The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 734 739 Blood Killing Curse! 3 more

Chapter 734 739 Blood Killing Curse! 3 more

Standing in the Milky Way, the surrounding area is hazy.

The entire Shura battlefield is like this, as if there is a fog that will never go away.

In the Shura battlefield, there is no bright sun and no heavy rain. Ever since the war between gods and demons thousands of years ago, this place seems to have been abandoned by the gods, without any blessing from the universe.

"My lord, next, which direction do you plan to go?"

Beside Jiang Taichao, the old man's voice sounded.

This young man with a face like white jade and stars in his eyes is Jiang Taichao, the one who snatched the soul beads from Lu Feng and others before.

Jiang Taichao is known as the number one genius in the cultivation world, and his cultivation speed is so fast that many monks of the same generation can't match it.

There is even a saying in the world of self-cultivation that having a child should be like Jiang Taichao, because Jiang Taichao's cultivation talent is too strong, and his brilliance is so brilliant that no monk of his generation can hold a candle to him.

Even the elder monks, many people were left behind.

Jiang Taichao, a rising star in the realm of comprehension, some people assert that he is the person most likely to enter the Mahayana realm in the next 100 years.

Such an evaluation shocked many powerful people, and made many people have to look at Jiang Taichao with admiration.

Standing in the void with his hands behind his back, Jiang Taichao's eyes were far-reaching, as if he wanted to see through the entire Shura battlefield, and there was always a sense of playfulness in his expression.

There was no other reason, he simply didn't pay attention to the Asura battlefield.

Even though it was a place where gods and demons fought against each other and countless strong men died, but in his view, this Asura battlefield is just a place to increase his strength.

The world doesn't know the reason for Jiang Taichao's sudden rise, but Jiang Taichao himself understands why he can grow to where he is now, because there is a powerful existence in his body, which guides him to practice and makes him grow rapidly.

It is precisely because of this kind of guidance that he quickly became stronger and became a highly anticipated genius in the cultivation world.

He enjoys this feeling and becomes stronger, he will no longer suffer blank stares, everyone will be respectful when they see him, even those who have humiliated him before have to slap themselves and beg for his forgiveness.

All because he became stronger.

He is strong, and he doesn't want to become weak again.

So, following the guidance of the existence in his body, he came to the battlefield of Shura.

According to what that existence said, there is his opportunity in the Shura battlefield, which can make him stronger and surpass the older monks. This is quite a temptation for Jiang Taichao.

How can the mere title of the number one genius in the cultivation world satisfy him? Jiang Taichao wants to be the number one genius in the cultivation world.

"According to what that person said, the Asura Battlefield will be the place where I will rise up. When I enter the Hedao realm here, and with the help of its power, I can fight against it even in the Mahayana realm." Jiang Taichao was full of emotion, I feel that I am not far from reaching the ideal level.

"This is where I rose to prominence." Jiang Taichao's eyes were golden, and his whole body exuded a kind of strong self-confidence and pride from the inside out.

He, Jiang Taichao, has the capital to be proud of. His strength is invincible among his peers, even an elder monk can fight.

Just a few days ago, he quietly crossed the tribulation and entered the state of leaving the body.

Only the head of the sect and a few elders knew about this news, the others didn't know at all, not even a single piece of news was revealed to the outside world.

He clearly remembered how shocked the Sect Leader, the elders and others were when they saw him successfully stepping into the Aperture Realm.

Not as good as the 30-year-old Leaving Aperture Realm, not to mention that there is no one before or after, but it is almost the same.

Looking through the historical records of the entire cultivation world, there are not many geniuses of this level to be found.

In order to prevent Jiang Taichao from being missed by other sects, Taishangmen did not dare to spread the word about his misbehavior.

"Hehe, if they know that I can fight monks in the middle or late stage of Leaving Aperture Realm when I am in the early stage of Leaving Aperture Realm, I am afraid they will be even more shocked and speechless." This thought flashed in Jiang Taichao's mind, but It was suppressed for a second, and the existence in his body warned him that if he behaved more against the sky, it might attract other people to peep at him, even the head and elders of Taishangmen could not tell the truth.

That existence cannot be exposed. Once exposed, Jiang Taichao will lose this huge advantage.

"It won't lie to me. Since this is my place of opportunity, it will definitely increase my strength." Jiang Taichao secretly said, then glanced at the deepest part of the Shura battlefield, and said, "Let's go there."

"My lord, that is the core area of ​​the Asura Battlefield, and the level of danger inside is ten times higher than here, so don't take any risks." The Nascent Soul Realm elder beside him reminded.

Jiang Taichao showed a slightly angry look, and the aura on his body faintly revealed the peak level of the late Nascent Soul Realm. The old man's expression changed in shock, and he hurriedly said: "This old servant is talkative, don't worry about it, sir. We will go with you if you say where you want to go." where."

Jiang Taichao didn't even look at the old man, he looked straight ahead and said, "What I said cannot be refuted, remember?"

"Remember my son."

"I don't want it to happen again, no one can question my decision." Jiang Taichao said decisively, then shrugged his shoulders, his cold voice suddenly became warmer, and said: "Let's go, follow me, I won't let You are disappointed, sooner or later you will rise to the top with me."

"We believe in the son."

Whether it is the old man in the Nascent Soul Realm or others, they all show respect for Jiang Taichao. For those who are stronger than themselves, no matter how young or small, they all speak only by their strength.

Jiang Taichao also understands that the reason why these people are so obedient is because he has strength and talent, if he didn't have these two things, he would have left him long ago.

After determining the direction, Jiang Taichao and others went straight to the core area of ​​the Shura battlefield.

But at this time, at the core, the evil king who was refining the seven-faced blood god's banner suddenly felt a sense of sympathy.


He opened his eyes suddenly, and took out dozens of jade slips from the storage ring.

The already serious face suddenly became more serious, and the frown was like two blue veins.

"How could they all be dead..."

Xiejun looked at the jade slips on the ground. These jade slips were not other things, but existences similar to life cards. Once the jade slips were broken, it meant that a person died.

And none of the jade slips he took out was intact, which meant that the owners of these jade slips had all fallen.

"Who killed you?" A tornado rolled up around the evil king, which was composed of clouds of demonic energy.

I only saw the eyes of the evil king, like two suns, emitting a strong light, shooting out of the core area of ​​the Shura battlefield.

"Kill my subordinates, ruin my plan of refining weapons, no matter who you are, my evil king will never die with you!"

As he said that, Xie Jun cut his finger, blood flowed out, turned into a blood mark, and dissipated in the air.

Ding Ning, who had just got up, suddenly looked at his palm, there was a blood mark on it at some point, and then under Ding Ning's gaze, the blood mark disappeared from his hand, as if it had never appeared at all.

But Ding Ning knew that the bloodstain was on his hand just now, and he didn't disappear, but melted into his body.

"Blood Killing Curse..."

(End of this chapter)

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