The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 746 751 Meet again! 3 more

Chapter 746 751 Meet again! 3 more


Just four hours after a group of five people stepped into the core star field of Shura Battlefield, suddenly, many gray creatures flew out from all around. Their eyes were emitting red light, and they were very fast, surrounding the five people at once. up.

"What is this?" Lu Yao saw the gray creature that had been cut off on the ground, her eyes were filled with disgust. In fact, the appearance of this creature was not good.

"Blood ghost bat!"

Ding Ning spoke out the group of unknown creatures attacking them. In his previous life, he had encountered them in the Shura battlefield, and he was no stranger to them, but Lu Feng and others had never seen them.

"Blood ghost bat, is it a spirit beast that demon cultivators like to raise?" Lu Feng said.


Ding Ning glanced at Lu Feng. He didn't expect that Lu Feng knew so much about the blood world, and he also knew about blood bats.

The blood ghost bat is a kind of spirit beast unique to the blood world. They like to suck the blood of people, especially the blood of the strong. This is similar to the behavior style of the demon cultivator. Some blood ghost bats, once the blood ghost bats continue to grow and evolve, even ordinary monks are no match for them.

"This is not the blood world, how could there be so many blood bats?" Lu Yao hid behind Ding Ning, she didn't want to face this kind of creature.

"With demon cultivators here, such things are naturally indispensable," Ding Ning said.

This Shura battlefield is indeed an excellent living environment for the blood bats, especially in this core star field, where the dead bodies of some ancient powerhouses have not completely rotted away, the blood bats can feast on them, and their strength can be rapidly improved. growth of.

Most of the blood ghost bats that Ding Ning and others faced were at the level of gathering gods. Although there were more of them, they couldn't hold back a few people to kill them. It didn't take long before there was no flying blood bats around. It was chopped into several pieces and fell to the ground, dying.

After beheading a group of blood bats, the few people continued to move forward without stopping.

It didn't take long for the five of them to encounter ghosts wandering around.

The ghost is no stranger to Lu Feng and the others, they have met it before, and in order to kill that ghost, they are almost exhausted.

And the ghosts they met this time were far stronger than the ones they met before.

After seeing the ghost, Lu Feng, Lu Yao and the others all showed serious expressions. They found that the ghost this time was several times larger than the one they met. It was more than two meters high and looked like a humanoid monster. , I don't know how much soul power was swallowed up, but one thing is certain, this is not something that Lu Feng and the others can deal with.

"Back back." Ding Ning didn't intend to let the four of them make a move, and he was going to deal with the ghosts.

"Brother Ding Mo, be careful."

Lu Feng and the others saw Ding Ning rushing up and stayed behind honestly. Their actions were just to add to the chaos. Besides, they also knew Ding Ning's strength, and it was best for Ding Ning to solve the problem.

"Finally let me meet a ghost."

Under the worried gazes of Lu Feng and others, Ding Ning was overjoyed, because Yin Hun was very useful to him.

If the ghost is strong enough, it can even directly refine a blood god banner.

Of course, Ding Ning was very happy for such a value.

After all, ghosts are made up of soul energy, and the sacrifice of blood god banners also requires souls, so ghosts are countless times better than ordinary monk souls for blood god banners, and they are quite the difference between high-level pills and low-level pills. the difference.

However, Ding Ning can't deal with ghosts in front of Lu Feng and others with the means of a demon cultivator. In that way, several people will know that he is not only a righteous monk, but also a demon monk.

In this way, Ding Ning can only use righteous means to target Yinhun, which is also in line with his desire to temper his strength.

The ghost in front of him was so powerful that even monks at the Nascent Soul Realm couldn't see enough of it, and it could already threaten the monks at the Out of Aperture Realm level.

That is to say, all monks below the Aperture Realm will surely die if they encounter this ghost.

"The core area of ​​the Shura battlefield is indeed full of murderous intentions. If there is no brother Ding Mo, if we enter here alone, even if we can escape the threat of those blood bats, we will not be able to avoid the death of this ghost." Lu Feng said softly. .

Lu Yao, Shitou, Mumu and others all listened to their ears and agreed with this point of view very much. Without Ding Ning, they would really die in the hands of this ghost.

At this time, Ding Ning and the ghost kept colliding, and the flame gun became a big killer. Flames were burning on the flame gun, like a fire dragon, which had a certain restraint effect on the ghost. Power, constantly killing ghosts.

The power of the ghosts is gradually weakened, and the power of the ghosts is weakened, and the threat level will be reduced. If they want to recover, they must absorb the power of the soul, which cannot be compared with monks in recovery.

The flame gun has long been controlled by Ding Ning to perfection. He doesn't need to hold a long gun, and he can make thousands of attacks with a single thought.

In the Devil's Den before, he got a set of marksmanship. After so many days, that set of marksmanship was mastered by Ding Ning, and even improved, and Ding Ning created new moves.

I only saw the flame gun draw in the air, forming a circle, turning into a huge fire ring, and then, the fire ring was like a tight hoop, trapping the ghost, shrinking continuously, and shrinking to a certain extent Finally, it exploded with a bang, and the ghost that exploded let out piercing screams.

Then, another ring of fire appeared, trapping the ghost again, and quickly exploded.

After several repetitions, Yin Soul became weaker and weaker, Ding Ning stepped forward and punched out a brilliant fist.

After the light disappeared, the ghost disappeared, and Ding Ning's figure gradually became clear.

After Ding Ning returned to their side, Lu Feng and the others were still in shock, and then asked about the ghost, and heard that the ghost was blown up, and there was no soul orb left, which made them feel very sorry.

Ding Ning said that it didn't matter, how did the four of them know that the reason there was no soul orb was because Ding Ning didn't completely kill the ghost at all, but suppressed it and put it in the soul bundle bag, and used it as a sacrifice to the blood refining god banner in the future.

In the next few hours, although they also encountered some dangers, with Ding Ning as a strong man, all dangers were saved.

It made Lu Feng and others all sigh in their hearts, it's great to be strong, and they can ignore all crises.

The belief in several people's hearts that they wanted to become stronger was aroused, and they took the initiative to ask Ding Ning about some cultivation issues.

Ding Ning didn't mind pointing out a few people, just like that, the few people walked, practiced, and asked Ding Ning for advice, and the time passed quickly.

Unknowingly, he has entered the core area of ​​the Shura battlefield for two days.

On the third day, they ran into a fight ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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