The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 731 736 He wants to kill them all! 2 more

Chapter 731 736 He wants to kill them all! 2 more

"So it was you who killed them!"

Ding Ning's active appearance made all the people present point their finger at Ding Ning.

Although some couldn't believe that Ding Ning was the culprit, since Ding Ning showed up on his own initiative, he must have a great relationship with him.

"Originally, I planned to defeat you one by one, but unfortunately, if you act together, I won't give me the chance to kill you one by one." Ding Ning sighed.

"Who are you? How dare you attack us?" the leader asked. He was baffled by the fact that Ding Ning, a sorcerer, attacked them for no reason.

They didn't know Ding Ning, and they didn't remember Ding Ning.

Furthermore, Ding Ning killed their people, which means offending the evil king, and the consequences of offending the evil king are not something everyone can bear.

Doesn't this person know how powerful the evil king is?
Ding Ning chuckled, he was not in the mood to explain to the other party the reason for his attack, just because they did things for the evil king was enough to make Ding Ning want to kill.

"Hmph, don't tell me? No problem, I have countless ways to make you open your mouth, and now we want to settle your account for killing my companion!" The leader took action immediately, without talking nonsense, their demon cultivators, If you can do it, don't say much, if you want to know the reason, then defeat Ding Ning and search for the soul directly.

When this person moved, Ding Ning frowned. This person was the most powerful among the demon cultivators present, and he was not easy to deal with, giving people a feeling of inscrutable.

He had noticed this guy before.

"Good come!"

Ding Ning yelled, and went directly to meet him. The opponent was a strong man, who had been hiding his aura like him, so he couldn't detect the roots, but Ding Ning knew in his heart that this was a strong opponent.

The figures of the two collided instantly, just like two cannonballs, colliding together in an instant, and then released huge energy fluctuations.

Boom boom boom...

All of a sudden, dust was everywhere, and the demon cultivators who were watching the fight between the two changed their faces, and all of them braced up their own strength to block the aftermath of the fight.

"This person is so strong!"

"He is the same as No. [-], the peak of the out-of-body state."

As soon as Ding Ning made a move, others saw his strength, and immediately shocked everyone present.

What a young out-of-body-level powerhouse.

In the world of demon cultivators, when did such a monstrous figure appear? Ding Ning has reached the level of leaving the body when he is less than 30 years old. Even their evil master, he does not have such a heaven-defying talent. .

This is a strong person who is almost certain to be in the Dao realm. At Ding Ning's age, entering the Dao realm is only a matter of time. Even if he breaks Dao and enters the Mahayana realm, he has a great hope. If he is not guaranteed in the future, it is another one. top powerhouse.

The strength displayed by Ding Ning shocked everyone, and the No. [-] demon cultivator who fought against Ding Ning was equally astonished.

But he thought of more things. Ding Ning targeted them so much, and with such talent and potential, it was definitely a huge disaster. He must be killed, or caught, and handed over to Lord Xiejun.

If he can be brought back alive, he will be brought back alive. If he cannot be captured alive, then even if he pays some price, he must be killed.

In an instant, Demon Cultivator No. [-] had made up his mind that it would be best to capture him alive, if he couldn't realize it, he would kill him.

The two fought fiercely here. They were both peak figures in the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm. They were of the same level, and both had rich combat experience. The intensity of the fight was evident.

Ding Ning found that this demon cultivator was really not ordinary. He was able to block all his attacks, which was much stronger than most of the out-of-body cultivators he had met before.

This must be related to the opponent's frequent fighting.

In fact, monks of the demonic path have experienced the most battles compared to monks of the orthodox path, because if the monks of the demonic path want to grow up, they need a lot of hardships. It seems that it is better to be protected by the strong, and they can avoid some crises, but Those who have no background can only rely on themselves. In the blood world full of killings, they can fight their way out and become strong.

Therefore, if in a certain realm, the monks of the evil way are slightly stronger than the monks of the righteous way.

Who can grow up in the blood world full of killings, who is weak?

The world of comprehension is cruel, and the world of blood is even more cruel. Every strong man in the way of magic has climbed up from countless corpses.

To be able to fight against him for so long, the evil king must have attached great importance to this person.

Ding Ning thought in his heart, but when he changed his mind, his killing intent became stronger: "Since this is the case, this person should be killed all the more."

He can't touch the evil king now, but the evil king's subordinates can still be killed, so why keep them.

"No matter why you deal with us, you will pay the price for killing several of our companions." Demon cultivator No. Get ready to kill Ding Ning.

No matter what, he couldn't let Ding Ning go.

The two continued to collide. Ding Ning felt that it was almost time to end the battle. He pushed the magic body, the glazed body, and in an instant, the strength of the physical body increased by ten times or a hundred times, and the combat power also rose in a straight line.

After a punch, No. [-] Demon Cultivator looked at his bloody fist and was slightly dazed. He couldn't believe that Ding Ning's physical attack had suddenly improved so much.

"you wanna die!"

He hadn't been injured for a long time, but now that Ding Ning injured him, he raised his brows, and a killer move came out of his hand. Immediately, his figure flashed continuously, blasting the killer move at Ding Ning.

"Cross strangle!"


Two rays of light crossed and flashed, turning into a terrifying attack.

The rest of the demon cultivators present were very confident in No. [-]'s ultimate move, and they had all experienced the horror of this ultimate move.

Even if this killer move couldn't kill Ding Ning, it was enough to seriously injure Ding Ning.

When they saw that Ding Ning was propping up with one hand in front of him, with five fingers outstretched, and received the move without any scars, everyone was stunned for a moment.


Couldn't even do the damage.

Demon cultivator No. [-] frowned, but Ding Ning actually blocked his attack. This is not good news.

At this moment, a voice came from the remaining demon cultivators: "Everyone, don't stand by and watch, all of you should take action and kill this person."

Before No. [-] made a move, thinking that Ding Ning could be dealt with, but even No. [-]'s killing move had no effect at all. If they didn't make a move again, No. [-] would be killed by the other party.

No. [-] is not easy to ask them for help, so they can only speak up on their own initiative.

"Kill, this person killed our companion, we can't let him go."

"Assist No. [-], kill him!"

All of a sudden, the remaining seventeen demon cultivators rushed up and surrounded Ding Ning. Ding Ning smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I won't leave until I kill all of you."

(End of this chapter)

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