The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 736 Ruthless! 741 more

Chapter 736 Ruthless! 741 more

Ding Ning's intentional appearance caused a group of righteous monks around to attack him. In the eyes of many righteous monks, Ding Ning has a magic weapon on his body, and he must not let Ding Ning run away. He even ignored the fact that Ding Ning was able to kill the elder of the Dong family. .

In the face of huge benefits, even all kinds of dangers have become less terrifying in people's hearts.

Because everyone has a fluke mentality, and they will subconsciously think that they may not be the most unlucky one.

Furthermore, at this time, with so many people chasing and killing Ding Ning, could it be that Ding Ning couldn't be dealt with alone?

It is precisely this kind of thinking that most people have, which makes those monks whose strength is still at the foundation establishment stage gather in the crowd.

Ding Ning was not in a hurry to attack the people behind him, because he had long thought of ways to deal with them.

After constantly changing directions and passing through many stars, Ding Ning stopped on a star full of bones.

"Where is the person? He just fell here."

All the monks behind Ding Ning landed on the star body strewn with bones, but they didn't see Ding Ning's figure.

"He's on this star, everyone should look for it separately, don't be careless."

There were nearly a hundred people, all of whom were attracted here by Ding Ning.

Not long after, there were screams from all over the place, only to see bone palms protruding from the ground one after another, grabbing monks into the surface of the ground, and then there was no sound.

"What the hell is this place? We were fooled, this is a trap set by that guy."

"Who will help me, I'm going to sink."

The ground became soft, and it was originally hard ground, but in a blink of an eye, it was like a swamp, and all the monks standing on it fell into it. If this is the case, it will naturally trouble many monks. There are also invisible bone attacks.

Either it is the palm, which pulls the person down, or it is a long and thin bone, which is shot out, piercing the person like a sharp arrow.

It was these white bones that emerged from the ground that turned into countless attacks, killing nearly half of the nearly one hundred people who came here.

Of course, Ding Ning was not idle, he was shuttled among the victims, collecting the fires of souls, these are all good things that can be sacrificed to the blood refining god, the more the better.

There were wailing sounds. At the beginning, people only paid attention to their own danger, and did not notice Ding Ning, who was taking advantage of the fire. However, after some powerful monks united together and resisted many bone attacks, they suddenly discovered that Ding Ning was Searching for souls everywhere.

"This despicable guy, he really did it. He even wants to drive people to death, even the soul." Someone looked at Ding Ning like a fish, swimming in the bone attack with ease, and was angry. Incredible.

"He has such sinister intentions to lure us here and take advantage of the dangers of the Shura battlefield to deal with us. This person is even more hateful than those demon monks."

"No, his behavior is the behavior of the devil. This person is not worthy of being a monk of our righteous way."

In an instant, the voice of cursing Ding Ning began to sound. Ding Ning glanced at the monks who were huddling together to resist the attack of bones, smiled lightly, and ignored them at all.

Why are they only allowed to run after him, and Ding Ning is not allowed to fight back? Anyway, the truth is in the mouths of these orthodox monks, and they can make the bad things clear, and Ding Ning is too lazy to argue.

Being able to live is the right thing to do.

Ding Ning kept shuttling through the mud swamp, even if he was hit by a bone attack, it would not hurt him. On the contrary, those righteous monks were more miserable than each other, and only a few people huddled together could barely resist , Like some scattered monks, they all suffered.

Ding Ning had known about this mud swamp for a long time. It was an idea he had thought up a long time ago to attract many people here. He didn't need much effort at all to achieve the result he wanted, just like the one in front of him.

"Help me..." A female monk begged Ding Ning bitterly. Her thigh was pierced by a bony palm and was bleeding. The clothes covering her legs were also torn off, revealing her long white hair. The legs, paired with red blood, also have a different kind of beauty.

Especially the scenery above the legs, it is easy to fall into reverie.

With a lovely face and a picture of a beauty being injured, the other monks who replaced her had already been moved by the benevolence of the female monk's begging.

When Ding Ning came over, the female monk was overjoyed, thinking that Ding Ning was really going to save her, but he was soon stunned, because Ding Ning stopped after walking a few steps, standing there with his arms folded and watching.


The woman was puzzled, Ding Ning approached, didn't he help her.

Ding Ning was expressionless, and answered the female monk's puzzlement: "Don't think too much, I'm not here to save you, I just want to collect your soul conveniently, so I'm so close."

The female monk's expression changed, and she opened her mouth to curse: "You came to my side just to get my soul. You are a devil, you are a big devil."

But no matter how the female monk scolded, Ding Ning always had the same expression. In the end, the female monk couldn't hold on anymore.

The female monk showed a pitiful look again, hoping to get Ding Ning's help, but Ding Ning was still the same as before, just watching quietly.

"You are a man with a heart of stone. You are a devil. You are not worthy of being an orthodox monk. You are a demon cultivator at heart. Only demon cultivators are as cruel and cold as you. You will be hunted down sooner or later. And catch you, so that you can't live or die." The female monk issued a final curse.

But in the next second, a bone pierced through the female monk's head, and even her soul was crushed, which made Ding Ning startled.

"waste time."

Ding Ning had to continue to collect other people's souls.

Among the lonely monks who fell into the mud swamp, there were many who had witnessed Ding Ning's ruthless side. When they saw Ding Ning approaching, they knew that Ding Ning would not help. Staring at Ding Ning, it seems that he wants to remember Ding Ning, and seek revenge on Ding Ning in his next life.

Ding Ning smiled faintly, waited until the opponent's body was torn to pieces by the bone attack, then released his soul from the body, arrested him at once, and put it into the soul binding bag.

In this way, there were only three small groups of monks left in the mud swamp.

These three small groups kept getting together, and finally, relying on the strength of unity, they finally broke out of this swamp of mud and sand.

(End of this chapter)

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