The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 756 761 out of trouble! 1 more

Chapter 756 761 out of trouble! 1 more

Jiang Taichao's body no longer had the terrifying aura before, but he returned to his original self.

The existence inside him had fallen into a deep sleep.

As Jiang Taichao walked, he said bitterly: "Damn it, it's all because of that damned demon cultivator, otherwise, it wouldn't be sleeping. Even if I come here now, how can I find that place of chance."

If the existence in his body was not asleep, he, Jiang Taichao, could follow the guidance and successfully find the legendary inheritance of gods and demons. Unfortunately, that existence had to sleep to recover its strength due to a large amount of power consumption due to the fight with the evil king.

And if he wants to find the place where the gods and demons are inherited, he can only rely on Jiang Taichao himself.

Although he felt helpless, there was nothing he could do. If he didn't use the power in his body to face the evil king, he would only die.

There are gains and losses, Jiang Taichao can only accept his fate obediently.

"Fortunately, it pointed me in a direction, and it's not without some clues." Jiang Taichao followed the information told him before it existed in his body, and went straight to the depths of the land of gods and demons.

Comprehension world.

At the junction of Eastern Shenbu Continent and Xigabe Continent, on the stretch of peaks, there was a sudden bang.

Only a few figures were seen flying out from Juefeng.

"Finally out!"

This exclamation resounded all over the world, and it was full of complicated emotions. As a mahayana strong man, he was actually trapped in a formation for nearly a month. This is not a small shame for the strong man.

And this trap, the trap is the four Mahayana monks.

Fortunately, this matter has not been reported back to Eastern Shenbuzhou, otherwise, it will definitely cause a lot of discussion.

There was no way for the four of them to be trapped inside, it was really their bad luck this time, not to mention that they didn't get any benefit from entering this cave, and almost put their lives in it.

"It's a loss, it's a loss, all the magic weapons are here, it's really unlucky." An old man's beard was about to fly off, his whole body was in tatters, and those who didn't know thought it was a beggar. It can be regarded as a top powerhouse.

The other three were not much better, they were all in a state of embarrassment. Fortunately, each of them had a lot of clothes in their storage rings, and they all changed in an instant.

"Our trip was in vain, not to mention the thankless effort, almost costing our lives." Another old man also complained.

The two people complaining, one is He Xilai, a casual cultivator, whose cultivation base is in the middle stage of the Mahayana realm, and the other is Mu Feng, the ancestor of the Mu family of the top ten powers. Following the trembling big shot, how could they have been plotted against like Jian Tian, ​​and made them into a mess.

In fact, it’s no wonder that people are unhappy. I thought that the ancient monk’s ruins I met would be somewhat rewarding. I didn’t expect that this ancient ruins had been explored long ago. The most annoying thing is that those who have explored deliberately dug holes for later Those who deliberately set up a lot of dangers, people will be tricked if they are not careful.

The other two, one is the top ten powerful forces, the master of Snake Mountain, Snake Qingwu.One is the ancestor of the Yelu family, Yelu Kunlun.

After entering this ancient ruins, the four of them naturally became the unlucky people.

"I don't know which wicked guy with smoke is so hateful, it's nothing more than taking away the treasure, but he still makes it look like the treasure is still there, so you can take it hard, and you won't know until you get it, it's not precious at all things." Snake Qingwu said angrily, his face was not pretty.

"It's all my fault. If you want to blame me, you can blame me. If I hadn't invited you, you wouldn't have made this trip in vain with me. It's me, Yelu Kunlun, who is sorry for everyone." Several people expressed apologies.

Hearing what Yelu Kunlun said, She Qingwu, He Xilai, and Mu Feng said that Yelu Kunlun couldn't be blamed for it all. If Yelu Kunlun knew the real situation in the ruins, he wouldn't be so thankless go in.

"This time, I am the one who let you down. I, Yelu Kunlun, owe you a favor. If you need help in the future, I, Yelu Kunlun, will do my best." Yelu Kunlun said.

"What did Fellow Daoist Yelu say, we all trust you to explore the ancient ruins together. Although there have been some accidents, we don't think it is your problem. Although we have nothing to gain, but It is more or less considered to have seen the demeanor of human monks in ancient times, and it is not a waste of time." He Xilai said.

"Fellow Daoist Yelu, don't blame yourself, we didn't blame you." Mu Feng also said.

They said they don't blame Yelu Kunlun, but they still have some complaints in their hearts, but it's hard to express, Yelu Kunlun is the strongest among the four of them, a small realm higher than them, standing in Mahayana How dare they blame the existence of the late stage of the realm.

After exchanging a few words of pleasantries, they stopped talking and dispersed.

He Xilai was a casual cultivator with no fixed destination, and it turned into a bolt of lightning. Everyone knew that He Xilai probably went to find a secret place to recover his strength.

Yelu Kunlun, Mu Feng, and She Qingwu are all at the helm of the top ten forces, and the three returned to their respective territories at the moment.

When Yelu Kunlun returned to the land of Eastern Shenbu Continent, the jade slips on his body kept flickering.

Communication Yujian.

Yelu Kunlun held it in his hand, and immediately became distracted, and the information in the jade slip quickly flooded into his mind.

In the next second, a murderous intent emanated from Yelu Kunlun's body.

"Who is so brave, dare to slaughter all of my Yelu family!" Yelu Kunlun crushed the imperial sword in his hand, and raised his eyebrows, quite angry.

The news in the jade slip came as early as half a month ago, but Yelu Kunlun was in the ancient ruins at that time, blocking the transmission of information, so that he didn't know what happened to the outside world at all. After discovering the ruins, it came in a sudden.

"Half a month ago..." Yelu Kunlun really didn't expect that someone would dare to break ground on his head and kill his offspring.

"No matter who you are, no matter how long it has been, I will definitely find you."

Yelu Kunlun suddenly speeded up, he wanted to find the murderer who killed one of his clan members of Yelu's family in the Little Zhoutian Starfield.

While Yelu Kunlun was angry, He Xilai, She Qingwu, and Mu Feng who had parted before also received the news.

Among them was the branch of the Yelu family in the Little Zhoutian star field, which was massacred by the whole family.

The few strong men who watched this news were taken aback for a moment, and then all of them smiled, curious about the courage of the person who killed Yelu's family.

"Check who this person is?" Mu Feng gave an order to the Mu family members.

"Interesting, Yelu Kunlun must be very angry. I should thank this person for letting me out." Snake Qingwu's face showed a gloomy and cold look, and he was completely different from him before.

"Was it done by the demon cultivator?" He Xilai frowned slightly when he heard the news. He didn't gloat, but was simply curious about the identity of the person who made the move.

(End of this chapter)

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