The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 750 755 An Indiscriminate Disaster! 1 more

Chapter 750 755 An Indiscriminate Disaster! 1 more

Unexpectedly, after returning from rebirth, among the people he wanted to take revenge on, the first person he saw was the evil king.

Lu Feng and the others didn't know Xie Jun, they only regarded Xie Jun as an extremely terrifying existence, and they were in awe, but in Ding Ning's heart, Xie Jun was someone he would definitely kill in the future.

"It seems that my judgment was correct before, you are indeed in this Asura battlefield." Ding Ning whispered.

Seeing Xie Jun again, the other party didn't recognize him. After all, in Xie Jun's consciousness, Ding Ning had already fallen, so how could he reappear.

But he, Ding Ning, would never forget the appearance of the evil lord, even if he just glanced at it from a distance, he could still recognize it immediately.

How could he, Ding Ning, forget the once loyal subordinate and now the traitor.

The sudden appearance of the evil king made Ding Ning fall into a state of trance. Looking at the appearance of the evil king, he might have stayed in this dilapidated land of gods and demons for a long time. Why did he leave?

Ding Ning thought of a key point.

He said to Lu Feng and the others: "Come with me, there is a good show to watch."

Lu Feng, Lu Yao and the others were a little puzzled when they saw that Ding Ning was leaving the planet instead of walking forward.

However, several people followed immediately.

After they flew five thousand miles in the airship, Ding Ning signaled that they could stop, and then they all restrained their breath and hid in the void.

"Brother Ding, what are we doing?" Lu Yao asked.

Ding Ning smiled, "Look carefully at the front and you will know."

Lu Feng, Lu Yao and the others stared wide-eyed and looked into the distance. Soon, they knew Ding Ning's purpose, because they saw someone attacking Jiang Taichao, and the person who made the attack was the terrifying existence just now.

"This time, you can relieve your anger." Ding Ning said lightly.

"Brother Ding, how did you know they would do it?" Lu Yao was puzzled, including the wood and stones, but Lu Feng remembered one thing, that is, the blood mark that Ding Ning made before, would it be possible? Could it be related to the bloodstain?

Lu Feng guessed right, Ding Ning ordered several people to come together, naturally it was a good show for them, he thought of the reason why the evil king suddenly appeared, it was the blood killing curse, and he transferred the blood killing curse to Jiang Taichao, Once Jiang Taichao is a certain distance away from the evil king, he will be known immediately by the evil king. Naturally, the evil king will not let go of the murderer who killed his subordinates.

"With such a powerful existence, Jiang Taichao will definitely die even if he has three heads and six arms. Hmph, let him run amok and rob us of our things. This is his fate." Lu Yao showed a happy smile.

Although it is not clear how Ding Ning did it, but this one-handed killing with a knife is indeed too high to not offend too much.

In Lu Yao's heart, Ding Ning became a wise and courageous person, and the love in his heart naturally overflowed.

"A top powerhouse at the Mahayana level can only compete with the top powerhouse who is too close to him. No matter how defiant Jiang Taichao is, he can't compete." Stone commented.

When Ding Ning and others were hiding in the distance and watching the fight in the distance, Jiang Taichao was crying in his heart.

Because he didn't know why a strong man in the Mahayana realm would come to kill him, even if the other party was a demon cultivator, it was a bit illogical.

"Why did you attack me, why?" Jiang Taichao was very puzzled.

Since he became strong, he has been very conceited, but he has not yet reached the level where he can ignore all monks. He is not a top powerhouse, and there are still people who can kill him, such as the evil king in front of him, who can do it.

Such a person who can threaten his own existence and is full of killing intent towards him, how can Jiang Taichao be in a good mood.

Even if he reported that he was behind the door, it would not help. The other party seemed determined to put him to death.

However, he didn't know why.

The evil king waved his arm, and the cultivators standing in front of Jiang Taichao were instantly wiped out.

This is the power and arrogance of a strong person in the Mahayana realm. You can't see any moves. They just wave their hands lightly, and they can kill people invisible, and there are no corpses left.

Those were five Nascent Souls, two existences at the level of leaving the body, and they were reduced to ashes and became the dust of the universe.

"Why?" Xie Jun's words were cold and without any tone: "Isn't it normal for you to kill my people and I to kill you? I'm curious how you, a little Nascent Soul Realm, killed me Those under your hand have a strong hole card, let's take it out."


Jiang Taichao was taken aback, when did he kill the evil king's people, could it be those demon cultivators he beheaded before?
But when he made the move, those few people didn't mention that they were the subordinates of the evil king.

Jiang Taichao didn't even know that it was because Ding Ning transferred the Blood Killing Curse to him, otherwise, he would definitely explode in anger.

"As a Mahayana strongman, don't you think it's disrespectful to attack me, a junior?" Jiang Taichao said. It is indeed a life-and-death situation, and being targeted by a Mahayana strongman, even if he has the hole card The pressure is huge, and besides, he doesn't want to use that hole card lightly. Once he uses it, he wants to take that opportunity, and the opportunity becomes extremely difficult.

"Status is nothing, everything is based on strength, you have to pay the price for killing my evil king's subordinates, otherwise how will my evil king gain a foothold in the blood world."

Jiang Taichao felt that Xie Jun was very stubborn, but he still wanted to defend himself, because he really didn't know that he killed Xie Jun's subordinates, were they those Nascent Soul Demon cultivators?This attracts a powerhouse like Xie Jun to make a move.

However, in the world of comprehension, there is no reason to speak, Jiang Taichao said a lot, but the evil king just recognized him.

In the end, Xie Jun said that he had blood marks on his body, and Jiang Taichao discovered that he really had blood marks on his hands.

At this time, he finally remembered that the existence in his body had reminded him before, but he didn't care. Could it be that strong man attracted by that force?

Jiang Taichao was extremely depressed. If he had known this, he would not have killed those demon cultivators. Who would have thought that he would provoke Mahayana experts.

"Your Excellency, are you really going to kill me?" Jiang Taichao asked again, he knew that the catastrophe in front of him might not be able to escape.

If there is really no way, he can only let that existence take action, otherwise, once he dies, that existence will also die.

"If you kill someone, you will eventually have to pay the price." Xiejun said, his tone could not be softened.

"It's too compelling. If that's the case, I'll satisfy you." Jiang Taichao gritted his teeth, the breath on his body changed suddenly, and a huge shadow appeared behind him.

As soon as this shadow appeared, there was wind, thunder and lightning, and there was a change in the sky.

When Ding Ning and others in the distance saw this scene, they were also stunned. They thought that Jiang Taichao must die, but now that this aura appeared from Jiang Taichao, they were all shocked, including Ding Ning.

He found that Jiang Taichao seemed to be a different person in an instant.

There is something weird about this man!
Ding Ning's eyes flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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