The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 752 757 He was injured! 3 more

Chapter 752 757 He was injured! 3 more

Ding Ning's gaze was fixed on the front, not yet approaching, but just outside these Bone Mountains, he could feel the extraordinaryness of that thing.

He couldn't help but stepped forward, passing through the surrounding Baigu Mountain, Lu Feng, Lu Yao and others followed behind, also staring at the floating shadow.

In the blink of an eye, several people came to this thing suspended in the air.

"Why do I seem to have seen this thing somewhere?" Lu Yao felt that the things in front of her were familiar.

"It's the magic weapon of the demon cultivator!" Lu Feng said solemnly. Hearing what his sister Lu Yao said, he quickly thought of this thing. They had indeed seen it before. When they went hunting and killing the demon cultivator, they met an old demon cultivator. At that time, the old woman used this kind of magic weapon, but there was no magic weapon in front of her, and there were many faces.

This magic weapon is none other than the Blood God Banner.

The seven streamers are separate entities and a whole.

Only one face away from the eight-faced blood god's banner, it can become the legendary eight-faced blood god's banner artifact.

The moment he saw the blood god's banner, Ding Ning finally knew why the evil king stayed in this incomplete land of gods and demons. He sacrificed the blood refining god's banner here, and those corpses and bones became the sacrifices to the blood refining god's banner. Material.

I think he killed a lot when he sacrificed the blood god's banner back then, but at that time he only refined the seven blood god's banner, but did not sacrifice the eight-sided blood god's banner of the artifact level. He never thought that after his fall , Xie Jun also sacrificed and refined this magic weapon.


Suddenly, Ding Ning thought that when he fell in the previous life, the blood god banner was broken, but it was not destroyed. Could it be...

A ray of light shot out from Ding Ning's eyes, and he thought that this blood god's banner was very likely to be his blood god's banner back then, and now it was refined into his own weapon by the evil king.

Ding Ning tried to feel the seven-faced blood god banner, but after trying several times, there was no movement. Obviously, the blood god banner completely belonged to Xie Jun alone, and had no connection with him.

"This magic weapon can't be the weapon of the strong man just now." Lu Yao thought of the evil king who appeared before. After all, only those strong men can sacrifice such a terrible weapon. Near the seven-faced blood god banner, they felt oppression and fear. This is still the case when the seven-faced blood god banner restrains its power. Once it explodes, they are afraid that they will be swept away by the seven-faced blood god banner. will die instantly.

"The strong man sacrificed weapons here. Let's stay away from here. Once he comes back and finds us, he will kill us all and take us to refine weapons." Shitou said.

"That's right, look at these bones, and those corpses. They must have been used by that person to sacrifice magic weapons. This is a top-notch monster. It would be more terrifying than death if it fell into his hands." Wood continued.

Lu Feng is also aware of the seriousness of the problem. A top devil is refining weapons here, and the opponent is still fighting at this time, but he is not sure when he will come back. If he finds out, I am afraid that none of them will survive.

"Brother Ding Mo, let's get out of here." Lu Feng said.

Ding Ning thought for a while and said, "That's fine, I'll send you off first, so I'll leave now, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

So Lu Feng and others followed Ding Ning and returned to their previous positions.

Ding Ning moved his arms, aimed at the mountain in front of him, and punched, and the mountain disappeared in the next second.

"Follow me." Ding Ning turned his head and said something to several people, and took the lead to walk to the position occupied by the mountain peak before.

Lu Feng and the others followed behind. When they got to Ding Ning's side, Lu Yao looked at the ground and couldn't help being surprised and said: "Teleportation array!"

Ding Ning looked at the people and said, "That's right, this teleportation array can teleport out of the Shura battlefield, you guys leave from here."

"Brother Ding, what about you, you should leave here with us too." Lu Yao wanted Ding Ning to go with them, but Ding Ning shook his head: "I have something to do, you go first, don't worry, Once I finish my business, I will leave too, you don't have to worry about me."

Lu Yao still wanted to say more, but Lu Feng saw the situation, and interrupted: "Okay, Lu Yao, your big brother Ding has his business, and your big brother Ding already knew about this teleportation formation, if he wanted to leave, he would have left long ago, listen If you, Brother Ding, let's go first."

"Brother Na Ding, take care." Lu Yao pouted.

"You also take care."

Ding Ning looked at several people standing in the teleportation array. Before he opened the teleportation array, they waved to him and disappeared in the next second.

Lu Feng and his party left the Shura battlefield safely. I believe they will keep a low profile after they go out.

Now that Lu Feng and others have been sent away, it is time for Ding Ning to do his own thing.

He looked into the distance, there was no figure there, it seems that the fight between Xie Jun and Jiang Taichao is not over yet, which is the best.

But before entering that secret place, he had one more thing to do.

Turning his gaze, he returned to the seven-faced blood god banner in the White Bone Mountain.

Ding Ning's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared in front of the seven-faced blood god banner. He cut his finger, squeezed out a drop of blood, and then muttered something in his mouth. The next moment, the drop of blood dripping from his hand seemed to melt into something, and emitted With the golden luster, Ding Ning flicked his finger and immediately flew towards the seven blood god banners.

The blood drop approached the seven blood god banners, but was not evaporated, but slowly merged into one of the blood god banners.

In the same way, Ding Ning squeezed out blood drops again, a total of seven drops of blood were squeezed out, and each drop was integrated into a blood god's banner, exactly seven sides, seven drops of blood.

After finishing all this, a smile appeared on Ding Ning's face. After his actions, the Blood God Banner had a slight connection with him. The key is to play a trick in his revenge against the evil king in the future. Time may seriously injure or even obliterate the evil king.

Ding Ning didn't stay any longer, the evil king might come back at any time, it was very dangerous, he had to enter that secret place, otherwise when the evil king returned, everything would be in vain.

He moved a rocky mountain from a distance, and covered the teleportation array again, and then on the flat ground not far away, he made a seal with his hand and sent it towards the ground, and suddenly, a door of light appeared.

Ding Ning stepped into it, and when his back foot was about to step inside, he turned his head, glanced at the several hundred-meter-high mountains of bones, and said calmly: "The next time we meet, it will be the time when I collect interest."

Saying that, the light gate slowly faded away, and within a few breaths, it completely disappeared, and everything returned to its previous appearance, as if the light gate had never appeared.

And just when Ding Ning stepped into the light gate, the evil king arrived at the incomplete land of gods and demons.

As soon as he stepped on the ground, Xie Jun suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood.

he got hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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