The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 732 Kill all 737! 1 more

Chapter 732 Kill all 737! 1 more

Outside the Asura Battlefield, a hovercraft is hovering in the sky.

This large flying magic weapon is from the Dong family, and this is also the temporary station of the Dong family on the Shura battlefield, waiting for good news to come from the Shura battlefield at any time.

It has been a few days since he lied to the outside world that Ding Ning had a magic weapon, and he still hasn't found any information about Ding Ning.

This is not a good thing for Patriarch Dong.

"Patriarch, don't worry. The Asura battlefield is very vast after all. It is normal that no one can be found in such a short time. Furthermore, the elders of the family are guarding the entrance and exit of the Asura battlefield. Once you find this person's trace , I will definitely get the news as soon as possible." A Dong parent said in a senior way.

"Having said that, it's hard to judge that this person can kill an elder of my Dong family's out-of-body level. He won't have other means to escape from our noses." The head of the Dong family said, expressing his thoughts. concerns.

Although they blocked many exits from the Shura battlefield, no one can guarantee that there will be a new way out, or that Ding Ning has some special means.

"The head of the family is worrying too much. Master Shensuan is here. With Master Shensuan, he will never let him go."

Hearing the elder mentioned Bian Shensuan, Patriarch Dong looked at Bian Shensuan not far away who was closing his eyes and meditating. Bian Shensuan felt Patriarch Dong's gaze, opened his eyes instantly, and said slowly: "Patriarch Dong, please rest assured, although I cannot I can see the roots of this person, but I can still deduce whether this person is in the Shura battlefield."

"Haha, with your words, Mr. Bian Shensuan, I feel relieved." Patriarch Dong laughed.

"I haven't been idle for the past two days. I have already set up formations at the entrances and exits of the Shura battlefield, and I can observe the situation of the personnel entering and exiting at any time." After Bian Shensuan finished speaking, he muttered a few words in his mouth, and then shot a few shots into the void. I realized that after a while, I saw multiple pictures appearing in the void, and the scene in the picture was exactly the picture of the entrance and exit of Shura Battlefield.

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Dong praised repeatedly: "As expected of a master of fortune telling, this skill of monitoring the formation is really amazing. It is really lucky for Sansheng to see it today."

"Patriarch Dong has praised you. It is also my responsibility to catch this person for Patriarch Dong. Please rest assured, Patriarch Dong. This person will never escape." Shen Bian said.

"Then I will quietly wait for the good news."


Inside the Shura battlefield.

"Brother, you said that so many people are looking for Brother Ding, Brother Ding must be very dangerous."

A small team of four walked through the yellow sand, and the one who spoke was none other than Lu Yao.

This was the third day that Lu Feng, Lu Yao and his party entered the Shura battlefield. Like the others, they also did not find any trace of Ding Ning.

Hearing his sister's words, Lu Feng said: "The Shura battlefield is so big, with Brother Ding Mo's strength, it is still possible to hide him without being noticed. As long as he is careful, no one should be able to find him."

Lu Yao let out a sigh of relief, patted her plump chest, and said with a smile: "Brother Ding is a lucky person, and besides, with Brother Ding's strength, even if someone finds him, he is not a match for Brother Ding."

Lu Feng nodded his younger sister Lu Yao's head: "You, brother Ding, I don't know, I thought you were his own younger sister, and girls are not allowed to stay."

Lu Yao blushed and said shyly, "Brother, what are you talking about?"

After joking with Lu Yao for a while, the group quickly became serious, because this Shura battlefield is not a good place. In ancient times, there was a battle between gods and demons here, causing countless deaths and injuries. It is dyed red, so that if it falls on any star, you can see that the soil on it is red.

This place is no longer a peaceful and peaceful place, it has long been a dead zone.

Sure enough, not long after, they met a ghost, without a body, only a soul, which was formed by condensing and shattering the energy of a dead strong man, and has a very powerful soul attack power.

Immediately, Lu Feng and the others all changed their colors, as if they were facing a big enemy. Lu Feng suffered from soul attack before, if he hadn't taken the soul-fixing pill to heal the damage of the soul, he would still be in a state of lack of soul now.

"Be careful, everyone. Dealing with it with a positive attack method will cause more damage to it. Besides, any means can't kill this kind of thing." Lu Feng reminded everyone, and then ignited flames with both hands, forming two The gun was thrown out smoothly, turned into two fire dragons, and went straight to the ghost.

As soon as Yinhun moved, the air was frosty, and when he saw the flames fired by Lu Feng, he immediately let out a piercing cry.

"It's a soul attack." Lu Feng felt a splitting headache.

Others also showed pain. The cry of this ghost directly affects the monk's soul, and it can hurt deeply to the bone marrow.

The pain in the soul is often more intense and unbearable than the pain in the body.

When Lu Feng and the others encountered the ghost attack, another part of the Asura battlefield was engaged in a fierce fight.

Ding Ning stood alone on the ground, surrounded by several dead bodies, all of which were among the eighteen demon cultivators.

Fighting against the No. [-] demon cultivator, the No. [-] demon cultivator failed to attack, and the rest of the demon cultivators rushed forward. Ding Ning started a bloody fight with the opponent.

The number of opponents is large, and there are as many as five at the peak in the late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm. This is not counting other demon cultivators. Fortunately, Ding Ning used tactics to kill a few at the beginning, otherwise, his current situation will be very difficult. more dangerous.

Even so, Ding Ning didn't feel much easier. Fortunately, his physical body was strong enough, so he insisted on using this advantage to reduce his opponents from 17 to five.

And he also paid a big price for this. There were two huge wounds on his body. Even if he had the strength to recover, he didn't do so, because it would consume a lot of strength.

The weak demon cultivators were all killed by Ding Ning, and now there are only five strongest people left. Although the number has decreased, the situation is more dangerous. Fortunately, Ding Ning does not think that this is a hopeless situation.

One-on-five, the competition started again.

After thirty breaths, there were only four people left standing, one of them was Ding Ning, and he knocked out two people.

After another twenty breaths, Ding Ning beheaded another one, and his whole body was covered in blood, like a demon crawling out of a pool of blood.

The remaining two demon cultivators were all frightened by Ding Ning's strength.

With so many of them, none of them could exhaust Ding Ning's fuel. As a result, the last two had all the fighting spirit and had already started to retreat.

Seeing Ding Ning come again dragging his exhausted body, the remaining two people were afraid, they began to retreat, ready to leave.

"You guys can't run away, just like I can't run." Ding Ning didn't chase after him immediately, but made a seal on his head.

Not long after, heavy fog began to fall all around.

The corner of Ding Ning's mouth raised. The method he arranged earlier could come in handy. He had long been on guard against the other party's escape. For this reason, Shi Shi set up formations around him, waiting for him to activate at any time.

And now is the time to use formations to block the opponent.

After fifty breaths, Ding Ning killed the last two demon cultivators who had lost their will to fight. So far, these strong men under the evil king were all killed.

Ding Ning lay powerless on the ground, panting heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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