The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 719 724 Bian's magic calculation! 1 more

Chapter 719 724 Bian's magic calculation! 1 more

Two or three fortune tellers died one after another. These people were all planning to help the Dong family, but they were inexplicably killed, which made the fortune tellers who originally planned to help the Dong family stop thinking about it.

You must know that several well-known fortune tellers have been killed, and there are many strong guardians in the Out of Body Realm around them, but they still cannot escape death.

How dare people like this teach to curry favor with the Dong family, otherwise they would lose their lives.

Immediately, the number of fortune-tellers who helped the Dong family to find Ding Ning decreased instantly. Some fortune-tellers even left voluntarily and did not want to join in. It would be good to gain the favor of the Dong family, but it would not be worth it if they lost their lives.

Dong family.

All the important figures of the Dong family gathered in the lobby, and the focus of everyone's attention was naturally the mysterious strong man who aimed at his Dong family.

"Patriarch, this person is too arrogant. In order to attack and kill fortune-tellers one after another, we must find this person and bring him to justice. We must not let him go, otherwise my Dong family will have no face." An elder Dong.

"This person must be scared, so he will attack the fortune-teller. I think we should work harder in this area and find more fortune-tellers. At that time, all the fortune-tellers will attack together, even if this person hides again. Secrets will definitely be revealed."

"It's about the dignity of the Dong family and the safety of the Dong family. We must find this person."

"Elder Gao cannot die in vain, we must avenge the dead members of the Dong family."

Several high-level elders of the Dong family spoke one after another, expressing great determination to find Ding Ning, and they all expressed their determination to find out.

Patriarch Dong, who was sitting in the main seat, suddenly raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet after everyone said something to you and me.


All eyes in the lobby were focused on Patriarch Dong, who only heard Patriarch Dong say: "Everyone, be quiet and listen to me."

The head of the Dong family opened his mouth, but no one said anything, just listen to the head of the Dong family continue: "I have the same opinion as you, and we must not let this person go. This guy has targeted my Dong family again and again, and he must be eradicated. He is hiding in the dark, and my Dong family is in the open, so I can't let him continue to be rampant. His behavior has already angered a lord, and this lord will take action to help our Dong family find him."

Which adult wants to make a move?

Everyone in the Dong family guessed when they heard the mysterious lord that the head of the family was talking about.

Patriarch Dong didn't make a fuss, and directly revealed the identity of this lord, "This lord is known as a fortune teller, Bian is a fortune teller!"

Bian counts!
As soon as this name came out, it really shocked many people. These three words, Bian Shensuan, have a lot of influence in the cultivation world.

To be called a fortune teller, there must be some means. Anyone who wants to find people and things can be found through Bian's fortune teller.

"Great, with God Bian counting, this person will have nowhere to hide."

"Bian Shen calculates that one person is worth hundreds of fortune tellers, and there is hope to find this person."

"Everyone, wait for another three days. Three days later, Bian Shensuan will come to my Dong family." The head of the Dong family said, "During these three days, don't move out at will, so as not to give this person an opportunity. Stay in the mansion."


Ding Ning was sitting on the wine shop opposite Dong's house drinking wine, his eyes were fixed on the wine in the glass, but his mind was always on Dong's house.

The Dong family has been very quiet these two days. Except for the servants coming in and out, none of the direct descendants of the Dong family showed their faces at all.

Obviously, it was because they were afraid of Ding Ning's attack and murder, so the Dong family became more conservative.

"Those fortune-tellers were emboldened by me, and they basically never took the initiative to go to Dong's house." Ding Ning said in his heart. He has made many moves in the past few days. All fortune-tellers who want to help Dong's family have been killed by Ding Ning. Kill it, and use it as a sacrifice to the blood refining god.

It is precisely because of this kind of killing that some fortune tellers are prevented from acting rashly.

Without a fortune teller, without Dong Yu showing up, it would not be easy to find him, Ding Ning.

In this way, Ding Ning sat in front of Dong's house for several days, thinking in his heart, if the Dong family members could not retreat, could he take the initiative to enter.

Although simple and rude, Ding Ning still has a lot of worries. As far as he knows, Dong Yu is practicing in seclusion within the family. If he steps into the Dong family, it is equivalent to entering Dong Yu's territory. Once Dong Yu leaves the customs, Then it will be difficult for him to leave alive.

Although he is in the realm of leaving the body, he is still two great realms away from the Mahayana realm, and he cannot match the powerhouse of the Mahayana realm.

Therefore, he could not take such a risk.

He didn't believe that the Dong family would always be like this, so he just sat here and waited. If important members of the Dong family came in and out, he would take action again.

In fact, the actions of the Dong family were also noticed by the surrounding forces.

The Dong family can be regarded as a big force in the realm of comprehension. After all, it is a family with the existence of Mahayana, even those big sects can't compare.

Now that the Dong family members can't shrink back, they will naturally be laughed at, thinking that the Dong family is too careful.

Even if the opponent is a mysterious strongman at the level of the out-of-body state, he will not be so cautious.

However, after Ding Ning killed no less than five monks in the Leaving Aperture Realm several times, they all shut up. If it were them, they would have to be like the Dong family, not daring to show up at will.

It is indeed too scary to be secretly targeted by a strong man like Ding Ning.

On this day, a figure appeared in front of the Dong family, which caught Ding Ning's attention.

When Ding Ning swept towards this person, he was noticed by this person. Suddenly, looking at him, Ding Ning smiled at him.


Bian Shensuan looked at Ding Ning on the pavilion, and felt that Ding Ning was a young man. Although it was just a glance, Bian Shensuan felt that Ding Ning gave him a special feeling.

Just as Bian Shensuan was about to calculate Ding Ning, suddenly, the front door of the Dong family opened automatically, and the head of the Dong family went out to greet him in person, interrupting Bian Shensuan's calculation.

And when Bian Shensuan entered Dong's house, Ding Ning frowned. He recognized Bian Shensuan, and he frowned just because he recognized him.

Because he knows that this Bian divine operator has extremely terrifying calculation ability, and he has experienced it several times in his previous life.

Unexpectedly, the Dong family invited Bian Shensuan over.

Ding Ning felt a little troublesome, and with Bian Shensuan's help, it became difficult for him to hide.

I can't stay here anymore!
Ding Ning must leave immediately, otherwise the Dong family will bring a large number of experts to arrest him in a short time.

Divine fortune teller, Bian divine fortune teller is not in vain, once he makes a move, he wants to hide, it will become impossible.

Ding Ning immediately turned into one and disappeared into the wine cellar.

And just after Ding Ning left for ten breaths, Patriarch Dong led a large group of strong men and surrounded the wine shop from top to bottom, alarming everyone.

"He's gone." Bian Shensuan suddenly spoke when Patriarch Dong ordered other people to search, which made Patriarch Dong stop and give the order.

"My lord, can you find him again?" Patriarch Dong asked respectfully.

Bian Shensuan smiled: "Use the flying magic weapon, there is still time to chase him."

(End of this chapter)

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