The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 724 729 Evil Monarch! 1 more

Chapter 724 729 Evil Monarch! 1 more

Ding Ning hid in the dark and didn't move. He heard the word "artifact" from some past monks.

What artifact?
In order to find out the reason, Ding Ning quietly came behind a monk, subdued him immediately, and then conducted a soul search.

After a while, Ding Ning finally understood the reason why a large number of monks flooded into the Shura battlefield.

"The Dong family is very scheming. In order to deal with me, they made up an illusory artifact to make everyone step into the Asura battlefield to find me."

I thought the Dong family would follow in, but in the end, they used other people's hands to target him.

Really an old fox.

"Since everyone is running towards me, it just so happens that my blood god banner still lacks the sacrifice of the soul." Murderous intent flashed in Ding Ning's eyes. Naturally, Ding Ning would not show mercy to anyone who came after him. There are so many people who come to die. Fortunately, you can make sacrifices to the blood refining god banner.

After making up his mind, Ding Ning's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The deepest part of the Shura battlefield.

There was a gray mist, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

The soil on the ground is dark red, and some places are a little black. All the bloody smell comes from the soil. There is no other reason. There used to be a river of blood here. After the blood dried up, it merged into the soil, making the soil All smell of blood.

In the center of the mist, there are seven gods floating in it, and these seven gods seem to have a lot of suction, sucking all the wandering souls from the surrounding world.

If there are righteous monks here, they will definitely be shocked by the seven-faced divine banner, because this multi-faceted divine banner is about to be promoted to the height of a divine weapon. Once the eighth divine banner is sacrificed, it will be a proper divine weapon. .

The seven-faced blood god's banner absorbs the wandering souls between the heaven and the earth, and is constantly being sacrificed, making this terrible magic weapon continuously strengthened, and it is marching towards the eight-faced blood god's banner.

In front of the seven-faced blood god banner, there was a figure sitting cross-legged. This person's long hair was scattered on his shoulders, and only one part of his face was exposed. Most of it was covered by his long hair.

This person has a cold temperament and sharp eyes, and has been focusing on the seven blood god banners.

Around this person, there are many corpses. These people were still alive a few days ago, but now, they all died here.

"Is it still impossible to sacrifice the eighth side?"

After seeing the seven-faced Blood God Banner, but there was still no movement from the eighth-faced banner, the man opened his mouth slowly.

"It's been three years, and I've been practicing continuously, but after all, I can only restore it to its previous height, but can't go any further?" the man said with emotion.

The man recalled the scene when he got the broken seven-faced blood god banner. If he hadn't tried his best to restore it, the seven-faced blood god banner would have been damaged long ago.

Now, it took three years of effort to make this big killer regain the glory of the past.


With a wave of the man's hand, the seven blood god flags fell into his hands, and as he stroked the blood god flags, he could clearly feel the intimacy of the blood god inside each blood god flag.

Once upon a time, this great magic weapon did not belong to him, but now, it completely belongs to him.

No one can take it away.

And he will endow this big killer with even greater power, and he will surely create the most terrifying artifact, the Eight-faced Blood God Banner.

"Failing this time doesn't mean it's over. Sooner or later, I'll make you an artifact." The man said lightly.

Then he threw it into the sky and said, "Go."

The seven-faced Blood God Banner sank and floated in the gray mist again.

The man looked at the seven-faced blood god banner, just like looking at his lover. This magic weapon will be his killer weapon in the world of self-cultivation in the future. Step on your feet.

As long as he refines the eighth side of the seven-faced god banner.

"It seems that there are still not enough souls." The man said calmly. The man specially chose this place to restore the broken seven-faced blood god banner, and he stayed here for three years, day and night.

Because many people died in the Asura battlefield, and there are more remnant souls here, there is a unique advantage in offering sacrifices to the Blood Refining God Banner here.

But when he first condensed the eighth blood god banner, he still failed, and he was still close to becoming the real eight blood god banner.

The man concluded that there are not enough souls, and he needs more souls, whether it is the souls of righteous monks or demon monks, they are urgently needed for him.

Just at this moment, a figure appeared out of nowhere, knelt down on the ground, and said to the man, "Lord Xiejun, I have something important to report."

"En?" The man called Xie Jun frowned slightly, and said, "What's the matter?"

"Master Xiejun, my subordinates have discovered that there are a large number of orthodox monks pouring into the Asura battlefield."

"Oh?" Xie Jun's expression flashed, and then, with a swipe of his arm, a picture was created in front of his eyes. It was the picture of some righteous monks entering the Asura battlefield.

"Hehe, God really treats me kindly. There are so many orthodox monks, it's really a gift in the snow." Xie Jun smiled. He was thinking about getting some souls and continuing to sacrifice the seven-faced blood god banner, but suddenly heard that , a large number of orthodox monks came.

"What are these orthodox monks doing on the Asura battlefield? Could it be that they found out that I couldn't make sacrifices here?" The evil king began to think about the reason for the appearance of the orthodox monks.

"Even Qin Jun and the tyrant don't know what I mean by sacrificing the blood-refining god's banner on the Asura battlefield, and it's impossible for these righteous monks to know. Something must have happened to attract these people here." Xie Jun thought for a while. , I no longer thought about the reason, no matter why the orthodox monks came, they would die, and all of them would be used to sacrifice his seven-faced blood god banner.

"Order to kill all righteous monks who step into the Asura battlefield, except for one thing, leaving their souls, understand?"

"My subordinate understands."

After waiting until no one was in front of him, a faint smile appeared on Xie Jun's face, "These righteous monks, come and become the nourishment for my blood god banner, I need your souls to push the blood god banner to the highest level!" Location."

Xie Jun laughed loudly, his voice echoing all around.

At this time, a large number of monks were on the edge of the Shura battlefield.

The battlefield of the ancient war of gods and demons covers several star fields.

Now, these several star fields have all merged into one, forming a super large star field, collectively called the Asura Battlefield.

Even if one wants to cross the entire Shura battlefield, without a teleportation array, at the fastest speed of the flying ship, one must fly continuously for at least a month.

It is conceivable that this Shura battlefield is huge.

This is also one of the reasons why the Dong family wants to attract other monks to come. The Shura battlefield is really too big, and with their strength, they can only search slowly to enter it.

Now, all the monks who entered the Shura battlefield are guessing where Ding Ning is hiding. Don't you know that Ding Ning has already changed his face, disguised with righteous aura, and has become a member of the large team looking for 'Ding Ning'.

(End of this chapter)

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