The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 712 717 What a coincidence! 2 more

Chapter 712 717 What a coincidence! 2 more

Ding Ning killed nearly a thousand demon monks, and the accumulated points reached a very considerable level. If he didn't come to the base of the Demon Elimination Alliance to have a look, it would be a waste of money.

At least, these points can be exchanged for him to something that will help him improve the realm of righteousness.

Although he doesn't necessarily need it, it would be foolish not to take what is in front of him.

Stepping into the interior of the pavilion, you can see many monks walking back and forth. Some of the monks who walked towards Ding Ning and left had happy expressions on their faces, because the points they wanted were exchanged for what they wanted, and they got what they wanted. .

Ding Ning saw all this in his eyes, and thought that the Demon Elimination Alliance had spent a lot of money. In order to kill the demon monks, the reward system was set up, which was really a huge motivation to encourage people to kill the demon monks.

As the saying goes, it’s too early to get nothing. In the past, most of the monks of the righteous way were morally occupied by the monks of the righteous way, and they occupied the moral high ground. Fighting against the demonic monks, if one fails, one's life is in danger, but when there are certain benefits in front of him, it is different, because the drive of interests makes the righteous monks' initiative against the demonic monks greatly increased.

The Demon Elimination Alliance, which earned points from killing demonic monks and exchanged them for training resources, perfectly solved the problem of motivation, so that the crusade against demonic monks did not need to wave the whip at all, and the horses would gallop on their own initiative.

After scanning around, Ding Ning was going to see what he could exchange for the points he got.

He randomly came to a counter with a layer of transparent glass-like objects on it, and he could see what was displayed inside.

Whether it is a method, a magic weapon, or a pill, they can be seen clearly, and each item has a label with the number of points.

Just like the small blue bottle marked with [-] points, only [-] points can be exchanged.

Find the staff, scan the jade slip that records the points, and the deal will be concluded.

However, Ding Ning didn't exchange it easily. It was really something in front of him, and he didn't like it at all.

Inside the small blue bottle is a elixir, named Zengyuan Pill, which is mainly used to help the monks who are breaking through. As long as the elixir is taken during the breakthrough, the probability of breaking through will be doubled.

That is to say, if there are five levels of confidence, then taking this pill and breaking through is basically a certainty.

Of course, this kind of elixir also has a disadvantage, that is, the effect is remarkable below the golden elixir realm, as for the above golden elixir, such as the Nascent Soul Realm and the Aperture Realm, if you want to increase the probability of breakthrough, Zengyuan Pill cannot do it. In fact, this level of realm is extraordinary. If it is really that easy, the world of comprehension does not say that there are golden pills everywhere, but it is almost the same.

Because of its limitations, there are only five hundred points.

Of course, [-] points is not a lot. You have to kill at least five demon monks to get [-] points.

It also depends on the strength of the magic monk, the higher the strength, the more points will be given.

For example, if you kill a demon monk at the Qi training level, you will get one point for killing one. Of course, this is for the demon monks at the early stage of Qi training. If you are in the middle stage, you will get five points. Each small level will increase by three to Four credits.

Demonic cultivators at the level of gathering gods are based on ten points, fifteen points in the mid-term, twenty points in the later stage, and thirty points at the peak.

For those in the Foundation Establishment Realm, the basic point value will be directly raised to fifty points.

The golden core level suddenly increased, starting from [-] points.

Nascent Soul Realm, starting from [-] points!
The out-of-body state is even higher, starting from [-] points.

The higher the realm of killing the demon monks, the more points you will get.

Therefore, how could Ding Ning take a fancy to a pill worth only five hundred points? Even if it was worth ten thousand points, Ding Ning might not be able to take a fancy to it.

His gaze kept sweeping over the counter, taking a full view of the items on it. Not to mention, Ding Ning also found some valuable items, such as a magic weapon. Although it was broken, its material was special and could bring out its original The power of three or four tenths is not weak.

It's a pity that Ding Ning doesn't like it, the flame gun in his hand is no worse than this magic weapon.

As for those methods, Ding Ning looked down on them even more. The ones that can be exchanged are naturally impossible to be extremely powerful methods, which cannot be compared with the methods he collected in his previous life.

After watching half a circle in succession, Ding Ning felt a little dull, and felt that these exchangeable things were of no use to him, and it would be better to exchange them all for spirit stones.

Just as Ding Ning was thinking about exchanging all the points on his body for spirit stones, suddenly, his ears twitched, and he heard a somewhat familiar voice not far away.

This voice is not unfamiliar, because not long ago, they also killed the monks of the magic way together.

Ding Ning looked opposite, Lu Feng, Lu Yao, Stone, and Wood were standing there, but they seemed to be arguing with others.

Especially Lu Yao, who didn't seem to have said anything about the other party, her pretty face was full of anger.

Ding Ning did not expect that it was a coincidence that he would meet the four of them again here.

With his ears perked up, he could clearly hear the conversation between Lu Yao and his contender.

"Obviously we came to exchange it first, so why should we give it to you?" Lu Yao argued rationally, but her words didn't seem to change anything.

"As long as the transaction has not been completed, I also have the right to exchange. Although you want to exchange, the transaction has not yet been completed." The man opposite sneered.

"Everything should be said first come, first served. Although we didn't make a deal, we intend to exchange it, and you know that we are about to exchange it, but you stop us from exchanging it by relying on the relationship behind it."

Hearing this, the maid in front of the counter said: "This monk, there is no secret operation in our Demon Slayer Alliance, you can't frame us, we are very fair."

"Hmph." Lu Yao expressed her disbelief. She just saw that this person suddenly appeared and wanted to exchange for the items they wanted to exchange. The maid seemed to know him, so she slowed down the exchange process, making the exchange unsuccessful.

"The Demon Elimination Alliance is not run by my family and will not favor me. Don't talk nonsense. Since we all want to exchange this item, then we will compete. Whoever has the most points can exchange it. Do you dare?"

"Why not..." Just as Lu Yao was about to agree, Lu Feng stopped Lu Yao and signaled Lu Yao to give up and stop arguing.

"Brother, this person is too much. You have wanted this soul-fixing pill for a long time. We have managed to accumulate enough points, so how can we easily give it to others." Lu Yao said, the soul-fixing pill is very important to his brother Lu Feng, so Lu Yaocai was very resentful towards the guy who killed Cheng Yaojin halfway, because without the Soul Fixing Pill, her brother Lu Feng's soul would always be in a state of injury.

"We don't have any more points, let's go." Lu Feng said through voice transmission. Although he didn't know the person who robbed him to exchange for the Soul-fixing Pill, with Lu Feng's eyesight, he could tell that this person was not simple. It's extraordinary for an ordinary son to slow down the maids in the Demon Slayer Alliance.

He didn't want to provoke such a person, so as not to cause more trouble.

But Lu Yao didn't want to just leave like this, she was angry with her brother, how could he just give up, and she was also angry with the guy opposite, why did he want to interfere.

Seeing that Lu Yao and the others didn't respond, the young man surnamed Dong sneered and said, "If you don't have any points, you still dare to fight with me. Get lost."

"You..." Lu Yao wanted to fight, but Lu Feng grabbed her tightly, restricting her movements, so she could only be dragged away by her brother Lu Feng.

But the young man surnamed Dong didn't give up, and the sneering words still sounded behind the four of them.

Hearing that Lu Yao wanted to kill someone.

"Several Jindan realms are geniuses in front of others, but in front of me, Dong De, I don't even have the qualifications to compete with me. What I like is not something you can get."

"Go back and hunt Moxiu a lot. When you have accumulated enough points, I will wait for you to compete with me to exchange treasures, haha..."

Dong De's triumphant laughter filled the surroundings, attracting the attention of many people.

On the other hand, Lu Feng and others lost face and left in despair.

However, before Lu Feng and the others took ten steps, when Dong Hu laughed out loud, a voice interrupted his laughter.

"Compete for the Soul-fixing Pill based on the points, okay, I'll fight with you!"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Feng and the others suddenly stopped in their tracks.

Dong De also looked in the direction where the sound came from just now.

Immediately, Ding Ning became the focus of the eyes of the people around him.

(Today 2 is updated, sorry, please let me go...)
(End of this chapter)

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