The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 759 764 Invigorate the teachers and mobilize the crowd! 1 more

Chapter 759 764 Invigorate the teachers and mobilize the crowd! 1 more

On the ground, a lonely figure kept repeating an action. He had played that seal formula countless times, but not once, he could give something back.

Still no response.

Jiang Taichao moved on helplessly and indignantly.

Damn magic cultivator!
If it weren't for that powerful demon cultivator, Jiang Taichao wouldn't need to spend so much effort to find the inheritance of ancient gods and demons.

The existence in the body, since the battle with the demon cultivator, has been in a deep sleep, no matter how he calls, he can't wake it up.

Jiang Taichao knew that that shot had consumed too much of the existence in his body, and it was precisely because of this that he was unable to wake up and provide him with help.

Otherwise, finding the inheritance of the gods and demons is just a matter of one sentence.

But now, it has become a very grueling thing. Jiang Taichao has to measure the land bit by bit, and then experiment to see if it can arouse the reaction of the place where the gods and demons inherit.

Although the land of gods and demons is incomplete, its area is very large. Fortunately, it has been torn apart, and only this piece is left. Otherwise, Jiang Taichao's patience in searching will be completely lost.

He is enduring.

In order to become stronger and open the inheritance of the gods and demons, he endured this difficulty.

"It must be that the way of heaven sees that Jiang Taichao is going so smoothly, so he wants to cause me some trouble. Hmph, how can I, Jiang Taichao, be intimidated by this little difficulty in front of me? It's really funny." Jiang Taichao looked up at the dark sky, The sky is lifeless, since the ancient war between gods and demons, this place has always been like this, and it has not changed for many years.

Jiang Taichao can only repeat one thing by constantly comforting and encouraging himself.

After complaining in his heart for a while, Jiang Taichao will be full of energy and continue to try.

After staying for a while, he couldn't help hating the demon cultivator again and again, so Jiang Taichao would gnash his teeth when he heard the word demon cultivator now.

"Don't let me see those demon cultivators, or I will kill one by one."

Jiang Taichao's mood changed several times, and he was in a period of irritability again, and he couldn't help but want to kill the demon cultivator to vent his anger.

Needless to say, just when Jiang Taichao wanted to kill someone, he really discovered the existence of the demon cultivator.

The other party should have just arrived in the incomplete Demon God Continent and was looking around when Jiang Taichao happened to bump into him.

Seeing that Jiang Taichao was so young, the other party only regarded Jiang Taichao as a weak person, and immediately became malicious.

Jiang Taichao had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and his hands were already itchy.

"It's just in time, all of you demon cultivators deserve to die!" Jiang Taichao completely released his aura, which was the terrifying aura in the early stage of leaving the aperture.

When this skinny demon cultivator felt this aura, he almost peed in fright. The young man in front of him turned out to be a strong man in the Aperture Realm.

Immediately, the fighting spirit dissipated immediately, and the old man turned around and ran. With his strength in the late Nascent Soul Realm, how could he be an opponent of a monk in the Out of Aperture Realm.

Jiang Taichao didn't let the opponent escape, so he immediately chased and killed him.

After a while, Jiang Taichao returned to the previous place and continued to move forward, but just a dozen miles away lay a bloody corpse, which was the former demon cultivator.

His tragic death is really astounding.

Jiang Taichao vented all his anger on this demon cultivator, and his fate was not much better.

After venting his anger, Jiang Taichao was in a much better mood. He investigated with his spiritual sense. Judging from the current speed, the investigation can be completed in another month.

Just stick with one more.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, Jiang Taichao can persevere.

Outside the Shura battlefield.

There are many monks coming from all directions, and the effect of the Dong family's promotion rewards has begun to ferment. All the strong people who heard the news came here after hearing the news, especially the monks who came this time. , because with only this kind of cultivation, entering the core star field of the Shura battlefield, there is more or less a way to save life, otherwise, there is no way to get out.

Patriarch Dong looked at this scene with a smile on his face, and the elder next to him flattered him: "Patriarch, your method has worked."

Patriarch Dong said indifferently: "No matter how high the level of cultivation is, as long as the benefits are sufficient, there will be people willing to take the risk."

This sentence is absolutely correct, just like the four strong men of Yelu Kunlun, in order to explore an ancient relic, they broke in without any clues, and the ultimate goal was not for profit.

Maybe you want to get a method, or a elixir, or a treasure, etc., to sum it up in one word, that is 'benefit'.

The head of the Dong family and several elders of the Dong family stood on the big boat, watching the figures entering the Asura battlefield.

Not long after, a figure suddenly came to the top of the Dong family.

This is the information and intelligence personnel of the Dong family.

"Patriarch, there is a new situation." An elder said suddenly.

Patriarch Dong turned around, said with an oh, "What's going on?"

So the intelligence officer told the latest news in public.

When they heard that a large number of people from the Yelu family were also rushing to the Asura battlefield, the members of the Dong family were all taken aback.

To say that the Yelu family came here for that bounty, is to say, how can a family that also has top-level powerhouses value that bounty.

It's not for reward, so what is the purpose.

For a while, the elders present had different opinions, and they always felt that it was not a trivial matter for the Yelu family to make such a big battle.

"Could it be because of the murderer before?" Patriarch Dong suddenly asked. The elders present were all smart people, and they all remembered what happened in Yelu's house. A few days ago, Yelu Kunlun said that he wanted to take revenge. In the Asura battlefield?
For some reason, Patriarch Dong felt that the other party must have come here because of this matter.

The fact that Yelu's family dispatched so many people to the Shura battlefield has long since spread, and it has aroused discussions among many monks in the cultivation world.

People's guesses are basically the same, it should be related to the murderer who killed the branch of the Yelu family, otherwise, how could the Yelu family be so mobilizing.

Little Zhou Tianxing.

After hearing the news, Lu Feng, Lu Yao and the others were also surprised. They could only listen to the discussions around them and feel that it seemed too coincidental. Was the ruthless man who killed Yelu's family really in the Shura battlefield?
Lu Yao couldn't help worrying: "I don't know if this matter will affect Brother Ding. You say, Brother Ding will not be in danger."

When Ding Ning was mentioned, several people were moved. It can be said that without Ding Ning, they would have died countless times. Now that Ding Ning is still in the battlefield of Shura, they don't know if he would be in danger.

You know, there are Mahayana demon cultivators there.

"With Brother Ding Mo's strength, he should be safe and sound." Lu Feng said, but his heart was a little drummed. I hope that Ding Ning's luck will not be so bad that he will provoke a strong man in the Mahayana realm.

However, how did he know that both the Dong family and the Yelu family came here because of Ding Ning.

A storm is about to sweep across the Shura battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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