The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 760 765 Inheritance in the present world! 2 more

Chapter 760 765 Inheritance in the present world! 2 more

Just as Jiang Taichao was resentful and tirelessly looking for the inheritance of gods and demons, a strange fluctuation suddenly came out 3000 meters in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Taichao's expression changed, he thought of the inheritance of gods and demons, and the next second, he saw a gate that soared into the sky appearing in the sky.

The size of this gate is simply appalling. It doesn't seem to be used for human beings, it is completely the gate for the entry and exit of ancient gods and demons.

The appearance of the huge gate immediately released golden light. Like the sun, it swept away the darkness in the Shura battlefield and eliminated all the turbidity. The golden light continuously shot in all directions.

First it was the broken Continent of Gods and Demons, then the core star field of the Shura battlefield, and then the periphery of the star field. The golden light finally went beyond the scope of the Shura battlefield, directly shocking the entire cultivation world.

The appearance of the gate like the gate of heaven instantly alarmed the creatures in the surrounding star field. Even if they were far away from the Shura battlefield, they all saw the vision in the sky.

A huge golden gate just like that runs through the galaxy.

The Dong family was the closest, and when they saw the huge golden gate, they didn't slow down at first. The next second, the head of the Dong family, regardless of the danger, directly led a group of elders of the Dong family towards the golden gate.

And the monks in the Shura battlefield are all boiling, what is the gate?Soaring into the clouds and reaching the sky, it is very likely to be the legendary ancient ruins. Who can calm down when the ancient ruins appear.

Who would have thought that after tens of thousands of years, an ancient ruin would suddenly appear in the world.

Yelushen's family was already rushing towards the Shura battlefield. Seeing the gate, Yelushen immediately ordered everyone to move forward at full speed. The ancient ruins were opened, and whoever arrived first could obtain the inheritance of the ancient gods and demons.

The huge temptation suddenly appeared, no matter whether it was a high-level monk or a low-level monk, they could not calm down.

What kind of existence is the ancient god and demon, and Mahayana monks are not enough to see it in front of it. Such a powerful existence has long become a legend.

There are many records about ancient gods and demons in the world of comprehension. It is said that ancient gods and demons possessed supernatural power and were extremely powerful from birth. They were born gods. I am very excited, not to mention, it is possible to get the inheritance of ancient gods and demons.

The Dong family and the Yelu family went straight to the core star field of the Shura battlefield, and all other forces in the cultivation world also moved.

Among the top ten forces, Taishangmen and Mu's family left immediately, and the top hundred forces and some casual cultivators all rushed towards the Asura battlefield.

It can be said that the emergence of the Golden Heavenly Gate turned the Shura battlefield into a huge vortex, attracting all the strong men.

Facing the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, no one can turn a blind eye.

"How could it be turned on?"

"Impossible, the inheritance of ancient gods and demons should be opened by me."

Jiang Taichao looked at the golden Tianmen, which was close at hand, and what was in his eyes was not excitement, but despair.

Because this is what he wanted to find the most these days. For the inheritance of the gods and demons, he took the trouble to type out the seal formula, but the result...

He was not the one who opened the inheritance of ancient gods and demons!

Was taken first!
Just a little bit.

The most depressing thing is that the location of the golden Tianmen is only a few thousand meters away, which is not far at all. That is to say, as long as he advances a day in advance, perhaps Jiang Taichao is the one who opened the place of inheritance of gods and demons.

But now, it's too late.

He failed to get the favor of the inheritance at the beginning of the inheritance of gods and demons, and he will become the most ordinary competitor like countless others who came later.

"Who is it? Who took away what should belong to me." Jiang Taichao's eyes changed from anger to murderous intent.

He is now full of murderous intent towards the person who opened the inheritance of gods and demons, because this should belong to him in the first place.

If it wasn't for meeting that damn demon cultivator.

If it weren't for the existence in the body to enter a deep sleep.

If it wasn't for being a day late.

Jiang Taichao didn't want to delay for a moment, he moved his feet, and instantly disappeared in place. After another breath, he was really standing in front of the golden gate of heaven.

The golden gate of heaven is not a real gate, but a floating shadow, with traces of water flowing on it, Jiang Taichao automatically, this must be the entrance of the inheritance of ancient gods and demons.

Without hesitation, Jiang Taichao rushed in immediately.

He wants to find the guy who opened the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, and he wants to take back the opportunity that belongs to him, Jiang Taichao.

Since the other party took away what belonged to him, he wanted that person to die.

As long as that person dies, he will be able to gain the luck of his body and be favored by the inheritance of this ancient god and devil.

Just after Jiang Taichao entered the Golden Heavenly Gate, a figure stepped out from the void, it was Yelu Kunlun who looked like a young man.

He was only one step behind Jiang Taichao.

"Huh? Was someone one step ahead of me?" Yelu Kunlun frowned.

Yelu Kunlun was also planning to enter it, but at this moment, a voice stopped him.

"Daoist Yelu, you're so fast."

Yelu Kunlun didn't rush in, he turned his head and saw an old man appearing in his field of vision, his eyes flickered and said, "So it's Daoyou Dong."

Behind the old man was the head of the Dong family and a group of elders of the Dong family, all standing quietly at the side.

The members of the Dong family were also quite surprised to see Yelu Kunlun appearing first, but there was no one else to speak here, and no one dared to interrupt indiscriminately against the opponents of the top powerhouses.

"Haha, it seems that I am not too late."

A voice suddenly came from the sky again. After a loud laugh, a fat man appeared in front of everyone. This man was none other than the top casual cultivator, He Xilai.

A look of surprise flashed in Yelu Kunlun's eyes, He Xilai's speed was really good.


There were ripples in the air again, and another figure appeared: "The inheritance of the ancient gods and demons has started, how can this kind of thing be missed, and several fellow Taoists are here."

An old man with immortal demeanor and white eyebrows and hair appeared. He was also a top powerhouse in the Mahayana realm.

In a short while, four or five Mahayana-level powerhouses appeared, and this number is still increasing rapidly.

The inheritance of ancient gods and demons was opened, and all the strong men who stood at the top of the cultivation world rushed over quickly, so it was a matter of front and back.

In just a few breaths, as many as ten Mahayana monks have gathered.

It made those casual cultivators who came here, as well as monks who were in the Nascent Soul Realm and the Aperture Realm, all silent and afraid to approach.

Even the top powerhouses haven't entered the Golden Heavenly Gate, how can others dare to enter first.

(End of this chapter)

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