The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 757 Mastering! 762 more

Chapter 757 Mastering! 762 more

Is it here?

Jiang Taichao looked at the scene in front of him, it was a stone forest that was neither tall nor short, it looked like a forest from a distance.

According to the method taught by the existence in his body, he hit a special seal formula towards the ground.

no respond.

Not here.

Jiang Taichao had to give up and move on.

Along the way, he has done the same behavior as just now no less than a hundred times. If he didn't know, he thought there was something wrong with him.

But Jiang Taichao can't help it, the person in his body is asleep, he can only use this stupid method to experiment inch by inch until he finds the power that can cause the seal to echo.

Jiang Taichao was depressed, but he had no choice but to try patiently, even if he was extremely irritable, he had to do that, because if he could open the inheritance of gods and demons, he would have the greatest advantage, even if he could not get the inheritance of gods and demons immediately , but he also has an advantage over others, coupled with his own strength, and the biggest trump card that exists in his body, no one can compete for him.

Jiang Taichao comforted himself that this is a great mission from heaven, and he must first suffer from it, toil his muscles and bones, and starve his body and skin, so the little trouble in front of him is nothing.

Even the demon cultivators in the Mahayana realm were frightened away by him, so what is there to be afraid of.

He must find the strongest inheritance of gods and demons, and be the first to open it.

Just as Jiang Taichao took the trouble to type out the seal formula time and time again, Ding Ning had almost mastered the three major methods of the Immortal Taoist.

Especially Immortality and Immortality, he mastered it the fastest, and completed the first stage in just a few breaths.

After that is the second level, the third level...

There are nine levels of immortality and body, but this method is incomplete, only the first seven levels.

From the big golden paper, it can be seen that the top two weights seem to have been erased by a force, making them blurred and impossible to see clearly.

Although Ding Ning felt pity in his heart, he didn't force it. Even Daoist Immortal couldn't do anything about it, so what could he do.

But fortunately, only Immortality and Immortality is a crippled method, the other two methods are complete, powerful and very aggressive.

Ding Ning felt that these two great methods could definitely become his strongest trump card to kill those enemies, far stronger than the methods in his previous life.

"The Immortal Body, with my current state, I can only cultivate to the fifth level, which just matches my state. When I step into the Mahayana state, I will also cultivate to the last level. According to the Immortal Body Law Describe, at that time, my physical body, even if it is a catastrophe, cannot be destroyed, and crossing the catastrophe is even easier." Ding Ning mused, the strength of the physical body, even the magic body glass body can not compare.

"No wonder Taoist Immortal was able to survive the nine calamities without dying and become the strongest loose immortal. It must be because of the Immortality and Immortality Body Dharma Gate, which made his body not afraid of the heavenly calamity and could calmly overcome the calamity." Ding Ning guessed, he I think what he guessed is very likely to be the truth.

The Immortal Body is so powerful, it's no wonder that the last two levels are missing. I'm afraid the Dao of Heaven does not allow such a perverted method to exist. , may not be able to do anything about it.

At that time, will it be above the avenue?

The way of heaven covers all living beings, and the avenue is higher than the way of heaven. It is the goal of monks to achieve longevity, and it goes straight to the avenue.

And what is above the avenue?
Ding Ning couldn't imagine it, but one thing is certain, if he can surpass the Dao, he will definitely be respected in the universe and be invincible in the world.

Turning his attention away from the method of immortality, Ding Ning began to practice the other two sets of methods.

And these two sets of methods are not as easy as immortality, Ding Ning smiled bitterly, he is afraid that it will take some time.

When Ding Ning mastered the other two housekeeping skills of Immortal Taoist, Jiang Taichao was still experimenting a little bit, looking for the place where gods and demons passed on.

Outside the Asura battlefield, the Dong family's big ship was still parked in the void.

These days, there is no news about Ding Ning, which makes Patriarch Dong frown frequently. The hexagrams in Bian Shensuan's divination before show that Ding Ning may be favored by heaven, and his breath is covered, so he cannot divination.

But even if Ding Ning was favored by heaven, it was impossible that no trace would be left behind.

At this time, an elder judged that Ding Ning had most likely entered the core star field of the Shura battlefield, because the core star field belonged to the center of the universe in ancient times, and there was a dilapidated land of gods and demons there, where ancient gods and demons lived. Because of the special region there, it is not necessarily possible to divination.

Patriarch Dong nodded, thinking that this statement makes sense. Furthermore, among the cultivators who came from the realm of comprehension and poured into the Asura battlefield, very few of them entered the core star field. Less than Ding Ning is more likely to exist.

After pondering for a while, Patriarch Dong did not let the members of the Dong family enter the core star field. After all, the core star field of the Asura Battlefield is very dangerous. Once a monk enters it, it would be a pity if he perishes. After cultivating to this level, each of them is a precious wealth of the family, and they are all exchanged with many resources, which cannot be wasted.

"Release a message to the monks who entered the outer area of ​​the Asura Battlefield, saying that that guy has entered the core star field of the Asura Battlefield, and moreover, increase the reward for this person by ten times." Patriarch Dong said lightly, with a flash across his face. A touch of ruthlessness.

The elders present had no words, and the reward was increased by ten times, even if they were elders, they would be tempted by it, let alone others.

Patriarch Dong's intention is very simple. It's not that people don't want to step into the core star field of the Shura battlefield, but because the temptation is not strong enough. Now, he increases the bargaining chip of temptation, so that those people will not enter it and work for him.

Sure enough, after Dong's family released the news, all the monks in the Asura Battlefield were tempted. That was ten times the reward. Attracted a group of monks and continued to go to the Shura battlefield.

The reward offered by the Dong family has become a hot topic, and there is another topic, not weaker than this, that is, Yelu Kunlun, the ancestor of the Yelu clan, wants to find the murderer who slaughtered his descendants in Xiaozhou Tianxing.

People had heard before that someone moved Yelu's house, but the news was quickly suppressed. At that time, many people thought that it was purely nonsense, but now it seems that it is true, true There are some people who dare to break ground on the head of Tai Sui.

Just after Yelu Kunlun said that he wanted to make the murderer look good, countless news spread to Yelu's family. This is an opportunity to please a top powerhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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