 more

Comprehension world.

After Ding Ning was reborn, he set foot on the real cultivation world for the first time.

After leaving the edge of the blood world, he did not go to Tianma Star, but came to the center of righteous monks, the cultivation world.

Compared with the cultivation world, the blood world is much smaller. In terms of prosperity, it belongs to the cultivation world, because even the monks of the magic way hide in the dark places of the cultivation world and live a low-key life. On the other hand, the blood world, Very few orthodox monks are willing to stay in the blood world. One is the danger, and the other is that the blood world is full of demon energy, which is not suitable for orthodox monks. But the cultivation world is different, and both righteous and demon monks can adapt.

Even if Ding Ning was a demon in his previous life, he still hid in the realm of cultivation instead of staying in the realm of blood, because the realm of cultivation is really too big. Many restricted areas are extremely dangerous areas for monks of the two ways of righteousness and magic.

The realm of comprehension is very large, and there are four major continents, namely Eastern Shenbu Continent, West Hebu Continent, Southern Fangbu Continent, and North Lubu Continent.Among them, most of the human monks are gathered on the land of Eastern Shenbu Continent, and the other three continents are more complicated, whether they are human monks, spirit beasts, or magic monks.

Returning to the realm of self-cultivation again, Ding Ning was filled with emotions, and the scenes of the past kept coming to his mind.

Thoughts fluttered for a while, Ding Ning regained his mind, and his eyes became extremely calm.

"No matter where I am, I can improve my strength. It is not difficult to avenge my life." Ding Ning is full of confidence in revenge. He wiped out the Yelu family before, leaving only Yelu Kunlun, who is too strong , he can only let it go for a while, and he can take revenge on the second target.

And this second goal is in the realm of comprehension.

With his current strength, he couldn't kill that guy, but his family could.

Under these current powerhouses in the comprehension world, there are not small forces, some are families, some are sects, and there are very few powerhouses who act alone and have no worries.

Lone rangers, most of them are casual cultivators, and it is too difficult for casual cultivators to cultivate to the top level. After all, the growth of a cultivator requires a lot of resources.

Most of the monks in the comprehension world mostly rely on various spirit stones and elixir to improve their strength, and those who practice purely on their own are only those poor casual cultivators.

Because spirit stones and pills contain a lot of energy, which can help monks quickly improve their strength or break through the realm, much faster than slowly cultivating by themselves.

The reason why Ding Ning's ascension speed is fast, although it has nothing to do with spirit stones and elixirs, is because he had a high realm in his previous life. Even if he was reborn, he still retains many valuable experiences, which are more effective in improving the speed than spirit stones and elixirs.

But if you reach the Dao Comprehension Realm, you need a lot of energy if you want to improve. Simply absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, even if the spiritual energy in the cultivation world is rich, relying on absorbing this spiritual energy to break through is really too difficult.

Ding Ning is now in the realm of leaving the body, and entering the realm of Hedao requires a lot of energy. He should also start to prepare these things, and he is the same as Xiu Dao. resources of his strength.

Now that he is in the world of self-cultivation, Ding Ning's plan is to first push the realm of righteousness to the realm of unity. Of course, this is not easy. The promotion of the realm of righteousness has always been slower than that of magic. In the realm, this gap began to become obvious.

Because Ding Ning has a disadvantage. After all, he was only a monk of the magic way in his last life, and he has the experience of the way of magic behind him, but the state of righteous way is pitiful.

Therefore, it is not a small problem for him to push the realm of righteousness to harmony.

Even in the future, it is still not easy to enter Mahayana from Hedao.

This made him need to work harder on the righteous path.

"Originally, I planned to raise the realm of righteousness to the peak in the later stage at the edge of the blood world, but now I can only improve it a little bit in the realm of cultivation."

"However, it's okay, in terms of resources, the cultivation world is better."

Ding Ning thought about it for a while, put the promotion aside, and prepared to inquire about information about his second target.

In an ancient city in Eastern Shenbu Continent.

This is the level of prosperity, which is much more prosperous than any life star that Ding Ning has stepped into.

Looking around, the selling streets are several miles long.

It can be said that there are crowds of people, shoulder to shoulder.

Looking around, I can feel that most people are ordinary mortals. Although the world of cultivation is the world of monks, monks also come from mortals. No matter where they are, they cannot be separated from ordinary people. Without strength, it is easy to be killed, but in the ancient city, ordinary people are quite safe.

Even powerful monks are not allowed to kill ordinary people casually.

This is the rule of the cultivation world. If ordinary people are killed by monks, then the future Eastern China will not have fresh blood from monks, and it is doomed to decline.

Therefore, ordinary people are relatively safe.

Only those demonic monks like to slaughter ordinary mortals.

Of course, generally speaking, monks of the Demonic Way dare not show up easily, because if they fail to keep it together, there will be righteous monks nearby, who will instantly sense it. At that time, for the monks of the Demonic Way, it will be a siege.

It is precisely because demonic monks like to slaughter mortals, and like to use blood and soul sacrifices to refine magic weapons to improve their strength, that makes orthodox monks hate demonic monks so much that they will fight when they meet.

Ordinary people have the way of life of ordinary people, and monks have the way of life of monks. The two seem to live in the same area, but in fact there is a world of difference.

The world of monks is envied by mortals, but the vast majority of mortals do not have the qualifications for cultivation and can only be ordinary people for the rest of their lives. Only those who are one in a hundred can have the possibility of cultivation.

Ding Ning walked in the street where ordinary people and monks were together, feeling the long-lost feeling.

Before going to inquire about the news of that enemy, Ding Ning first came to a base of the Demon Elimination Alliance composed of many forces.

Because here, the record of killing demonic monks can be exchanged for points, and points can be used to obtain many things, such as pills, magic tools, magic gates, spirit stones, etc., everything that one expects to find.

This led to many orthodox monks actively hunting and killing demon monks, just like the demon squad he joined Lu Feng and others before.

In the final analysis, it is all about earning points, which can be exchanged for the required items.

Anyway, I have already come to this ancient city, so I am not in a hurry to inquire about it for a while. I will go to this alliance to take a look. In the last life, this kind of alliance has never appeared, so Ding Ning wants to take a look at this alliance. Alliance bases born out of changes.

(End of this chapter)

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