The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 735 740 Intentionally exposed! 1 more

Chapter 735 740 Intentionally exposed! 1 more

The Blood Killing Curse is not offensive, but it is often more terrifying than powerful offensive moves and methods.

Because the Blood Killing Curse has the ability to track, it is like a lamp that can be seen at a glance in the dark.

Anyone who has been hit by the blood-killing curse, once they get close to the person who cast the curse, it will cause the person who cast the curse to sense it, and immediately have an insight into who the blood-killing curse fell on.

That is to say, once Ding Ning and the evil lord reached a certain distance, the evil lord could find Ding Ning with the Blood Killing Curse, knowing that Ding Ning was the murderer who killed those demon cultivators.

Seeing the disappearance of the Blood Killing Curse seal, Ding Ning's eyes flickered: "This Blood Killing Curse is replaced by someone else, there must be no solution, but this method is cast on me as the master who created the Blood Killing Curse, it is just a joke."

There was a slight smile on Ding Ning's face. The appearance of the blood killing curse was enough to prove that the evil king was in the battlefield of Shura. Presumably, the evil king took out the blood killing curse just to avenge those subordinates, and he did not hesitate to consume a drop of blood, but it is a pity What's more, the Blood Killing Curse didn't work on Ding Ning, because the Blood Killing Curse originated from Ding Ning's hand, and it was Ding Ning who passed this method on to the evil king.

Now Xie Jun uses this trick on Ding Ning, which is really funny.

"I don't need to eliminate this blood killing curse right away, it's very useful to keep it." A sinister light flashed in Ding Ning's eyes, and then he said: "However, I have to temporarily cover this blood killing curse." stand up."

As he spoke, he started to condense the power of the Blood Killing Curse in his body into one place, and then covered it with a special method, so that even if the evil king stood in front of Ding Ning, he could not feel the breath of the Blood Killing Curse .

After covering up the Blood Killing Curse completely, Ding Ning continued to deceive those orthodox monks who came to look for him. His Blood God Banner still needs a lot of souls to sacrifice.

Just now, Ding Ning re-sacrificed the Blood God Banner. He killed more than 20 out-of-aperture realms, collected all their souls, and used them on the Blood God Banner. The collected souls allowed Ding Ning to obtain many souls at once, which also enabled the blood god banner to quickly break through the two sides and sacrifice the third blood god banner, and according to Ding Ning's estimation, if he could get more powerful The soul of the victim, the fourth blood god banner is not far away.

The souls of the strong are not easy to deal with, but there are enough ordinary souls. Ding Ning focused all his ideas on the righteous monks who flooded into the Shura battlefield. Anyway, these people came after him, and he killed them. Also reasonable.

He Ding Ning was a big devil in his last life and killed countless people. Even though he was reborn and returned to the realm of comprehension, it didn't mean that he would wash his hands and not even kill anyone.

He will kill anyone who plots against him.

"These people can't find me anyway, so I'll take the initiative to show up. It would be great if I can meet someone from the Dong family," Ding Ning said leisurely.

Afterwards, he withdrew his devilish energy and turned into an orthodox monk.

Then, no longer hiding, he flew out of the star under his feet in a very high-profile manner.

Inside the Shura battlefield.

The disciples from various sects from the cultivation world have been looking for Ding Ning for five or six days, but they have not even found Ding Ning's shadow. On the contrary, they have heard frequently that many righteous monks have fallen on the Asura battlefield. For a human being, it is a lot of pressure. If it weren't for the Zongmen's divine weapon against Ding Ning, it was inevitable that they would not leave. No one would want to stay in this dangerous Shura battlefield.

"Damn it, where did that guy hide? Could it be that he is no longer in the Asura Battlefield?" said a disciple from one of the top [-] sects in the cultivation world.

"Probably not. I heard that the masters of the Dong family have long guarded the entrances and exits of the Shura battlefield, and there is a fortune teller, Bian Shen, that person can't leave the Shura battlefield quietly." Another person said.

"That being said, those entrances and exits are all members of the Dong family. It's not the Dong family who knows whether that guy left or not. If the Dong family doesn't tell us, I'm afraid none of us will know."

"You can't say that. Since the Dong family has stated to the outside world that that person has a divine weapon, they won't do it, unless his Dong family wants to offend all the sects in the cultivation world. Rao is a top monk with a Mahayana realm. Dare to do it."

Hearing this man's words, the monks around all nodded their heads, thinking it made sense.

"Actually, I don't blame everyone for complaining. It's just that the Shura battlefield is too vast, and some star fields can't compare to it. It's really difficult to find a person in such a large area, and this person is far away. With the help of divine artifacts, it will be even more difficult." After the man finished speaking, he paused for a while, and then continued: "But everyone, if you think about it carefully, divine artifacts are not so easy to obtain, even if they are strong in the Mahayana realm. Those who are still alive will be bloody because of the artifact competition. The current difficulty is nothing. We can think about the benefits. This is the Shura battlefield, even if we can’t get the artifact, but if we can get a strong The Magical Artifact is also a great opportunity."

These words brightened the eyes of many people present. In fact, there is no need for this person to say that those who came here did not come here just because the Dong family released the news that there was a divine weapon. Thoughts come.

Since the formation of the Asura Battlefield, many people have come here to explore, but they often return empty-handed. This is considered lucky, at least they can get out alive, and some have never left since entering the Asura Battlefield.

The complaint was only temporary, and soon, these monks who poured into the Shura battlefield set off on the journey to find Ding Ning again.

On the same day, the Dong family received news that someone had found Ding Ning.

After the news was reported to Patriarch Dong, Patriarch Dong simply inquired about the result, and naturally Ding Ning ran away.

But Ding Ning was found without a doubt, giving many people who were looking for him a shot in the arm. It seemed that if they were lucky, they would also be able to run into Ding Ning.


Flying ships gathered around the huge flying ship of the Dong family. Many young monks descended from these ships. These young monks were accompanied by strong men. After discussing with the Dong family leader for a while, they all entered the Shura battlefield. middle.

The head of the Dong family, Bian Shensuan, and a group of Dong family elders watched the backs of these top ten sects entering the Shura battlefield.

"Patriarch, the top ten sects sent so many geniuses, are they really here purely for divine weapons?"

Patriarch Dong said indifferently: "The artifact is only one of the reasons. To hone their genius is their main purpose. Of course, it is not ruled out that they have other ideas."

"I didn't expect that this Shura battlefield would become so lively all of a sudden because of just one person," said an elder.

"Inform the disciples of the Dong family about the news that the disciples of the top ten sects have entered the Asura battlefield, and ask them not to collide with them as much as possible." Patriarch Dong explained.

At this time, Ding Ning was running wildly, and many monks were chasing after him.

(End of this chapter)

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