The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 751 756 Jiang Taichao's trump card! 2 more

Chapter 751 756 Jiang Taichao's trump card! 2 more

"This breath..."

The breath emanating from Jiang Taichao's body far exceeds Jiang Taichao's own realm, because this Jiang Taichao is no longer the real Jiang Taichao, but the existence in his body.

In order to be able to fight against the evil king, Jiang Taichao was forced to have no choice but to let that existence temporarily control his body in order to gain a strong combat power and survive in the end. Otherwise, with Jiang Taichao's strength, a hundred of him would not be enough. You can easily kill it.

Indeed, the gap between the two sides is too great. As one of the top powerhouses in the blood world, Xie Jun personally makes a move. Only the same realm can compete with him. No matter how talented Jiang Taichao is, he cannot match him.

However, Jiang Taichao has a hole card in his body, and this is the first time he has shown this hole card.

"Is this your hole card..." Xie Jun frowned, and there was a touch of surprise on that cold face.

It is not easy to surprise a strong man of his level, which shows that what happened is extraordinary.

Jiang Taichao suddenly changed from a Nascent Soul Realm to a Mahayana Realm powerhouse, which is absolutely unimaginable. This is the first time I have seen it even if it is the evil king. Let alone the evil king, it is any other top powerhouse. Everyone else would also be shocked, including Ding Ning who was also shocked.

"There is a terrible existence in this human body, and now I have to show up." Ding Ning said in his heart, seeing the reason for Jiang Taichao's breath change.

He Ding Ning came back from rebirth, and he was able to stand at the level of the out-of-body state, which is already against the sky. He never thought about it, and there are people who are more against the sky than him. There is a guy at the Mahayana level in his body. .

Ding Ning recalled how he felt when he first met Jiang Taichao. At that time, he felt that this person was hiding his strength. Facts proved that he guessed right, and the other party's hiding was not as deep as usual.

The power of the Mahayana realm.

Even Ding Ning doesn't have it.

"Is this the true strength of the number one genius in the cultivation world?" Lu Feng and the others had long been dumbfounded. The Mahayana realm is the existence at the top of the cultivation world, and Jiang Taichao is now standing at this level.

"That's not the real him." Ding Ning's voice sounded beside them.

No matter how talented he is, it is impossible to defy the sky to such a degree. Even Ding Ning still relied on the experience of his previous life to reach the level of the Aperture Realm. How could anyone be more defiant than him, stepping into What about the Mahayana realm?


"If you look carefully, you will understand that they are definitely not the same person." Ding Ning said, the reason why he mentioned a few more people was because he didn't want them to be hit by Jiang Taichao.

For monks of the same era, the gap is so huge that it will really shake people's minds, which will make it difficult to make further progress on the road of cultivation. Even Ding Ning had such dangerous thoughts at the beginning, so in order to eliminate the gap in the hearts of several people, He doesn't mind explaining it again, so that the hearts of the few people who practice Taoism will not be affected.

"Devil cultivator..." Three words without emotion came out of Jiang Taichao's mouth. At this time, Jiang Taichao's temperament has changed a lot. Before Jiang Taichao was arrogant and confident, but now Jiang Taichao is like a The peerless blade exudes a cold and sharp breath.

"It seems that my subordinates died in your hands." Xie Jun also saw the difference between Jiang Taichao before and after, obviously, this is Jiang Taichao's trump card.

"You forced me to show up, and I have to be exposed to this world. I will make you pay the price." While Jiang Taichao was speaking, thunder kept falling, as if his appearance was not tolerated by Daoist.

Xie Jun frowned. Seeing this vision, he could feel the coldness on the other party, which brought a lot of pressure.

But his evil lord came to avenge his subordinates, and this person must pay the price for touching his people.

As one of the top powers among demon cultivators, his evil king has no reason to retreat without a fight. Although he can feel that the opponent is strong, since he lives in a cultivator's body, he must not be able to compare with him.

Xie Jun is still quite confident in himself, so he doesn't talk too much at the moment, and takes the initiative to make a move.

The fight between the two peak beings instantly distorted the space, and the next moment, the aftermath of the fight between the two scattered in all directions.

At the same time, Ding Ning's heart skipped a beat, he grabbed a few people and said, "Let's go."


The flying ship flew out in an instant, away from this place.

Just five breaths later, the position where Ding Ning and the others were just now was covered by the huge aftermath.

All I could see was that the stars that existed there instantly turned into nothingness.

Fortunately, Ding Ning pushed the airship with all his strength, and was not affected by the aftermath. Otherwise, even if Ding Ning was a fellow cultivator with a strong body, he would not be able to resist the power of the Mahayana realm.

Lu Feng and the others looked at the rear with lingering fear. The aftermath power had stopped. If they took a step slower, they would be destroyed by that power.


"It's dangerous!"

"Fortunately, Brother Ding Mo responded quickly, otherwise, we would really have to explain where we all are."

"Yeah, thanks to brother Ding Mo, it's a pity that I can't witness the fight between the Mahayana realm powerhouses."

Lu Feng, Shitou, Mumu and others spoke one after another, wiping the sweat off their faces as they spoke, not because they were tired, but because they were frightened. Just now they saw the aftermath with their own eyes, just behind the flying ship, and they didn't arrive. The distance of one meter is just a little bit.

"We should go." Ding Ning glanced at the location where Xiejun and Jiang Taichao had confronted each other, and beckoned them to follow him.

Not everyone can watch Mahayana duels, moreover, they don't have time to watch others' duels now, no matter who wins, it's not a good thing for them.

If the evil king wins, he will naturally return to the incomplete land of gods and demons, and Jiang Taichao's feelings also came from the land of gods and demons, otherwise the evil king would not feel it.

Ding Ning didn't care what plans the two had.

There are only two things he has to do now, one is to send Lu Feng and others out of the Shura battlefield, and the other is to explore that secret place.

"When the strong fight, the winner will be decided soon. I can't delay for too long." Ding Ning said in his heart, then speeded up and went deep into the depths of the Gods and Demons Continent.

Now he has a sense of urgency to race against time, whether it is the evil king or that Jiang Taichao, they have brought a lot of threats.

After a while, Ding Ning finally arrived at the secret location of his previous life.

"It smells so strong!"

"Bones, lots of bones."

"Where is this place?"

"Look, there seems to be something there."

There were many corpses and white bones on the ground. Those corpses were still fresh, as if they had just died not long ago, while the white bones piled up to the size of a mountain, a full [-] meters high.

Of course, the most striking thing is the shadow suspended in the middle of the Bone Mountain.

That is……

Ding Ning's heart throbbed suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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