The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 720 725 Can't Peep! 2 more

Chapter 720 725 Can't Peep! 2 more

So fast!

Ding Ning's heart trembled, he found the Dong family members behind and chased after them.

As expected, Bian Shensuan immediately calculated his location.

With the divine fortune teller, even if he hides his aura, it is useless, because Bian divine fortune teller is proficient in the method of finding people and can spy on the secrets of heaven. Even if he hides well, he can still be discovered.

If he had known that Bian Shen would intervene, he should have got rid of this person early.

If Ding Ning showed his real strength, it would not be difficult to kill Bian Shen.

But now, Bian Shen is counted among the masters of the Dong family, and it is too difficult to kill him.

In this way, he will have nothing to hide in front of the Dong family.

In order to arrest him, the Dong family mobilized many strong men. Ding Ning frowned, but he let go after a while.

Confronting the Dong family head-on doesn't have much advantage. If so, they can only collide sideways.

With a thought, Ding Ning had an idea.

If the Dong family came after him, let him chase after him. After he lured the Dong family to that place, it would not be certain who would kill the other.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Ding Ning suddenly changed direction, and his speed doubled at the same time.

Just a few miles away from Ding Ning, a flying boat accurately chased after him, all following Ding Ning's route.

The people of the Dong family stood on the flying boat, including the head of the Dong family, the elders of the Dong family, and some masters who were attached to the Dong family. It can be said that there are many masters and their true appearance is extremely powerful.

Such a big movement of the Dong family has already startled many people, and many forces also urged the magic weapon to follow behind, and some casual cultivators also hung behind, wanting to witness the process of the Dong family chasing and killing Ding Ning.

At the same time, the actions of the Dong family quickly spread among many forces.

"Did the Dong family find that mysterious strong man?"

"What? The Dong family invited a fortune teller!"

"With the fortune teller, that person must be invisible. Who is this mysterious person? No, you can't miss this fight."

After some people discussed, they sacrificed magic weapons one after another and chased after them.

On some mountain peaks, there were low-key monks who, after hearing about this incident, also turned into streamers of light and disappeared into the sky.

Ding Ning's aura has been locked by many masters of the Dong family. At this time, everyone on the flying boat is ready to make a move.

They couldn't find Ding Ning before, and they were more afraid of Ding Ning, but now, with so many strong men attacking together, they all wanted to kill Ding Ning in the void.


Bian Shensuan touched the air with his palm, and the figure of Ding Ning in front of him appeared in front of his eyes, within reach.

This is a picture made of energy, like a projection, hanging above the flying ship, and Ding Ning's figure can be seen clearly.

"Is this guy the one who killed Elder Gao?"

"Master Dong De was also killed by him."

Looking at Ding Ning's back, many strong members of the Dong family gritted their teeth. In fact, Ding Ning did many things that made the strong members of the Dong family itch, and they all wanted to crush Ding Ning.

Soon, they discovered that Ding Ning was not the strong person they had imagined, especially when they saw Ding Ning's face, which was so young, everyone was taken aback.

Could it be a young monk?
But immediately, it was denied by everyone, how could the younger generation enter the out-of-body state so quickly.

It must be a young man in the guise of an old monster.

"My lord, can you figure out the identity of this person?" After seeing Ding Ning's face, what Patriarch Dong wants to know most is Ding Ning's identity. Why Ding Ning targeted his Dong family is what Patriarch Dong cares about.

"Alright, I'll take a look at this person's feet." Bian Shensuan did not refuse, he bit his finger, squeezed out a drop of blood, and then drew a few times in the void, chanting words, feeling that Bian Shensuan There was a special aura around him.

That's a secret.

The breath of heaven.

As the saying goes, secrets cannot be revealed, and what Bian Shensuan did at this time was to spy on the secrets and Ding Ning's past.

As long as one sees Ding Ning's past, his identity will naturally be known.

"The heavens and the earth are mysterious and the universe is prehistoric. With my eyes, I can witness the past."

In the midst of Bian Shensuan's words, he stretched out his palm and wiped the void in front of him.

Suddenly the screen changed again.

It's a picture of Ding Ning's past.

A blue planet!
There are many skyscrapers and heavy traffic...

It is the picture of the earth, displayed in front of everyone.

Ding Ning's figure suddenly appeared on it, but when everyone saw Ding Ning's face clearly, the lake suddenly shattered.


From the picture just now, it can only be seen that Ding Ning came from a special life star, but there is no information about Ding Ning's identity.

"This sneak peek is not enough, so I will peek again."

Bian Shensuan used the method of peeping again, trying to peek into Ding Ning's past, and find accurate information about Ding Ning from the secrets.

Ding Ning, who was several miles away, felt something in his heart. He looked back at the flying ship that was only the size of a light spot, and suddenly showed a sneer: "Do you want to investigate my past?"

He felt that Bian Shensuan was guessing his identity, but Ding Ning didn't care, smiled lightly, and moved on.

At the same time, Bian Shensuan touched the sky again.

A picture was generated again, but before the picture became clear, suddenly, Bian Shensuan spat out a mouthful of blood, which shocked everyone immediately.

"My lord, the fortune teller!" Patriarch Dong was startled.

"what happened?"

"Why did it suddenly shatter? It's about to become clear."

The members of the Dong family were discussing in low voices, and the head of the Dong family looked at Bian Shensuan nervously, and asked with concern, "Master Shensuan, are you alright?"

Bian Shensuan shook his head, instead of being supported by Patriarch Dong, he showed a serious face.

"I can't peek into the past of this person's identity!"

Patriarch Dong frowned, but he was shocked in his heart. A person who can make Bian Shensuan unable to see his roots is extraordinary. In the current world, only those who stand in the Mahayana realm can make Bian Shensuan unable to calculate. After all, monks of this level are as strong as immortal gods. Once they calculate, they will be perceived, and they can break the calculation with a single thought.

Of course, if Bian Shensuan's strength is raised to the level of Mahayana, then it can be calculated.

But Ding Ning is obviously not in the Mahayana realm, but Bian Shensuan can't calculate it, which is really surprising.

"My Bian Shensuan has calculated many people, but it has never been like this. This person has a big weirdness and a big secret. Otherwise, it would be impossible to avoid my peeping." Bian Shensuan said seriously.

"The big secret? Is it related to my Dong family?" The head of the Dong family thought more, and at the same time, because of Bian Shen's words, it was even more inevitable to capture Ding Ning.

A person who can stop Bian Shensuan from prying eyes, the secret he has is not simple. Since his Dong family knows it, they will not let him go easily.

"Move the airship with all your strength, and catch up with him earlier." Patriarch Dong ordered, and the airship suddenly increased several times in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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