The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 747 752 Embedding flowers and trees! 1 more

Chapter 747 752 Embedding flowers and trees! 1 more

"It's them!"

Lu Yao called out and recognized the group of people fighting in front of her.

Lu Feng, Stone, and Wood also frowned, and their eyes fell on the very fierce young man.

This young man fought against the digital demon cultivators alone, but he didn't see the slightest weakness. On the contrary, he suddenly fell into a mess. Even if the opponent had an advantage in numbers, he couldn't take advantage of it.

"Do you know him?" Ding Ning asked. He didn't know the young man who fought against him, but this young man was very strong. Even if he didn't really fight against him, Ding Ning could feel it, especially because he still had a premonition. The strength that this person displayed at the moment was not yet real strength.

At such an age, with such strength, Ding Ning had to look at him with admiration.

"He stole our soul orbs. We spent a lot of effort to kill a ghost and get five soul orbs, but he snatched them all." Lu Yao explained, saying I am still angry about this incident.

Ding Ning understood, no wonder he saw that Lu Feng and the others looked unhappy.

"I can help you snatch it back." Ding Ning said, he wanted to try this person's real strength. It is definitely a rare person who has the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm at this age, and he feels that this person is still It is even more incredible that there is a possibility of hiding his strength. He also wanted to try his skills with this person because he also saw Lie.

However, when Ding Ning opened his mouth, Lu Feng immediately refused: "Brother Ding Mo, absolutely not, this person is not an ordinary person, he is the number one genius in the cultivation world, Jiang Taichao, who is backed by Taishangmen, one of the top ten sects. , It is of no benefit to form an enmity with him, if the soul orb is taken away, it will be fine."

After saying this, Lu Feng turned his head to look at Lu Yao, and said sharply: "Don't hurt your big brother Ding, offending Jiang Taichao is tantamount to offending Taishangmen, your brother Ding has already offended a Dong family, if you offend Taishangmen again, How can I gain a foothold in the cultivation world in the future!"

Lu Yao lowered her head and said oh, the influence of the Taishangmen is no worse than that of the Dong family, and they are all forces with Mahayana realm.

There are ten top sects in the world of comprehension. All the forces that can be called the top ten have top powerhouses at the Mahayana level. The strong ones are in the realm of the Dao, and those after the top [-] are some low-level sects, and it is the end of the monks who can have the level of the out-of-the-body realm.

With Ding Ning's current strength, he is fully capable of being an ancestor close to the top [-] forces.

"Brother Ding, forget it, don't offend him because of us." After being told by her brother Lu Feng, Lu Yao knew the seriousness of the matter, so she also gave up the idea of ​​letting Ding Ning take action.

Ding Ning smiled: "You really don't want revenge?"

Lu Yao shook her head: "Although I see that guy is also very upset, but I don't want Brother Ding to take risks with you."

"Then if I have a way to deal with him, but he can't find out, what do you think?" Ding Ning laughed.

"Really?" Lu Yao suddenly became interested. She was very upset when she saw Jiang Taichao. At that time, Jiang Taichao used his strength to snatch what belonged to them. What a joy to hear.

"Is there really such a way? Brother Ding, what do you want to do?" Lu Yao asked.

Lu Feng and the others were also very puzzled, how could they get rid of Jiang Taichao without letting Jiang Taichao find out, at least they couldn't think of such a way.

Seeing that several people were interested, Ding Ning smiled, "This method will take a while to come, but it will definitely work. Look at me."

After Ding Ning finished speaking, he had a thought and began to mobilize his energy. Not long after, several people saw a blood mark on Ding Ning's palm.

This blood mark is exactly the blood killing curse suppressed by Ding Ning before.

The Blood Killing Curse is a method created by Ding Ning in the previous life to track the enemy. It can be invisibly integrated into the body of the person who wants to deal with it, and it can be cast in the dark. Come out, quite secretive.

He Ding Ning killed so many demon cultivators at that time, and as a result, he attracted the blood killing curse and cast it on himself. Ding Ning kept suppressing it and did not expel it. Now it finally came in handy, and he could use it to vent anger on Lu Feng and others .

"What is this?" Lu Yao looked at the bloody mark, very curious.

Lu Feng, Shitou, and the others had never seen this kind of method before, and only felt that it was a bit similar to the method of a demon cultivator. But when they thought that Ding Ning was a monk of the righteous way, how could he know the method of the demon way? It should be a secret method, but not much. think.

Ding Ning didn't explain, and directly shot the blood killing curse at Jiang Taichao who was making a move.

At this time, the demon cultivators fighting Jiang Taichao changed from five people at the beginning to two people. According to this posture, it will not be long before the remaining two demon cultivators will be killed sooner or later.

"Humph, if I didn't want to expose my true strength, I wouldn't have to work so hard to deal with you demon cultivators in the late Nascent Soul Realm." Jiang Taichao didn't take the demon cultivators in front of him seriously at all. If you show your true strength, you can solve the opponent in an instant.

"But it's okay, I should play with you. It's not easy to meet demon cultivators of your level in places other than the blood world. My luck is considered good. I can kill you You can get a lot of points, and you can exchange them for some good things in the Demon Elimination Alliance, but unfortunately...the things in the Demon Elimination Alliance are too ordinary."

Jiang Taichao can be distracted and think about other things while making a move, which can be said to be dual-purpose, but he has the advantage in the face of the two demon cultivators.

In order to prevent the opponent from escaping, his people have surrounded the surroundings.

"It's time to send you on your way." Jiang Taichao was about to kill the two demon cultivators. At that moment, the tricks in his hands suddenly changed, and they were several times stronger than before, which made the two demon cultivators look horrified. Unexpectedly, Jiang Taichao The fiercer the Vietnam War, the more powerful it is, not to mention weak.

Boom boom boom...

Jiang Taichao's fists landed on the heads of the two demon cultivators, instantly destroying the heads and souls together, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

He raised the corner of his mouth, gave a chuckle, and then clapped his palms.

And at the moment when Jiang Taichao raised his hand and burned the corpses of the two demon cultivators, a blood killing curse silently landed on Jiang Taichao's handwriting, and he didn't notice it at all.

The blood killing curse was successfully transferred to Jiang Taichao by Ding Ning.

"Okay." Ding Ning smiled slightly, the others only saw that the blood mark disappeared, but Jiang Taichao was still alive and well, not much.

Didn't you know that the blood killing curse cast on Ding Ning by the evil king was transferred to Jiang Taichao. Once the evil king sensed the existence of the blood killing curse, he would immediately target Jiang Taichao, thinking that Jiang Taichao killed those men.

Ding Ning had already had an idea for this move, but he didn't expect to use it on Jiang Taichao.

(End of this chapter)

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