The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 725 730 Set up! 2 more

Chapter 725 730 Set up! 2 more

"Who's there, coming out?"

Ding Ning stepped out from behind a boulder, found several monks of Ding Ning, looked at Ding Ning for a while, and after confirming that Ding Ning was not the person they were looking for, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, they were a little hypocritical to deal with the existence of the said artifact all at once, even if they came here just for the artifact, they couldn't help but feel nervous.

But Ding Ning's appearance obviously did not match the appearance given by the Dong family, so it was certain that he was not the person they were looking for.

"Who are you? Which sect? Report your name! What are you doing sneaking behind the stone?"

The other party asked several questions in one breath.

Ding Ning pretended, "I'm just a casual cultivator, and I came to the Shura battlefield just to find the artifact."

"It turns out that you are a casual cultivator without a sect, but you are also bold enough. You dare to step into this place when you are only in the state of concentration. I really don't know what to say about you. With your strength, even if you meet that person, you can't do anything." Headed by the monks.

"Senior said it is true." Ding Ning seemed to be taught. If there were not many monks not far from these monks, he would have directly shot and killed them all.

Therefore, Ding Ning pretended to be a cultivator in the concentration state, firstly to confuse the other party, and secondly, to lure these people away and then kill them.

"You are a very dangerous person in the concentration state, follow us, if we can find that person, as long as we tell the Dong family the news, we will all get great benefits, and you will naturally be indispensable."

Ding Ning nodded quickly, pretending to be sincere and apprehensive, to express his gratitude.

Of course, Ding Ning didn't think that the other party was really kind enough to help him and prevent him from being in danger.

When the other party said the words just now, he saw a sneer in the depths of this person's eyes.

In the world of comprehension, although the monks of the devil way are cruel, indifferent, and kill people without blinking an eye, it does not mean that all the monks of the way of magic are big devils, and some monks of the way of magic have benevolent hearts.

In the same way, righteous monks are not all good people, and some of them also have vicious thoughts hidden under their appearance.

If it were an ordinary monk in the concentration state, if he encountered such a situation, he would naturally be very happy, thinking that he was lucky and met a good person, but Dan Ding would rather not think so, he is sure, if not, soon, this group of people will find a way Use yourself.

And this is what Ding Ning is happy to see happen.

"I want to see how long it takes for you to show your fox tails." Ding Ning said in his heart.

The location we were just now was near the entrance of the Asura Battlefield, and many people gathered, but as we walked inside, no matter how many people there were, as long as they were not in the same direction, they would gradually disperse.

Ding Ning followed this group of monks who claimed to be from the "Volcano Sect" and continued to advance. As expected, their fox tails began to be exposed.

The tallest monk among them said to Ding Ning: "We can't protect you for no reason. There are many dangerous places in the Shura battlefield, so I hope you can give your part. Now is the time for you to show your strength. There is a swamp ahead, we need you to find the way."

"Swamp?" Ding Ning pretended to be troubled, and showed a trace of fear just right.

The tall monk said: "Don't be afraid, we will tie a chain on you, even if the worst happens, you will not be in danger, don't worry about falling into the swamp and not getting out, then we will pull you come out."

Several other people also comforted Ding Ning: "You just need to find the way and find that person. You have a share of the credit. Don't worry, we are both righteous monks, and we keep our word."

"If you encounter any danger, you don't need to take action. We will protect you. You only need to find the way. There are not many such good things. You should cherish the opportunity."

These monks from the Huoshan Sect persuaded Ding Ning with a pleasant face, and reassured him not to be afraid, there would be no danger in the swamp.

Ding Ning sneered in his heart, if it is true that there is no danger according to what they said, there is still some way to find out, just step over it.

Apparently, they were also apprehensive, afraid of any unexpected situation in the swamp.

In this way, it is more in their interest for Ding Ning to explore the way. They don't need to take risks, and it would be better to let Ding Ning, an unrelated person, explore the way.

Ding Ning would not say these thoughts, but he was clear in his heart, but he did not refuse, and immediately pretended to be determined, and said to several people: "Okay, I will do as you said, once I find that person, I will get it." The Dong family's reward cannot be left to me."

"Brother, don't worry, we will do what we say, you can go to explore the way." The tall young man vowed, and communicated with other brothers of the same sect through spiritual thoughts.

"Hehe, this silly boy is really naive. I really thought that I could find the person wanted by the Dong family. It's so whimsical, and it's really rare, but it's good, and it can be used to find our way. Dangerous, I think there is danger in this swamp."

"It's also thanks to your wisdom, senior brother, to let him join our team, otherwise, we can only judge this swamp by other methods."

"I knew that we should find more casual cultivators to join us, so that even if there is danger, we will not lose anything."

"Where can we find such a simple guy? We are lucky to meet one. Look, that kid has already stepped into the swamp. Keep an eye on him."

Ding Ning stepped on the swamp, one step at a time, walking forward, his steps were very light, because once he stepped hard, he would step into the swamp, even so, he would still sink slowly.

However, Ding Ning's speed was so fast that he reached the opposite side in the blink of an eye and passed through the swamp safely.

Ding Ning's speed surprised the people of Huo Huo Sect. Ding Ning's speed was really too fast. Before they saw anything, Ding Ning passed through the swamp.

"There's no danger, come here." Ding Ning said, with a relaxed smile on his face.

Several members of Huoshan Sect saw that Ding Ning's strength in the concentration state could get through safely, and they could naturally, so they all relaxed their vigilance and stepped into the swamp.

At first, the few of them didn't feel anything and thought it was all right.

But when they got to the middle, suddenly, there was a sudden change. From the swamp, they stretched out bone claws and grabbed the ankles of several people. Immediately, they pulled down and were pulled into the swamp.

One person yelled, but the yelling stopped abruptly in an instant, because he disappeared completely.

In just one breath, several members of the Huoshan Sect disappeared into the swamp.

Ding Ning, who was standing on the edge of the swamp, showed a smile, and soon, he saw the souls of those monks from the Volcanic Sect jump out of the swamp and head straight for Ding Ning.

Ding Ning smiled slightly: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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